What births wilfulness? Alot if things are considered when tackling such a behaviour....but what happens when it's instilled into a princess like a norm? Well.....
Lazin Ora, the one and only Princess in the Ora Kingdom was the definition of wilful, stubborn and hard headed. Having been the girl if the house, she was pampered spoilt in her childhood days and all that came back to bite them when she was old enough and expected to act like the royal lady she was!
The lovable princess aged the king beyond his age with the stunts she kept pulling, the royal princes could only indulge her since she was their baby sister and would be there to protect for her and provide for her in the future.
Where is your sister?" The man seated at the throne with deep gray eyes and black hair with a few shots blooming asked in his stern voice having seen not seen his daughter when he called for the family meeting.