Chereads / The Vampire's Priestess (GL) / Chapter 18 - Vampire City (2)

Chapter 18 - Vampire City (2)

Nadia is at a loss for words at her question, even if it is the most obvious question to ask. She fingers through her hair nervously and averts her eyes. “I wouldn’t say I have. Not really. I mean, you’re different. Growing up together like we did made me see you differently, I guess.”

“Different? How so? Is it because of my powers? Does that make my blood smell different?”

“No, your blood smells just as good as any other human.” Better than any human, in fact, but I can’t exactly say that, can I? Her cheeks become flushed slightly. “Lowell suggested that it’d be unwise for a vampire to drink your blood though, since we have no way of knowing if your powers might affect us. For all we know, just a sip could kill us in an instant. Or it could even corrupt us in unknown ways. I suppose it could even turn us human. We really don’t know.”

“Hmm...I bet he just said that to scare everyone away from the thought of trying. Otherwise, I imagine it’d have been pretty difficult for me to live in your community for so many years without incident. Even under the threat of Lowell’s command, I’m sure some would stray.”

“Well, maybe, but also keep in mind that those were religious, disciplined people. They don’t believe in drinking from human flesh. It goes against the lord’s desires. He believed in modesty and reservation in all things, even the pleasures of blood. So, one glass a day is all they afforded us, and all we honestly need to survive. Of course, for most vampires, that’s not nearly enough.”

“Wow, I did not know about any of that. You’d question if I really lived there at all.”

“Well, it’s not your culture. You had no reason to know any of that really. But that said, please be careful from now on. Hunters are scattered all over the city, of course, but they can’t be everywhere at once. Not that I expect you’ll be wandering very far without me, but there are areas to be wary of, and not all vampires have the level of control those in the convent had. Also, the food won’t necessarily be labeled as such, so don’t eat anything without confirming it’s vegan. Vegan meaning it’s free of human blood.”

“Wow, I feel like there’s so many new rules to consider now. I hope I’ll be ok. I guess that’s another reason dorm living would be out of the question for me. The food they serve is probably not vegan, is it?”

“Well, they have some options, but they are limited, as humans aren’t allowed to live there anyway. It’s more so if they visit. As long as they don’t stay overnight, it’s acceptable. There’s another big reason dorms are not co-ed between humans and vampires. Besides bloodlust, there is the matter of sexual lust to consider.”

“What? Sexual? You the birds and the bees?” She blushes at the mention of it.

“The birds and the bees is putting it lightly. You wouldn’t have seen it there naturally, but the vampire libido is something unique to our kind. Sex is a natural part of our nature, and it’s particularly enhanced when we’re exposed to humans. Vampires have always been a natural hunter of humans. Using our charms and sex appeal was historically how we attracted humans to us, so we could feed and satisfy our lust as well. Not that satisfaction can’t be had between vampires, of course, but there’s apparently a whole other level of satisfaction to be had.”

“Wow, I never would’ve guessed. Does it increase mutually for both vampires and humans?”

“Yes, it feels amazing for the human. Supposedly it’s entrancing for them, such that they won’t refuse. I’ve only heard this through Katia though, not having experienced such a thing myself.”

“Well, I imagine not. I’m the only human you’ve ever met, aren’t I? If you had, that’d mean you’ve lusted after me for all these years.” She laughs, but seeing Nadia’s awkward expression, she realizes the implications of what she just said. “I’m not saying you have! I just meant....” The mood becomes strange between them.

“Are you hungry?” Nadia quickly shifts the mood back to a casual one. “The porter already delivered our things to the apartment, so we don’t need to rush back so soon for anything. I bet you’d like to see more of the city too, right?”

“Yes, I’d like to.” Kei does her best to follow Nadia’s lead and change the flow of the conversation. “Take me to the best vegan restaurant around!” She returns to her bubbly mood.

“Definitely, I know just the place. I had Katia do some research for me before we left. It’s actually close to here.” Nadia walks the other direction but stops when she sees Kei falling behind. She reaches for her hand casually. “It’s just better if we walk this way for now. I wouldn’t want you getting turned around and lost in this crowd. It’s the middle of the night, a vampire’s prime time. If you stay close to me, you won’t be in any danger.” She waits for Kei to take her hand, looking slightly bashful, but trying to act cool.

Kei smiles, finding Nadia’s cool demeanor charming. She hadn’t realized she could be like this since she never really showed this side of her at the convent. Kei gets the impression that this really is a new start for them, and she’s suddenly excited, certain she’s going to be seeing so many new sides of Nadia.

Taking her hand, she says, “Lead me where you will. I’ll happily leave my fate in your hands.”

Nadia feels blinded by her bright smile and has to turn away before she can expose herself. They walk together down the busy city street, Nadia feeling the stir of something changing. She always knew Kei was special, but she never expected that she’d feel like this. The sensation of butterflies seems to grow every day. Pushing it from her mind, however, she welcomes Kei to Vampire City with a bang. The first of the many memories she’s sure they will make together.