Chereads / azathoths adventure at hogwarts / Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 3

Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 3

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He walks up to the door and knocks on the door he hears someone walk over to the door and turn the door handle an open the door once it's opens he sees a man.

"who are you" the man ask. "I'm here for my grandson before you say hes not here i know he is so we can do this the easy way or the hard way"azathoth says " there's no one here but me my wife and my son now goodbye" he says an slams the door.

"why does everybody picks the hard way i just asked for my grandson why couldn't he pick the easy ways but no he picked the hard way" he says and teleports to Buckingham.

He walks up to the gate guard "I'm here to see the queen" he says. "do you have an appointment" the guard asks. "no just tell her azathoth is here to see here and it's important " he says.

"you can't see her without a appointment" the guard says. "just ask over the radio" he says. "fine stay right there" the guard says and goes over to the radio.

"there's someone called azathoth here to see the queen ask if she know anyone with that name" the guard asks. after a few minutes "yes she does he can come in he knows the way" someone says.

over the radio the guy puts the radio back and walks back over to the window "you can go in let me just open the gate" the guard says and presses a button which opens the gate. azathoth walks through and goes to the front door and sees a butler once he's infront of him.

"this way sir" the butler and walk away with azathoth following him he leads him to the queens office once there he knocks on the door. "come in" a women says on the otherside they walk in.

Looking at some paper on a desk Is the queen "what do you need " she asks while still looking at the papers. "there's a azathoth here to see you" the butler says

the queen quickly looks up and sees azathoth. "leave us" she tells the butler "yes my queen" butler says and leaves the room and closes the door.

"hello granddaughter did you miss me" he asks she gets up and walks up to him and slaps him "where have you been" she yells.

Then she hugs him while crying after a few minutes she pulls back "you okay now" he asks "yeah I am what are you doing here anyways" she asks.

"you might want to sit down for this" he says "okay" she says then sits on the couch with azathoth sitting opposite of her.

once their each are sitting "are you ready" he asks "yes I'm ready" she says he starts explaining what happened so far. "that's what happened" he says

"what do you need" she says "do you still have that phone" he asks.

"your talking about that phone right if so I do why" she asks "do you have it with you" he ask. "yes why" she asks

"can i use it" he asks "sure here" she says and pulls a phone out of her pocket he takes it from her hand.

He goes to the contacts and the only one is named Eadf he presses call and puts it up against he's ear and waits for them to answer.

after waiting a few seconds someone answers

"password" a male ask "it's me azathoth" he says. "if it's really you azathoth what was my old name" the male asks "it was Ezio Auditore da Firenze" he says.

"It is you what do you need my friend" ezio asks "do you still have your gear" he asks

"yes I do why" ezio asks. "meet me at the brotherhood bass near Buckingham I'll tell you when you get there make sure you bring your gear" he says

"it must be important if you want to meet there okay then I'll see you there my friend" ezio says then hangs up azathoth then hands the phone back to the queen who puts it back in her pocket he then stands up.

"sorry granddaughter but I need to go see you later" he says she stands up then hugs him "see you later grandfather" she says then pulls back he then teleports back home to the vault.

He then opens the vault then walks inside and goes to the Armour and weapon section then goes to a side room with stand in the middle with some Armour on it with glass cases around it.

He walks to the left Case in the front first and opens it to see two gauntlets with a bunch of parts beside them he picks the gauntlets up.

"hello old friends now let's put you together" he says.

then puts one down he picks up the grappling hook first then puts it in the slot at the top and makes it so he just have to think hook.

Then he grabs two round cartridges of poison in put it beside. Then hooks it up to the hidden blade so he just have to think posion to posion the blade.

He then grabs the poison dart launcher and puts it on the bottom then hooks it up this time instead of poison he has to think dart He sets down that one and picks up the other gauntlet.

He picks up the chain dart launcher and puts it up top then makes it so he just have to think chain then grabs two batteries and hooks it up to the hidden blade and makes it so he just have to think shock to electrify the blade.

He then summons a case and opens it and puts them inside then puts it down. He then walks over to the right case and opens it and picks up his weapon "hello my dear did you miss me" he asks while looking at her.