It was a moment on wait. Time to explode. Time to do undo and show he had some secret which he knew which no other person know. He was there to market his church. At least to be called again. He could talk now without the bible, but could say my bible say without chapters and verses and when it would be time to know the part of the bible he might say things in deep tones to make one forget his questions and troubles. He could recommend another moment and hour for God. Africa. The most religious continent but had the most corrupt and selfish rulers and people. Now he came. He could speak. He could speak, shout, dance, run, command, divide, rule, tie witches and wizards, loose witched and caged and remove and place courses, heal and breakthrough, preach and…He could really say anything to find his way into the heart of his listeners and to impress his master. He was of course a paid liar who recommends who God calls to himself in the heavens. He was up to any special trick at anytime. With struggle and consistent shouting and prophecies of doom to other politicians who could not fulfill their legal and moral duty to the citizens, and how rosy the future would be for the family of the diseased now that Mr. Zack was no more, he persuaded his listeners to believe him. The more his speech, the more it becomes forceful, giving them a make-believe that it was all that God wanted them to know at that moment. Brilliantly, he delivered his sermon with all skills known imploring, threatening enemies and blessing the innocent living.
The guests entertained were pensive. The scene was so pathetic that many could not easily tear themselves away quickly to the assortment of drinks and fancy foods which had a remarkable torch and which was offered plenty to them. The epoch –making occasion was a classic study of national unity and religious harmony. They were truly being sympathetic to the widow and her children. Virtually every members of the audience came-from the topmost echelon of Christendom and Islam. It was purely an interfaith funeral service because of his involvement with almost all religion. In the main, they comprised senior pastors, bishops, from across the diverse Christendom denominations and few Imams. Then Imam and many Islamic devotees came out of sympathy and good record of the deceased. Yet, they followed the rules of standing and sitting during the service and kept some miles apart from many rules. Muslims are really loyal worshipers of Allah by their admittance. They could be like Jesus who died for 'Christianity' in dying for Muhammad and see that his standard of worship was kept as it is. Christians are more of hypocrites who could disappoint Jesus to find their way. They could compromise to find their way. As a way to kill the zeal of the prospective converts, something like this could be read 'The people formed a ring around us as I was protecting him. Then a man drew his sword and cut off his son's foot so that he fell down and Umayya [the boy's father] let out a cry such as I have never heard… They hewed them to pieces with their swords until they were dead'. A blow. Yet nothing was so true about it.
These religious leaders came in their regal best resplendent in splendors and magnificence. Some came in their awe inspiring clerical costumes, others in dazzling Agbada's and Babariga's. They all came in one purpose –to celebrate, the passing of the man behind the death mask.
These men in the gorgeous robbers and expensive cars drained the country dry and grew fat necked in the process and it was as though the death had widened their opportunity to drain the country as soon as they could. The door for more stealing had been opened for them to do their worst. They were oozing with life and had almost everything money could buy. Some happy, others unhappy. It was the right thing anyway.