Chereads / Moon Valley's Legendary Farmer / Chapter 21 - 021~The Giant Weed Mimic

Chapter 21 - 021~The Giant Weed Mimic

"A giant weed mimic. I hope it gives me something good then!" Aya says. She wastes no time summoning her companions into battle, knowing the battle would be smoother with them beside her.

"I'm counting on you guys!" she says. Rabbit Knight nods, while Spirte buzzes excitedly around.

The Mimic attacks first, heading straight for Aya who had disturbed its rest with her weeding efforts. The attack misses, making Aya cackle with glee as her party's turn came.

Aya lashes at the creature with her sword, dealing 25 damage to her target. Rabbit Knight activates his skill leaping at the mimic, he slashes at the vines with his rapier.

[Rabbit Knight Cast Slash (03 MP)]

Slashing the boss for a total of 12 Damage. The Weed Mimic howls in agony, digging its roots deep into the ground, causing the weeds to spread all over the lawn.

"So that's why the lawn was overgrown even when I cut it." Aya says.

[Sprite cast Sting (01 MP)]

The fairy flits around doing 3 damage to the mimic. Soon it's the creature's turn.

[Giant Weed Mimic cast Thorn Bullet ]

[15 damage to all Party Members]

"I hate when they do that!" Aya growls launching another attack. She does another 25 damage, causing the monster to stagger.

Rabbit Knight and Sprite stare at each other, nodding, they launch their very first combo, the Weed Mimic doesn't know what hit it as it's blasted with stings and slashes by the duo for a total of 15 Damage.

"Nice job you two." Aya says cheering them on. Sprite puffs out her chest, in pride while Rabbit Knight proceeds to clean his whiskers.

[Battle Skill Unlocked: Rabbit Sting Combo]

The Giant weed Mimic isn't done yet, vines shoot out of the ground trapping Rabbit Knight within a thorny prison

[Giant Weed Mimic cast Bind ]

the menu says, Aya knows what the move is. She wonders how long Rabbit Knight would be trapped there unable to move.

Sprite attacks the vine instantly.

[Sprite cast Sting (01 MP)]

watching as the thorny tendril shifts, Aya attacks it too, obliterating the vine but because of this she's used up her turn.

Rabbit Knight attacks the weed mimic dealing 12 damage in retaliation. The boss attacks again

[Giant Weed Mimic cast Thorn Bullet ]

[15 damage to all Party Members]

Aya notices Sprite fall to the grassy ground, checking her summon's HP she notices it's extremely low. Aya is just about to use a potion when the Menu alerts her

[Sprite cast Cure (05 MP)]

[Sprite Recovered 10 HP]

Aya breathes a sigh of relief not wanting to know what would happen should the little Spirte's HP reach zero.

Aya attacks again dealing the same about of damage as before.

[Rabbit Knight Cast Slash (03 MP)]

And with that, the small furry create deals the final blow to the Giant Weed Mimic. The creature releases one final shriek of anguish before it scatters into piles of leaves and roots

[Lawn Boss: Giant Weed Mimic Defeated]

[Yvlena Acquired

EXP: 156/730


Wild Seeds x20

Fiber x100

Rare Seed x5


Grass Stone (High Grade) x1

Grass Stone (Low Grade) x2


Simple Basket Recipe(Common)

Simple Torch Recipe (Common)


Moon Points x5000

Moon Gems x100]

"Thank goodness." Aya says with a sigh of relief, she falls back into her chair reading the items she got off the Giant Mimic.

"I wonder what the rare seed is, could it possibly be the Everbloom?" she asks in excitement. Looking around the lawn, it seemed defeating the Lawn boss had cleared up a large portion of the Rose Manor's front area.

"Not bad."

[Rabbit Knight gained a level +1]

[Skill: Slash leveled up]

[Sprite gained a level +1]

"They're getting so strong, soon we'll be able to take on all these bosses with ease." Aya says.

[Your crops are thirsty]

The notification tells her, she retrieves the watering can from her inventory and proceeds to water the wild seed. the little growths sprout further nearing the point of harvest.

Aya wondered what plants would sprout from the mysterious wild seeds, she had a whole bunch of them to plant now.

"I'll till the ground later, for now, I guess I'll just keep weeding. The Manor's front is almost visible, I just have to reach the statues." Aya says.

With a swipe of his rapier Rabbit Knight clears a bunch of thick weeds.

"Rabbit knight?" Aya gasps watching him clear the thick, sprouts.

[Yvlena Acquired


Common Spice (Herb) x2

Fibre x10]

"Good job!" she says cheering the Rabbit on, with his help there was no doubt they would reach the statues in a bit.

"I have enough for the Adiri specs, I guess fighting that mimic boss wasn't so bad after all." Aya says. "I'll visit Risel later."

