Remember Three Simple Things;
1. The Cornerstone Of Civilization is simply making statements whose 'Left and Right' align; corresponding Methodology with Conclusion; Contradictions are your Worst Enemy. Be like the 'Liver' and the 'Pulley'...a Magnetic Stream that flows down your Spine.
2. Do not throw away that which you seek hoping to obtain it by doing so. Do not cook your Food on Iron Bars; the moment Water or Oxygen makes contact with the Bars...that is the beginning of Decay for those 'Iron Barring Grids Of Imprisonment'.
3. Throw away your Helmet and you put your Memory Circuits at can only overcome Problems through Cumulative Experience. If you learn something and forget it the moment you learn it repeating this Process over and will never overcome your challenges.
4. The Higher Ground is a Better Advantage for Offensive Purposes but if someone 'aims a Pistol at you' you can get away by making yourself a 'Smaller Target''. Stand Tall on a Battlefield where Bullets Ricochet off the Walls and you stand the Risk of falling prey to a 'Stray Bullet'.
5. Tears and Water are not the 'Same' a 'Tear' occurs in any Fabric stretched past the 'Tension it can Endure'...whether they are Tears Of Joy Or Pain is irrelevant...the same Law applies to both.
6. At your desire to help others...and to protect them from end up becoming a Fugitive due to the envy of those who despise not only you but those you try to help. A Man who knows no borders/bothers typically has no 'Home' for both sides of the 'Scale' whom he 'may try to help'...will consider him a 'Traitor to his Own Kind...the Walhalla every Half-Elf goes through'. He may help 'both sides' in an 'attempt to Unite them'...the Two Sides Of The Scale will not necessarily see it as such because they forget...'The World is not in Monochrome but Colours'...'Colors when Fused become either Black Or White'...'Pure White Light' or 'Pure Black Light' much as the 'World may desire would be far too much for it to handle...unless you can Survive on Planets like Mercury or Pluto without Assistance...Earth the Goldilocks never Racist'. 'Colours are derivatives of Monochrome yet though Monochrome is the Source from which Color is Born...most People love a Colourful World...not one in Monochrome'. It does not make 'Monochrome' any less 'Virtuous than it is...'It just 'limits the Powers Of Perception of those who see the World through Filters' one likes 'Fillers in An Anime' unless of Course the MC uses moves not seen in the Canon Arc'.
7. No 'matter' who you 'think' you 'may be' can never truly 'know' who you are or 'the 'kind' or 'sort' of 'Person you are'...until you 'stare Death in the Eyes' that 'moment'...'Hypocrisy Falls'...and so do all the 'Fronts'...'the Truth Of Who You are' becomes 'Plain' not only to 'those around you but to yourself' as 'well'. Like 'Erwin Smith' said in 'Attack On Titan Scout Recruitment Protocol'...'can you die if ordered to'. The only way that kind of Death is admirable is 'if you embrace it...though you do not desire it'. It can never be a 'Sacrifice' if you 'don't comprehend the value of your own life'. Without 'comprehending your Life's Value' a 'Sacrifice like that is simply Suicide'.
8. Any man who 'rejects the Knowledge that could potentially preserve his Life in Times Of Crisis'...'is solely responsible for his own Fate'.
9. There is 'One Trap' no Human can 'resist'...the Trap that they fall into when you merge the Word 'File with the Words 'Highly Classified'. If you tell them do not Touch The 'Red Button' will always find them 'wandering in the Restricted Zone'.
10. You may see Humanity's Calamity as something complicated but you can sum it all up in 'Two Simple Words'... 'Disregard For Boundaries' and 'Bad Table Manners'...these two things are responsible for every Calamity in the Life Of Mankind.
11. Whenever you hear the Words...'Ansatsu Jashin Korosu Kami(Assassinate The Evil God...kill the Righteous God)' know the One Who Utters these Words has a 'Simple Problem'...he 'saw the Plan Of The Building' and 'mistook that for its Isometric Projection'...Riddle me this...'Why Do You Feel The Need To Take Your Food From The Plate Before The Pot Is Served'.
