"I see… Well, for sure, I definitely do not have a say regarding your relationship between one another. But, I do want to point out something.
You and Nick aren't dating. He only sees you as his friend, and nothing else. It's also not your business to be anywhere close to him. Don't you agree?"
Her words do strike the sensitive parts. It's true, Nico and I aren't dating at all. We were only allied in arms, fighting together against demons. Our relationship mostly circles around that area, and any one of us could find somebody else to be our boyfriend or girlfriend.
Her words made it sound like she knows Nico deeply. It was as if she knew that Nico genuinely only sees me as his friend, and nothing else.
But, I also know Nico. Maybe I've only known him for less than a week, but I already know what his behavior is like towards me. It was not the behavior of someone who treats me as his friend.