Chapter 23 - DO YOU TRUST ME?

Kitten, I love your soft paws, but it's getting late and I think you should be in bed by now. He finished his words lifting me bridal style and placing me softly on the bed.

But... Mav I don't feel sleepy. I grumbled sitting back up.

You need to, because you'll be going back to school tomorrow. He says surprising her.

Shocked I stared at him and asked, Mav are you serious? Have you changed your mind?

Yes, I have, so go to bed now you need to sleep, he responded lying next to her and shutting his eyes.

I couldn't believe what he just said, it was as if a miracle happened out of the blue.

Go to bed Scarlet I don't want people saying that I don't take care of my wife. His voice came through again.

Why the change of heart? I asked still not believing him.

I trust you and I hope you'll stop being so easy for people to bully. Scarlett the world isn't beautiful, it's dark, shady, and dreadful. There's a lot that transpires away from the eyes that can see, so please if not for anything or anyone, please for my sake don't let people bully you, okay?

Okay..., I responded cuddling close to him, I don't know why but I already felt very close to him, when he's away I feel like my heart will burn with emptiness.

Sleep scarlet, you won't enjoy this for long if you stay awake all night. He says snuggling up with me closely.

Good night hun.

Good night Kitty.


Wow if it isn't the black-ass fatso who's trying to snatch my man! Brianca sneered.

Mind your words, 'cause I'm not just a fatso, and heck I'm not ugly either, why don't you look in the mirror for once in your miserable life? I retorted and pushed past her.

Shocked Brianca stared daggers at her as she walked out, a few meters away from the corridor stood someone watching everything and his lips slightly curved into a smile. I always knew you had it in you, wife!


Welcome back Mrs Black I hope you're feeling much better. The lecturer asked with a genuine smile on her face.

Yes, I'm feeling much better Ma'am.

Okay, class let's proceed. We'll be having our final exams at the end of this month, good luck to those who will study hard and pass the exams for they shall graduate with flying colours and I look forward to seeing those who will fail and watch others graduate.

One thing about Miss Pembrook she enjoyed watching students who couldn't make it to graduation. She'll use it to insult them when the others are celebrating.

We'll take off from where we left the last time.

Excuse me, please I'm here for a certain Mrs Scarlett, the man wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt with plain black trousers requested from the door.

That's me, Sir.

Please you are needed at the Director's office.

Ok, sir. I responded a bit puzzled by this unexpected meeting this early. To think I just started my day. God help me and the bad events in this school.


My jaw dropped the second I saw Mav sitting in the office, what in heaven's name was he doing here in my school, for Christ's sake, this is a university.

Good morning Mrs Park, the director greeted me pulling me out of my thoughts.

Good morning sir.

Please have a sit, he requested with a gesture directed at where I was supposed to sit and I freely did.

Sir, if I may ask to what do I owe this urgent call?

It has been brought to my attention that a few students have been messing around and pranking students. However, those students never said a word, but fortunately for you, your husband brought it up, Please what punishment would you prefer these students to receive? Although I would propose their expulsion.

Good grief! Looking at the man sitting next to me I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to since he hadn't said a word since I entered. I know what Landon did was crazy but this is his last year in the university and expulsion will be a big blow to him so I don't think that will be a good thing to do. After pondering for a while I decided to go with something small instead of expulsion.

No sir, they shouldn't be expelled for such minor reasons, I'd prefer you punish them by asking them to clean the toilets for three weeks and writing an apology letter to every student they bullied. That may not be severe but it'll help them learn from their mistakes.

Wow! Mrs Park, I'm very impressed, you are not just forgiving but also very thoughtful. I appreciate your cooperation and request I will do as you have requested. Mr Park, thanks again for gracing our school with your presence.

You're welcome. he responded leaving the director shocked, I didn't miss the surprised look on his face. It said a lot, it only means Mav brought his stern and domineering nature into his office for him to be so surprised and submissive. As he turned and walked out I followed him and started talking to him, but he didn't utter a word out of pure frustration from trying to meet his pace I yelled his complete name at the bending corner leading to his car.

Beryl Maverick Park! Stop and listen to me for once.

He paused and turned in my direction raising a brow at me, A few lecturers passing by paused in shock watching the scene.

Panting heavily I walked up to him, once I was standing in front of him I tried catching my breath. As I stood there gawking at him angrily.

Why on earth will you put me in such a situation? I asked still breathing heavily

I saw a mischievous smile curve at the side of his lips as he said. It was a push,... to make you deal with the important issues, but... Looking at how sexy you look right now in this uniform and causing a scene makes me want to repeat my actions and probably make you wet while everyone is watching.