12. Anyone who screams 'Contradictions', you my 'Debator' have just 'exposed the Flaw in your Argument' has this 'Simple Problem'...'He understands not that 'Contradictions only Make Sense...when you run your Circuit in Sequence and not in Parallel'...until you 'Order the Sequence Of Events' 'rightly' you can never avoid the 'Time-Space Paradoxes'. The 'Only Way To Do That is to Understand the 'Priority Value' The 'Gods assign To Each Event' or the System shall Produce Random Events...and you may mistake your Genius Discovery For A Fluke...precisely because 'you failed to Prioritize Your Events'. How will anyone understand what you say when you say it like this...This Like It You When Say You What Understand Anyone Will How. (You Jab me I Jab you...We Jabu Jabu)...I am not trying to be right...because I know I am Wrong...but Mistake my 'Wrongness for an Admission Of Guilt'...and 'know you this Day That The Devil has been responsible for the Murder Of Many Righteous Folks'...'being right is not necessarily the same as being Innocent'. Being 'Right' is 'dependent on Which Authority Rules Your Nation At Which Time'...being 'Innocent Is Dependent On How The Gods Perceive You'.
13. Without the 'Right Parameters' to 'Define The Relationships Objects Have To One Another' 'Your Desire To Rid Yourself Of That Which You Do Not Want...You May End Up Ridding Yourself Of That Which You've Always Desired...precisely because you 'failed to Comprehend The Relationship Those Two Objects Share'...imagine If You Attempted To 'Delete Classified Files' but 'The Delete Button had the Instruction 'Leak To Enemy Nation' assigned to it...are you 'not inviting your own Doom'...this is what happens when you 'mismanage Parameters'.
14. Sometimes to attain your 'Goals In Life' you must 'Flunk Your Classroom Exams' precisely because...'if You Had To Express Your Genius In Your Own Language...though Your Algorithm is 100% Correct...'you will be marked down' the Naruto Mission...'Intercept The Postman...where Enemy Ninjas Swap a Friendly Letter Between Two Kings for a Declaration Of War...That Inuyasha Kikyoan Theorem With Naraku acting as the Middle you see the Havoc that can cause. You try to 'Stop The Postman from 'Delivering His Letter and He Tells You'...'never in my 10 Billion Lifetimes Of Being A Postman have I ever been Late For A Delivery...I want to maintain my Track Record...well you may...but the expense is...'Your Own Nation shall be Devastated By War'. This is the 'Ethical Dilemma that any Postman Faces...should I 'Deliver A Letter that can Breed Calamity'. Scientists have their own Dilemma...'at which Point is Research not Worth The Cost Of Human Life'...'Actors have their Own when they are 'Fully Aware That The Role They Are About To Play Is Specifically Meant To Defame Another'...and 'the thing about Ethical Dilemmas is order to keep your may have to Lie To Yourself'...and the Lie every Actor Tells themselves is...'This is not the Real me...just a Role I have to Play For Today'...the 'Directors and Publishers tell themselves this Lie'...'The Movie you are About To Watch Is Purely A Work Of Fiction...any relation to any Persons Alive Or Dead is Purely Coincidental' are beginning to Understand that 'Disclaimers can Kill' when 'misapplied'...Good are finally learning. The 'essence' of every 'Disclaimer' goes like this...'This Man's Death is His Own Doing...I wash my Hands'.
11. If my Humour can breed such Calamity...know you this Day that my Wrath is Far Worse. You don't understand why another name for 'Ragnarok' is 'Revenge Of The Titans' Transformers Terms...'Revenge Of The Fallen'.
12. Human Commitment lasts 24 Hours...if any Man/Woman tells you he/she(I don't want to be Sexist...or you want it to Apply To Only Men...I thought what a Man Could Do A Woman could Do and Do It Better)will never commit a Crime...just give Him/Her 24 Hours...before the Time expires...he/she will say something they are not supposed to say.
13. It is a requirement for every 'Righteous Man' to slay at least 'One Snake Daily'...for the Devil will always approach you at least Once A Day...there is not a Single Day that Man is not Tempted...if your Kill Count For 'Snakes' is 0 at the End Of The Day...then everything you've done that Day can never be Good.
