Chapter 19 - DO I WANT THIS??

Well... He started.

Hey baby how are you? My mum interrupted as she got in.

Mum! I said clearly surprised trying to hide my disappointment.

I'll just see the doctor for a second. Mav said as he stepped out.

Honestly, I felt disappointed just by her showing up just when we were having an important conversation and it pained me to see his retreating back as he left the ward.

Honey, how are you feeling now?

Don't worry Mum my head hurts but it isn't severe.

Who could have done this to you? She asked with a frown as she caressed my head with her palm.

I don't know Mum, I don't know who could have done this.

What did Mav say?

He's upset he's threatening to pull me out and let me finish up only at home.

I don't blame him, cause I understand where he's coming from, just listen to him okay?

But Mum I'm his wife, he's supposed to consider my feelings too.

I know that already but he's just being careful, you recently left the hospital, and you're back here again. Do you think he likes seeing you here??

I don't know Mum... I don't know if I'm as important to him as you think.

What do you mean by that? She asked confused.

I just feel like he has no feelings for me yet.

You both just met, and you both need time for love to grow between the two of you.

But what if he never loves me?

He'll love you, but you should be patient with him. He's just being cautious. Love takes time to grow, especially in a new relationship. Give him a chance and listen to him no matter what.

Mum... I'm slowly falling for him and I don't want to fall for someone who feels nothing for me. I explained with worry.

Sympathy filled her voice as she reassured me, "I understand your fears, but trust me, everything will be alright. Love will come, just be patient with him."

Where's Dad? I asked, hoping his presence would provide some comfort.

"He couldn't come; he's at the office," she replied apologetically, leaving me longing for his support at that moment

Okay, I responded as I hoped that her reassurances would prove true. Love takes time to bloom, and I could only hope that the seeds of affection would eventually find a place to grow in Mav's heart.


So what happened today on Campus asked Jordan whose face was void of any emotions.

Well... Ryan started as he nudged Landon to speak.

I tried apologizing to her but she didn't listen, she was...

Was what Landon?

Scared to listen to me.

Smirks. You bullied her that much? Jordan asked with an evil grin.


Don't finish that sentence!! He barked infuriated. I know what bullies do, so Landon don't you dare give me the pity party apology!

Boss... Cole started but Jordan held his finger up signalling him to shut up.

Do you know where she is now?? She's in the hospital! Again... Because of your dumb ass. Kiddo I get it... you look good, but look at me, I look excellent but never have I ever bullied a guy, talk more of a woman!!

B... B... Boss, please...

Your useless girlfriend sent someone to knock her out earlier today! Now tell me, Evans... Why shouldn't I just put a bullet through your f**king brains??! He barked as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Landon.

Woah!... woah! Woah woah Boss, please... Cole and Ryan tried to beg but Jordarn's friends also held up their gun.

Boss, please... I'm sorry, I had no idea, I didn't know something like that happened, I swear boss. Landon pleaded as he panicked.

You can't be sorry every time Landon! You can't be sorry when my sister is the one always at risk. Jordan spat adjusting his gun.

Boss, please one last chance... Please! They begged together.

He pulled down his gun in fury, yes he was ruthless but maybe just maybe this kid had some positive reasons to be alive. But if he does something again he won't be the one to end him Mav will do it in the most dreaded way ever! Okay... I'll give you two days, two days for you to fix your mess.

Thank you, boss! They all exclaimed in relief.

Don't thank me yet! Because if you screw up, I won't be the one coming after you. Her husband will. Let's go he said to his friends and they all jumped into the car and drove off.

Her husband? Cole repeated after their car was out of sight.

Yes, that's what he said Ryan agreed.

That was close! Landon exclaimed sweating profusely.

Who's her husband? Cole asked.

I guess we all have to find out. Ryan said pulling out his phone from his pocket. I pray it's not what I'm thinking because if it is true we are done for!


I was dressing up when Mav entered the room without knocking. I was standing in just my bra and panties. I felt like running away but his gaze held me in place. His eyes trailed from my eyes to my lips and kept moving downwards lingering on some places more. As he stepped in shutting the door behind him he walked towards me.

Beryl... I gasped but he didn't flinch. His demeanour never changed.

He stood in front of me as his eyes continued to stare at me. He snaked an arm around me and pulled me close to him as the space became nonexistent. A burst of heat stormed through my entire body and my heartbeat quickened as he gently tilted my chin to meet his gaze, his eyes darkened and his jaw muscles twitched, the mischievous grin he had the last time was wiped from his face, he looked at me like a hunter looking at its prey, ready to devour what was in front of him and then I became more cautious of what I was wearing.

He placed his palm on my face his eyes lingering on my lips, his eyes softened as they met mine and a possessive smile flickered on his lips as he closed the gap between our lips...