After Quill's short tour, due to him being needed by someone he had called into his office, and then him going off to speak to them, I'm back next to the lake, concentrating hard on the way the kelpies dive down in the waters, then reappear. I use raw meat to entice them, the smell of blood catching their attention.
More than once, the kelpie tries to take my bracelet. I don't scold them for their nature; they're tied to me because of the bridle I managed to catch. My reflexes from moving my hand away have also improved, and I take great care to ensure that the chain never slips off by accident.
Someone behind me clears their throat, and when I turn, Cersei is there, a blank expression on her face.
"Your betrothed wishes for you to clean up and have supper with him. It will just be the two of you in the great hall." she says, and I nod, wiping sweat off my brow.