14. Any 'Man' who 'intends to 'marry' a 'Woman' must be prepared 'to slay' the 'Guardian Demon Of The Bride's Family'...that is what the 'Cowries/Bride Price are For...lest you Carry The Guardian Demon into your Marital Home'. If you have a Guardian Angel...obviously you should know you have a Guardian Demon assigned to you as well...a 'Highly Dedicated Personal Thorn in Your Flesh that keeps Ab)nsam(The Devil) constantly 'updated' on your 'Exploits'. From where do you think he gets all that 'Personal Data'. Is that what they call a 'Stalker'...and obviously you know as you are brilliant Agricultural Students...and Gourmands...I mean Gourmets 'who never Flaw in your Calculations' that the 'Stalk' is the 'Term specifically used to describe'...'The Stem Of A Weed'. 'Crops have Stems...not Stalks'...who do you think is the Lord And Sower Of Weeds. You can live on a Land For Thousand Years and never see a Single Weed...the moment you have the 'Bright Idea to Turn Your Land into a Farm' the 'moment they start to rear their Ugly Heads'. The One Trait That Describes the Fourth Beast Of The Apocalypse is the Word 'Iron Teeth' a certain Language 'Ferrum Dentes'...which is why you should be very careful when you see a 'Dent' on the 'Tin or Can' of any 'Food Item You Purchase'...that is the Calling Card Of The Fourth Apocalyptic Beast. In Ghanaian 'Twi or Fante' the Word for 'Teeth' is the Word 'Sen(pronounced 'Sin') and 'Metal, Steel or Iron' is 'Daadze' combine that...the Word is 'SenDaadze' or 'Send Aadze'...the Word 'Sen' is the First 'Three Letters Of The Word 'Sense' in Japanese and means 'A Thousand' when the Last Two Letters are 'So'..the 'Word is 'Senso' meaning 'War' in the Words 'Censored'...meaning 'Shut Your Mouth!' There is one commonality amongst all Parables that end with the 'Phrase'...'Cast into the Outer Darkness' and it is 'The Gritting and Gnashing Of Teeth'. The 'Word Aadze' means 'An Object' when you combine that with the Word Send...the meaning Transforms into the Phrase...'Deliverer Of Goods'...which is 'what the Venomous Supply Chain is all about...they Deliver...but the Goods Kill'. You don't get how 'Snakes Think' you ever see any 'Symmetry' in the 'Circuitry Of Their Brains'.
15. Any App that allows you to install it but prevents you from 'Uninstalling it' can never have 'Pure Harmless Intentions' no matter what they is 100% a Malicious App...a relationship with a One Way Street...there is no Communication...just Unilateral can you have a PC you purchased with your Own Funds or given to you as a Gift From Someone when your Account is a 'Guest Account' and not an 'Administrator Account'...if you Purchased that...'You Have Been Cheated'...if it was a Gift...'it came with Strings Attached'. This lesson is long precisely because if I leave certain details of these of you will be Stupid Enough To 'Execute Themselves'.
16. There is a Reason for this 'Lion Turtle Monkey Saying'...learn the Laws and When You Have Mastered them...Forget them. If You Want Power Or Wisdom or Power and Wisdom...Shaolin Kungfu is definitely the Way To Go...but if you equate Power and Wisdom to Living A Life Free From is better you don't read anything past the Cover Page...for the Moment you read the First Letter Of The Inscription...written onthe Cover Page Of That Tome...the Shadow Lord becomes aware of the Fact...that 'New Life is about to be Birthed'...and his 'Vision For The World is a Vision Of Absolute Nothingness...not 'the Humble Kind Of Nothingness'...but the 'Nihilist Vision Of That''...which ironically runs Contrary to 'Visions Of A Narcissist'. True Humility comes with a Stat Boost...absolute Immunity To Stat Debuffs via Pressure Point Humble as the Shadow Lord may want you to be...why do his attempts to Humble you keep you feeling small.
