Skull's Havoc- 5

Tanveer looked in his watch and it was 11:30 in the night, he said to Arun "Hey man, we did not know how long we were running, it will be midnight after half an hour, we spent a lot of time in the hotel

Wasted in the affair of drinking".

"I wasted all the intoxicants, those alcoholics chased me, just enjoyed the time they were sitting in that hotel, later, the gang of alcoholics took off all the intoxicants in Bhagadori, thank you, I have another half

The bottle of rum was bought separately and already kept in the bag, when you say it, the mood will be set once more", said Arun driving the car to Tanveer..

Tanveer looked at Arun in surprise and said, "You are also incomprehensible, Arun, we were going to die here a while back and you still have to taste alcohol".

"If you don't remember, then remind me, perhaps you had shown the hero fallen in the hotel, otherwise today this situation would not have happened, nor would we have to run to get rid of those drunkards, nor would we leave our highway from this village, catching the way out where there are deserted forests on both sides of the road", said Arun to Tanveer in a sense of sarcasm.

"What should I do, man, that drunkard was molesting this girl, I can't keep up, think if someone knew you instead, you would have left her in trouble", Tanveer asked Arun while presenting himself.

Arun smiled and said, "To give your defense, someone should learn from you".

"Hello Tanveer, how did you leave me and run away, today you showed the same robber look, what did you think you survived me , I told you that if I wanted, your father and doctor could have already died, did it feel like that I was confined to that box", Tanveer and Arun gets terrified on hearing that terrible sound, Arun's feet automatically press on the brakes and both of them together look back on the back seat, it is that

The girl had said from whom the commander was speaking, that girl's gesture, tone, voice everything had changed, the hair was scattered which was covering the face from the front, the pupils of the eyes had turned red, which in the night

She was shining inside the car.

Tanveer and Arun's condition had worsened due to fear, both of their faces were stunned, as if fear had frozen them.

The commander's spirit that entered the girl said to them, "drive the car and walk to the farm house without showing any intelligence", the girl had a look of anger on her face.

Arun started the car and once again the car started for the farm house.

Tanveer gathers a little courage and asks the commander "Tell me one thing, how did you find both of us and what is the real purpose of saving everyone's life for so many years, I don't remember anything of my 300 years ago birth, I am in this dilemma,

I am confused whether you are telling the truth or there is some other secret behind this which you are hiding from me", Tanveer ends his talk and looks at the commander.

The girl who had the soul of the commander, listening to Tanveer's words, said, "I already knew that you would not believe so easily, yet I told you earlier also that I will not harm you until my purpose is not fulfilled and until you don't introduce us to Dr. Zakir, and if you had agreed then you hadn't ruined today's day, we would have left for Kanpur's Badi Haveli together" he looked into the girl's spiritual eyes, then immediately started looking at Arun.

Arun's face turned white with fear. It seemed that he was holding his breath, seeing his pathetic condition, Tanveer said to him, "Brother, now I drive the car, you must be very tired, Commander, can I drive... Ammm", Tanveer asked the girl who was sitting on the back seat, the spirit of the commander.

The commander's spirit agreed and Arun stopped the car and made Tanveer sit on the steering.

Tanveer starts the car and their journey starts once again,

" Ha... Ha... Ha...

My name is Radhika and your sister's name is Sarita isn't it you alcoholic ", the commander's spirit questions Arun in such a funny way that Tanveer laughs after hearing that.

"How did you know my history, you have told everything right", Arun says to the commander in a nervous tone, saying Arun wipes his sweat.

"You started sweating even in such a cold, you had no faith in the past, have seen it today and on seeing it turned wet yellow, we all know the past, present and future of whomever we see once.

"Drunker, as I just learned about you", the commander looks at Arun as he speaks.

"Why are you speaking drunker and drunken again and again..... my name is Arun", says Arun, objecting to the commander.

"If you don't call a drunker a drunker , what will you say..... First, the drunker asks you to take his name with honour , oh you drunker I will call you drunker... what will you do to your father?" Commander tells Arun, Tanveer was smiling after listening to both of them.

Arun agrees with the commander out of fear and says "Call whatever you want, but tell me one thing, what is the matter of the box you were talking about living in", Arun is surprised by the commander.

He looks back.

The commander explains the whole story to him in detail, but does not tell him about the diamonds that Dr Zakir gave to Tanveer's father.

Hearing the words of the commander, Arun says, "Till today I kept asking Tanveer about the secret of the big mansion , but never gave me the right answer, today I came to know that by not revealing the secret, it stopped me from believing it."

It was believed that ghosts are not in reality, till today only read in stories, today even seen in reality", said Arun, looking at Tanveer, to the commander.

"What does really happen after death, Commander...what happens to a person who is stuck in time like you, I just want to know how you travel every night between death and life", Arun asked the commander

At first the commander started laughing then said "You want us to tell all your secrets so that you can stop our coming and going even at night, ha... ha... ha..... now listen in the three worlds this universe is divided, into heaven world, earth world, half world, human beings who die unnaturally are stopped in the half world, which is the part of the moon where the sunlight never falls, only during the eclipse it falls and the sun opens the door of justice for the justice of those souls... those who die of natural death go straight to heaven on the basis of their deeds, otherwise, they take birth back, the main gate for the arrival of these souls is the planet Venus, because the time of Venus is much faster than the rest of the planets, the reason is that Venus rotates clockwise and all other planets rotate counterclockwise, due to which their time and knowledge is far behind that of Venus, that is why my soul reaches the half world in the morning and reaches back to its body as soon as time comes , there are very few people who follow this science, well hope you understood", replied the commander, explaining Arun's question well.

The weather had turned bad outside, the rain had wreaked havoc, yet Tanveer did not face much trouble in driving, the forest path was deserted due to which there was almost no traffic on him

, Tanveer and Arun had covered that short cut of the forest in less time than what they had not covered by walking on the high way, now all were not far away from the farm house, due to the road being empty, Tanveer car was running at full speed, the reason was the Commander who appeared as their death and was sitting on the head of both of them, who had controlled the body of that unknown girl.

Even though the road was long but it was cutting smoothly while talking, now Arun and Tanveer were not having more trouble with the commander than the bad weather outside, the trio may not have friendship but to fulfill their purpose.

An agreement was reached for and the result of that agreement was that the commander had not killed both of them till now.

Everything was going well then suddenly a wild deer comes in front of the car, Tanveer tries to save it by turning the car to the other side, due to rain, Arun and Tanveer are unable to see anything properly, Tanveer's control of the car.

Car gets out of control and hits a tree.

Their car has a bad accident and in that accident Tanveer, Arun and the unknown girl get injured badly.

But there was no sign of Commander. He simply vanished away leaving all three on themselves.


© ivanmaximusedwin