Chereads / azathoths adventure at hogwarts / Chapter 2 - CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2 - CHAPTER 2

handing the will over to ragnuk who looks over it "I don't know griphook go get the potter family accountant while I explan who these people are" rugnak says. griphook goes to fetch the potter family accountant

"okay Andromeda tonks now black since she found out her husband was cheating on her with his secretary so she kicked him out she also has a teenager who's in fourth year at Hogwarts she's also technically Hadrian's grandmother through his father side since his mother was a black then there his Godfather wait Godfather if he is his godfather an he did the godfather Ritual an he betrayed them he should be dead but he's not hes in Azkaban that would mean he's innocent" ragnuk explains.

"wait what's Azkaban" he asks. "Azkaban is where we send are prisoners who doesn't go through the veil it's where dementors" ragnuk says.

"what's a dementor does it look like this" he asks an he waves he's hand an a being with a Cloak no face and floating. "yes it looks like that" ragnuk says.

"that's a magical reaper it's only goes after Magical beings whose time is up to being alive anyways tell me about the others names then tell me where's Azkaban is so i can get him out then get my grandson first put my home on the land you got me but before that I go to hogwarts an ask professor binns to move on then wait a day for them to find out that he moved on then see if i can get hired " he says.

"alice and frank Longbottom was tortured by death eaters using cruciatus curse for a long time they have a son Neville Longbottom whos going to hogwarts this year their in sanit mungus right now" ragnuk says.

"the cruciatus curse the one that restarts the heart and the nerves in a body the killing curse was for killing dying cattle and the impiro curse was to stop suiciders" he says.

"they was made for that anyways you need anything else you don't need to be here while I questions the potter family accountant almost forgot Azkaban right here " ragnuk says.

while pointing at a map on the wall "thanks and no I don't need anything else bye" he says.

while picking up the land document and history of magic paper and teleporting to hogwarts. Once he gets close by he sense the wards are weakend so he goes to the heartstone and see there cracks in it.

he puts he's hand on it and fixing its upgrades the wards reactivate some get rid some adds some while doing that he senses some one behind him.

he turns and sees hogwarts in her human form but she's pale an walking with a limp she makes it to him an falls on to him.

He catches her an lifts her up waves his hand and make a bed appear he puts her on it and make sure she still alive once he know she's okay for now.

He goes back to fixing things he's adds rape which tells him when someone about to get raped a dark artifact Ward which tells if there's a dark artifact on the grounds.

he adds battle Wards that adds lasers that attack things that attack hogwarts with the intent to hurt the children war wards that make hogwarts impenetrable from anything.

He increases the Leylines under the castle from five to twenty then adds an absorption wards that absorbs ambient magic in the air then increase the wards to cover hogsmeade once he does he looks over to hogwarts.

and sees that she much better than before then she's wakes up and runs and kisses azathoth and pulls back "I missed you love " hogwarts says.

"I missed you too now I'll be right back then your going to come and see your sister wives since you don't need to be here all the time now since I made it sow you can leave but you still can watch what's going on " he says.

and teleports to the history of magic room and sees professor binns floating there " professor binns do you want to move on" azathoth ask. he looks up with hope in his eyes " yes I want to but who will take over my class " binns asks.

"I will now then step through this portal to move on" he says. he snaps his fingers an make a portal to the afterlife show up which binns fly through once he's through it closes.

Azathoth teleports back to hogwarts and instends his hand for which she grabs and they teleports to the land that he got.

He places his hand on the ground an summons his home from the void he leads hogwarts to the house in the middle.

he introduces her then explains what's going on. Once a a day passes he goes to diagon ally an see a postion for history of magic which he submits his application reach.

Once Dumbledore sees his application he's immediately gets hired a day passes an a letter arrives telling him hes hired. He goes and tell his wives he's got hired.

He also tells them hes going to get hes grandson. he uses he's senses to see where he's at then teleports near he's location.

if you want to know what is at his home then go read my other book the story of how it all started