17. Arcana Famiglia - Felicia's Papa's Words to Her go Something Like this... ' have Skill but it is not enough...because there are certain things you still cannot accept...and as long as you cannot accept are not yet the Ultimate. For He who accepts 'everything' loves 'everything' and he who loves 'all' fears 'none' for you only 'hate' that...which you 'Fear'.
18. However...for the very Passion I have for certain 'Psychologists', 'Judges' and 'Law Enforcement Officials'...I will 'deliver' them a 'Slap' that will 'send them' on a 'One Way Trip' to the 'Nether Regions Of The Universe' before 'Ab)nsam/The Devil' can 'come and claim their Souls'. My Love is so Great...that it shall Kill Them.
General Shroud Attacks - A Sword Must Be Made - One Final Night Together - The 2nd Invasion Of The Crystal Ryu - Shekan Unsealed - The Three Swordsmen-Chaos State Menaces - The Final Saint-Heart Of The Dragon - Ryuujinn's Decision - Epilogue.
There are 3 Major Kinds Of Cloud and One Extra that no one usually sees for it is concealed in the Backdrop Of The Atmosphere as a Part Of The Firmament Itself...but 'the Worst Of All are the 'Black Bull Clover Federation' against whom 'All Attacks are meaningless for your own Magic and Strength become your Worst Enemy in their Presence'.
1. Cirrus Clouds - These are the Highest Clouds you see in the Sky...usually Visible On A Clear Day...but when you see these Clouds...the Gods intend to summon a Man From The East to teach Tyrants a Lesson they will never forget. Though he is summoned from the East...he will always commence his Attack From The North.
2. Cumulus Clouds - These are the Clouds that hang the Lowest in the Sky...also the Heaviest or Densest amongst All The Clouds...these Clouds are the Clouds that bring Rain. Hydrogen has the Number 1 Attached to it. Oxygen has the Number 8 attached to it. Rain which is water is H20- a marriage between Hydrogen and a Pair Of Oxygen so you can see it as 18 if you consider the 8 as either a Singular Primal Source Value or you can separate the 'One' multiply the 'Eight by Two to derive the Number Sixteen'...then combine the 'One With The Sixteen to derive the Value 116 or 'Eleven-Six' and the '116th Element On The Periodic Table is named 'Livermorium' if 'Information has not been Manipulated'. 'Levers connote 'Balance or Justice'... 'Mori' is the 'Japanese Word for 'Forest'...and can also mean 'Death' depending on the Syntax Code or Semantics as in the Name 'Moriarty'...the 'Worst Enemy Of Sherlock Holmes'. Also since the Word 'Roku' as in 'Avatar Roku' or 'Rock'...the Japanese Word for the Number 'Six' and the Word 'Yon' as in the Word 'Akatsuki no Yona'...the Japanese Word for '4' which means 'Cherubim' share a relationship, the Relationship between 4 and 6 or 46 which when divided by Two is 23...the 23rd Element being in 'Vanadis', the 46th being in 'Paladin' and the 114th being 'Flerovium' as in 'The Ovum Of A Flower' or 'A River(Flow) Of Life(Er...not the Stammering Expression but the Neural Impulses Flowing Through The Body...also associated with 'Sin' or 'The Evil Impulse when you add an Extra 'R' which makes it 'Err''...'an Error In Judgement'...114 Saints On Mount Zion singing in Harmonic Glory'...and 114 is obviously the result of 12 times 12...Combination and Henge...I believe there is a Certain 'Relic' called 'Stonehenge' huh?...'Idiots don't get Atomic Theory'.
3. Nimbus Clouds - If you stare up at the Sky and measure the Speed Of The Clouds in relation to the Movement Of The Wind like in 'Storm Rider Or Storm Warriors'...Nimbus Clouds...the sort of 'Kin-to-un Cloud' that 'Son-Goku uses' in his 'Journey To The West' are always the 'Fastest Moving Clouds' amongst the 'Clouds' for the Word 'Nimble' which connotes not only 'Speed' but 'Agility' is derived from the Word 'Nimbus' but you should also know that the 'Nim or Neem Tree' tends to be 'One Of The Most Bitter Of All The Trees' and despises Competition'. The moment you 'sow a Nim or Neem Tree in the Ground'...know that 'you cannot grow anything else but Nim or Neem Trees' for they 'turn even the Rivers underground Bitter'.
