I fired the squirt gun multiple times on the smoke demon boss, and the holy water scrapes the body of the smoke demon rapidly. After a while, the amount of smoke that it has is not enough to keep in shape, and the smoke demon boss just disappears into thin air without any sound.
With this, we've achieved victory.
After the smoke demon disappeared, I landed my butt on the ground and placed the squirt gun away. I was laughing a little after sitting down, and I can see Nico approaching hurriedly after seeing me sit down.
"We've done it. We've won."
I said proudly and turned my eyes towards the exit that was behind the smoke demon boss. The opened door is no longer covered in an invisible green wall, so it simply means that the demon's powers have disappeared.
We have cleansed the place successfully.
"Oh? Is that so? That was easy."
Nico sat down not far from me, and he placed the gun on the ground as well. He noticed how sweaty I was, and he quickly asked.