"For as the Lightning comes from the East and is visible in the West, so will be the coming of the Son Of Man".
"For you yourselves are fully aware that the Day Of The Lord will come as a thief in the Night".
"He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought peace was on him, and by his stripes we are healed".
The God who comes into the World disguised as a Man and the Lord Of The House who comes disguised as a thief is in essence in the eyes of the ignorant like one who mistakes a Dragon for a Tiger.
In as much as we would like to believe that the Second Coming Of The Lord will be more glorious than the first, the Bible makes it clear that it will be just as mysterious as the first. One of the major quotes used to justify a dramatic entrance of the Lord is the parable about the Lightning that flashes in the East and is visible in West which is likened to the coming of the Son Of Man but that Parable has many connotations when taken in the context of different Traditions. In Eastern Tradition, it is a Parable about a Dragon Meeting a Tiger or a battle between a Dragon and a Tiger.
In the East, Tigers were associated with the West whereas Dragons were associated with the East. The Japanese Word 'Ryu' which means 'Dragon' can also be interpreted as 'A School Of Thought' whereas the Word 'Tora' which means 'Tiger' sounds like the Hebrew Word for 'the Law' which is 'Torah'. In essence, every Tiger has the 'Law' inscribed on its body in the 'stripes' it bears as connoted in the Parable Of The Suffering Servant. The Lord says the Lightning flashes in the East, which is the point of its Origin just as the Sun rises in the East, however this Lightning that signals his coming is unique in that it is visible in the West, in other Words it is something that even 'opposing Laws' acknowledge and cannot ignore.
Now this is what I mean when I say the Second Coming Of The Lord though glorious will be just as mysterious as the First. 'Lightning' does not exist in and of itself but radiates from 'Clouds' which are 'vapourized quantities of Water' that have the capacity to 'obscure the Sun'. It is also in the 'Rain' that at times the beautiful 'Rainbow' which is the symbol of the 'Covenant God made with Noah never to Flood the Earth again' can be seen. This parable of the Clouds that have the capacity to obscure the Sun can be likened to the 'Glory Of Jesus' being concealed by the 'Humility and Apparent Ordinariness Of His Parents' especially his mother 'Mary' whose name means 'The Sea' and his revelation and the inauguration of his Ministry was by 'John The Baptist' whose ministry was to 'Baptize'. At Jesus' Baptism, the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus and the Father's voice acknowledges him as his Son, the Trinity manifests in that Scene just as at the Transfiguration. Clouds have the capacity to obscure the brilliance of the Sun and it is in the 'Darkness Of This Storm' that the 'Lightning Flashes'. The Lightning Jesus speaks of specifically 'follows the trajectory of the Sun' which rises in the East and sets in the West just as Jesus' Birth was among the Eastern Jews but his execution was due to a plot hatched by the Eastern Jews and carried out by the Western Romans thus at the Death Of Jesus, the 'Eastern Dragon' meets the 'Western Tiger' so to speak. In other words, 'The School Of Thought' meets the 'Law'. This is the Parable then that the Second Coming Of The Lord is heralded by the Ryu(Dragon) meeting the Tora(Tiger).