The vice principal arrives in front of the podium of the White room where the portal stands and claps his hands so that he gets their attention
"wow he works his ass off and no one seems to pity him"
says Alan with a look of pity on his face at the same time looks Mi Sang Hee at him like he is crazy and Nadine only looks at Alan with an expression that he is trash that no one wants
'I understand what he is talking about but the others arent reader of your novel'
lampooned Kim Yong as he walks to the back so that he is one of the first who get out
"Hey where are you going?"
Ask Benjamin with a hint of curiosity in his eyes also Mi Sang Hee as well as Nadine walked behind him and waited curious for his answer which gives Kim Yong a bad feeling but he ignores it
"i am only going near the Exit to be the first one to exit the building since I need to meet someone outside"
all of them except Alan knew that he is a friend of Ben and Rica however only Benjamin knew that he wants to meet the blacksmith thus he asked a question that made Kim Yong wants to murder him
"Can we go with you all together to your meeting with the person?"
Alan had a bad feeling however he wants to meet the person Kim Yong is talking about and wants look just how much he ruined his story already as a result he questioned him too
"Do you dont want us to be with you because you are going to meet a girl?"
or provoke him which didnt worked against Kim Yong but Mi Sang Hee who got the job to watch over kim Yong that he doesnt love any other girl than Hella knew she needs to step up
"Kim Yong if you meet a girl I am going to come with you and assess the girl if she matches your vibe or not"
Kim Yong is sighing at the same time he looks at them like they are Idiots who wants to get on his nerves, of course from his perspective because for them he looks like he was caught and is getting frustrated because of it
"Kim Yong for how long do you meet this girl?"
"Kim Yong for how long did you know this girl?"
"Kim Yong why do you meet other women in your free time?" "Kim Yo-"
Mi Sang hee bombarded him with questions and is looking at Alan who steps ten steps away from him out of fear
'I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked up'
was the only thought Alan has as Kim Yong heared someone clapping his hand and creating shockwaves with it to Alans luck Kim Yong shortly forgot why he was angry
all of them looked at the vice principal who seems to look at them and then looks at the other Top 20 of the leaderboard after that he claps his hands together one last time and looks at all of them
"Thank you for your particpation in the re exams as you know some of you need to go and a little amount of you people here will be accepted to Nexus-"
he shortly stopped talking overlooking the room to see their reaction as well as give them time to understand what he said
"as the vice principal my decisions werent important as I am only the Person who says to you who got accepted and who needs to go home-"
he waited again to tense up the situation which worked perfectly for all of the person who didnt were in the top 50s
"The results were sent to me and will be displayed on the Hologram behind me however if your name isnt on it you didnt even need to go to a different prestigious school as that are this is the rating system of all of them-"
Alan is bored and forgot that he made Kim Yong angry who is pretty petty when it comes to such things as Kim Yong shot as everyone was quiet a small needle in Alans private area
that shriek sounded so feminine that people were shocked that it was a boy and the vice principal who built up his prank looked at Alan like he murdered his whole family for ruining the vibe
'I want to kill myself right more than i wanted to in my past life'
as everyone realizes that something sting his private area they are laughing at him for being a crybaby or for being more feminine than women or and that is the highlight for all of them for being the first person on the blacklist of the vice principal
^Boom^ ^whoosh^
a clap like thunder resounded through the room as the vice principal wants to talk again and gives Alan a death stare
"Ahem as I said before I am the vice principal Blaize Kane and here are the results"
as the results are shown everyone is speechless looking at the screen as there stands that all of them have pass the exam and a congratulation that they worked hard as well as motivational words like the future looks bright with you all her or some other edgy shit
"Congratulation on being accepted into Nexus you have 1 week before the school begins to teleport to Nexus at this teleporter but the start ceremony is in four days where you need to be there in order not to get minus points at the first day"
after he said those words the doors were opened as well as the teleporter however Kim Yong walked out of the room the fastest followed by the other four
"You shot the needle against it right?"
Alan ask Kim Yong that doesnt answer him and walks to the person he needs to meet at the same time Benjamin and Mi Sang Hee couldnt hold back anymore and laughed like they had never before had such a good laugh
"Oy wait I am not done with y-"
before Alan could finish his sentence a fist landed in his face and slams him into the ground almost knocking him unconscious
"You thief have luck that you are one of Kim Yongs friends or I would smashed your face open!"
everyone looks at Alan in shock at that revelation that he steals Artifacts from a Blacksmith
'so he really was the Idiot that stole the Artifacts'
as he looks at Alan slowly gettung on his feets as he staggers from one side to another and almost falls
'not that it surprises me that he is the one who did it as the Creator of the novel he could really taken anything he wanted'
lampooned Kim Yong with a smile on his face as he sees how Alan slowly gets his control of his body again and walks like a normal human
"Let me show you my Blacksmith store and after that can you take your Item if it is okay with you"
Kim Yong simply said yes and they walked to his blacksmith as well as talk with the Blacksmith Clivar about his creations.