Arrie gritted her teeth as she watched Daisy come out of the dying flames unscathed. She winced and took some steps back, keeping her eye fixed in her enemy.
Daisy walked out with a grin on her face. "Well. I can't blame you, Monsters have been on a self imposed exile for a while now. So I guess you won't be able to tell a wolf from a fox."
"It doesn't matter!" Arrie spat out in anger, glaring at her enemy with eyes that could kill. "Be it a fox, a wolf or a phoenix. We will destroy them, and be victorious."
"Then show me." Daisy said gesturing at Arrie to attack with her finger.
Arrie gripped her pole tighter, took a deep breath and resumed her attack.
As she rushed at Daisy, spikes made from stone formed from nothing in the sky over her and flew at Daisy at shocking speed.