Aya dismisses her summons, logging out of the game for the evening. Her eyes rove over the tiny kitchen, room, and bathroom.

She stands, stretching her arms until her shoulders pop satisfyingly. Her stomach rumbles, growling loudly for Aya to feed it.

"Well dang, I better eat something before I starve to death." She chuckles.

Heading to the kitchen she boils some rice from her freshly bought groceries, topping it off with some vegetables, meat, and soy sauce, the girl begins to devour her food.

In a moment she's staring at an empty rice bowl with nary a grain left.

"I must have been hungrier than I thought." she laughs, setting the dish in the sink."

She picks her phone up to once again check the time, 8:39 PM flashes across her home screen.

"Hm, I could take a little break from the game and play later. Maybe I'll watch a movie or something."

Jumping into bed she remembers she put the water stone up for auction.

"I wonder if anyone bought it." she says, opening the app to check.

Clicking the auction house tab, she finds the item had indeed been bought

"Who?!" scanning the layout further she finds a note from the buyer telling her to value her products more.

"What a nice guy!" Aya says. She pauses running the calculations in her head. "If I convert it all I'd have enough to fix the Icarus gear!" her phone slips from her hand, landing on the bed with a plop.

Aya grabs her head trying to process what she's seeing. From a sale alone, she made back her rent and utilities.

'I could quit my job.' she thinks hopefully. Tears well up in her eyes. 'I could quit my job.'

In an instant Aya makes the decision, for her mother and for her future.

[Convert All Gold?]

(Transaction cannot be reversed)


she hits the yes button watching all the gold in her inventory disappear.

a sum of 447.12 hits her account, giving her the total sum she would need to repair the Icarus gear.

Aya collapses on her bed, exhausted. Never once did she think she would ever have to make such a decision. There was no going back now. Moon Valley had earned her commitment.

It isn't long before she's once again asleep.


Aya awakes with a bitter taste in her mouth and stiffness in her neck from the awkward position she'd slept in. She sits up, cracking her back in the process. Swinging her legs over the bed, she stands, only to wobble and stumble forward.

"That was some night." she mutters groggily. Reasonably with all the excitement from yesterday, it was only plausible she would feel this way. she heads over to the shower to begin her day.


Walking through the streets of her neighborhood Aya heads into the local junk shop with the heavy box containing the Icarus gear, excitement fills her to the brim, a wide smile stretches across her face so much so that one might think she was insane.

She steps in, dodging some children and teenagers on their way out while an older man calls after them to pay what they owe.

"What can I do you for missy?" the old man says, wiping down the wooden workbench he currently leans on. He has a gruff but deeply accented voice as he speaks to Aya.

Aya carefully places the box on the table for the man to sift through. She uses this time to get a better look at him. The junk shop owner is a large, pink faced man seemingly almost out of breath.

His tall, heavy set figure would make anyone think twice about messing with his shop but his bushy white mustache and glowing bald head make for an interesting appearance in Aya's opinion.

He lifts an eyebrow peaking inside, a deep chuckle escapes him.

"Well, well if it isn't Daichi's old gear." the old man says. Aya gasps.

"You recognize it?"

"Can't forget this beat up old thing, which brings me to question how you got it." the old man says. He pins her with a look before grabbing a large wrench and pointing it at her.

"Did you steal it?!"

Aya yelps, startled by the accusation.

"I-I didn't, he gave that to me before he left!" she shouts back making the old man pause.

"Is your name Aya by any chance?" he asks, pinching the bridge of his nose in what she assumes to be embarrassment.

Aya nods vigorously, taking a hesitant step back. The man coughs, trying to hide his blush.

"Look, er…I apologize for my initial outburst, you see there's a lot of crime around these parts." he says, putting the heavy wrench away.

"I understand," Aya says quietly. "Honestly I had to fight off two muggers on my way here." she says with a laugh. The old man gives a chuckle too.


"So Daichi said it'll take about 500 Lue to fix?" Aya says. The old man scratches his head.

"Well, the problem is that was back then, the parts needed to fix this are way off the market now. They've been out of stock for a while." he says.

"What?" Aya says, hanging her head in defeat, something in her had known it was too good to be true. A VR headset as popular as the Icarus for only 500 Lue? fat chance.

"What am I going to do now?" Aya says.

Another hurdle on her path to finding out what happened to her parents.

"Don't fret missy." The old man says, resting on his workbench. "For the money you've got, I can find you something better." his friendly voice raise her hopes.

He gives her a gesture, telling her to wait only a moment while he ventures to the area behind the shop.

Aya can't help but remember the time she cleaned with Risel, maybe she could help him around the shop sometime. The overflowing shelves and gadgets look like they could topple over any moment and Aya knows she's strong enough to put things in order.

The old man returns placing a box down on the workbench.

"Ah, here were are."