"The Persecution Of A Group always begins with the Scapegoating Of A Single 'Undesirable Element'. Once that Element is eliminated, the set is usually extended to other variables that share the same properties or traits".
The Persecution Of The Church began with the Persecution Of Jesus Christ. The Martyrdom Of The Church began with the Martyrdom Of Stephen. The Persecution Of The Jews in Babylon at the time of Daniel began with the Persecution Of Daniel and his three friends. The True Troubles Of The Jews during the Persecution by Antiochus Epiphanes began with the actions of some treacherous Jews who decided to ally with the enemy to ease their troubles, this led to the Persecution Of Mattathias and his family and eventually extended to all Jews.
The Persecution Of The Jews in Persia at the time of Esther was conceived due to Haman's desire to Scapegoat Mordecai. Since Haman couldn't deal with Mordecai directly, he had to target Mordecai through a Set/Sect he belonged to namely the Jews. The Plan to eliminate the Jews was conceived solely to eliminate Mordecai, the Jews were just collateral damage in that plot. Mordecai makes it clear to Esther when he tells her not to think she can escape the Persecution Of The Jews just because she has been made Queen. The Persecution Of Daniel and his three friends began with their exaltation by the King. Since the envious Satraps couldn't target Daniel and his three friends through any personal fault of theirs, they had to do this through a set they knew Daniel and his friends couldn't deny namely Judaism. Since it was against Judaism to worship any god but the One True God, they had to capitalize on the pride of the king and get him to institute a law they knew Daniel and his three friends couldn't possibly obey namely worship the king which obviously no true Jew would do, hence this set of rogue elements automatically applied to all Jews.
The Persecution Of A Group always begins with the Persecution Of An Individual who belongs within the group. Once that individual has been successfully scapegoated as a rogue element, all other elements of the group that share similar traits can be scapegoated as well. You should know that even in Mathematics, sometimes to eliminate an undesirable variable, you have to place it in a set with other undesirables and apply an eliminating function.
The Servant is in no way greater than his Master, know that if they persecuted me, they will persecute you too.