Chereads / Dîva / Chapter 15 - Wara (Part 2)

Chapter 15 - Wara (Part 2)

Yhra stared at Wara smiling at her and her hand held out with a bewildered expression.

"Hello, I am Wara." Confused, Yhra turned to the men who were staring at them like they were expecting one of them to explode. She spotted the child staring back with wide eyes like it was strange for the woman to be friendly.

She turned back to Wara and accepted the handshake. A thousand chills ran down her spine and she snatched her hand back. "Yhra." Her voice shook a little as she raised her voice a little which startled the men.

She noticed Wara shift her eyes to assess the child then glare at Nak. She noted to ask about it later. Now the woman was awake, she noted immediately that she was not at all human but was not any of the creatures she had met either. She also noted to ask Nak where he had met her since she had run asking for Nak.

Nak will be shocked when he hears all the questions she had for him. She thought to herself and smiled.

"Is something funny?" Wara's voice startled Yhra and she jumped.

"Not at all. Nice to meet you." Both women assessed each other with a wary glance. Wara could tell this was no ordinary woman. This was the first woman she had met that looked plain. It was strange. She had no special feature save for the fact that she had a lighter skin tone than hers. But she could sense power. Her eyes were hardened like Pax's eyes; eyes that had witnessed a lot.

Yhra narrowed her eyes. Wara had spoken in her father's tongue. She had learnt the general language as her father had called it, expecting no one else outside the veil to understand it but here was this strange woman who could now speak it.

"Good. You seem like a reasonable person, these have all acted irrationally since I met them. One talked to me without knowing whether I could end him. The others ran away from me. I excuse the child but those two are fools."

Wara knew and saw the confusion on Yhra's face immediately. She immediately concluded that Yhra could not comprehend her immediately conversing with her after they had just met. She had no idea what she was doing. She wished not to look like a fool in front of the woman who looked like a fierce warrior. The blood and dagger had made an impression on Wara who now respected her. The cherry on top was the wariness she had shown.

"Right." The caution in Yhra's voice could not be missed. She turned to look at the others who stared at her mouth agape and snapped.

"What?" that seemed to bring them back to their senses and they all scurried away. Where they were headed, Wara had no idea. She stared at Yhra, impressed. The men were afraid of her. Only Fjammi stayed back and she noted it was to help remove the remains of the beasts she had killed in her tent.

With all the commotion outside, no one had heard the fight. She had killed three.

Zola ran to hug Wara immediately as soon as Nak had disappeared. "Nya. What was that?" he asked, staring at Wara with wide eyes. She rubbed his head but did not answer.

Since she was no longer distracted by Yhra, she took her time to examine the destruction she had caused. Her heart sank low as she looked at trees that had been uprooted and grass that had been singed. 'This would not do.' She thought to herself. 'I have to fix this.'

She calmly walked around Zola and crouched on the open field, examining the grass. With a deep breath, she whispered a few words and placed her hands on the ground. Her veins became prominent on her hands and they looked like liquid flowed through them and out her fingers. The wind whooshed around her hair as she "reversed" all the damage she had caused to the forest.

By then, Yhra and Fjammi had gotten rid of the bodies and there was now a fire right beside the shed. They stopped and stared at Yhra who had been crouched in her position for a while. The child had fallen asleep, sitting with his legs tucked in and his chin resting on his chest.

"Where did Nak find her?" Fjammi asked the question that had been resting at the top of her head since she'd met the strange woman named Wara.

Wara turned, the smell of burning beasts irritating her senses and obliterated them into thin air in the blink of an eye, sighing in satisfaction when the horrible stench had been cleansed and turned to smile warmly at the sleeping child.

She picked him up and placed his head on her shoulder, the heavy size of Zola not bothering her at all.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I have now repaid your kindness and will be on my way shortly. But that will be after I collect something of mine i have reason to believe Nak has with him."

Yhra stared,dumbfounded. Who was this woman who rendered her speechless?

She recalled the men telling tales of "she-who-would-not-be-named" and wondered whether if it was she who had returned.

"I will show you to your tent." Yhra decided and lead Wara to the tent she had put up previously. Perhaps she could get a better explanation when Nak got back. 


Fjammi stared intently at the exiting women's back. They had spoken in a different language entirely and something about the way Wara was fluent with it was somewhat odd to him. Like it was not supposed to be.

He wondered if she was the one "she" had told him would come.

He tried to recall the name he had been told and noticed the names somewhat rhymed with hers. "Yhra,Wara and the last"

Sica would not like this development, He decided.

It was the middle day and worst day of the dies lucis and Fjammi wondered why he had not yet burst into a bright inferno of flames. He at first ruled it to be burnt out by the earlier event with the beasts but could still feel his flames humming in his veins.

It was Wara. Her presence was as calming as Hers. He would have noticed earlier when they first met but had panicked and run to hide for fear he should hurt her.

It had been long since he could confidently call his flames without worrying for the safety of his protectors.

His hands burned bright orange as the flames danced beneath his skin.

A smile appeared on the young one's face. Perhaps Wara was not the destruction Sica feared she would be.

He would have to think of a way to convince her to stay.