4. Stratos Clouds - The Words 'Stratos' or 'Stratus' which sounds like 'Status' or 'Stature' is the 'Word for Sky or Sora'. This is the 'Cloud that is usually least honoured amongst the List but ironically carries one of the most Devastating Forces amongst the Clouds...they usually will not operate alone and are most severe when the Eldest Brother Amongst the Clouds...'Number Five whom I will shortly introduce makes his Debut' for these are the 'Lightning or Thunder Clouds...the Boanerges Brothers whose Mother's Request the Gods will always deny' for when you view the sort of Havoc they are Capable Of As don't want to imagine what they can do as Kings...their Names are also 'Behemoth/Bahamut Of The Lightning Earth and Leviathan Of The Thundering Oceans and everyone who knows Phoenix Style/Southern Martial Arts also knows those Two Eidolons are usually the most Brutal in any Square Enix Franchise...only Alexander may be considered more Brutal'...the 'Ones that Announce the Return Of The Messiah...they are his Heralds...and once they make their one can argue that the Earth is the Footstool Of The is only after the Transfiguration with Left Man Elijah and Right Man Moses...that the Disciples begin to 'get a glimpse of Jesus' Divinity'...are you beginning to get why there are certain Areas only Three Apostles namely Peter...James...and John are invited into'. If you check your List Of 'Square Enix Games' the Games where the Main Character is of a 'Lightning or Thunder Affinity' are usually the 'Lowest Selling'...but typically also the Games where the Battle System is the Most Worst Case Scenarios...the Main Character might even go as Far as Murdering or Assassinating A Deity. There is an order to the Level Of Assassination...Assassination Of Kings rank lowest...Assassination Of Cult Leaders follows that...Assassination Of Antagonistic Alien Species come next...and finally the Man who Tops The List...Assassination Of Evil Gods...what the Japanese Call 'Ansatsu Jashin Korosu'.
5. Now it is Time to introduce the 'Eldest Brother...the most Terrible Of All The Clouds and his Name ironically is not 'One but a Fusion Of Two Other Clouds...Stratos Clouds though not included in his Name have the Most Devastating Effect when He is Around...bow your Knees...bow your Head...before the Demon King Of All The Clouds...'the Almighty Cumulonimbus'...'the Wisest...the Fastest'...the 'Most Devastating Of All The Clouds...a 'Combination Of Cumulus Highly Experienced...Dissidia Clouds'...and 'Kin-to-Un Son Goku Ultimate Speed Brutality Clouds'...with 'just a Touch Of One-Punch Man Ansatsu Jashin Korosu Stratos Clouds'...he has many Names but the Three Most Known are 'Warrior Of Light Jack Garland Antithesis...Son Wukong The Monkey King...Disciple Of Master Roushi'...and 'Mathais or Mathayus...the Replacement Of That Fool Iscariot...also known as 'The Caped Baldy'...these Clouds together are known as 'The Three Cloud Brothers Laughing Under The Sky...Donten ni Warau Clouds...the Wrathful Clouds Of God's Anger To Avenge The Despoilment Of His Beautiful Garden Of Grapes'...and his name is...'The Great Demon Lord...the Almighty Cumulonimbus!'
- Roll The War Drums Of Thunder
-Let The Heads Of Enemies Roll
- Cliffhanger
To Be Continued?
Don't be Stupid Enough to Autocorrect Everything Someone Says before considering the 'Context Of A Person's Expressions and the Possible Literary Devices used in Expression'...your 'Hastiness/Turboness might lead to your Demise' times 'Two Pennies are Of More Value than a Sack Of Gold'...'A Bird in Hand is worth Two In The Shell...a Single Healthy Bird has more Value than Two Sick Birds'. 'An Error in the Sight Of A Fool'...may simply be a 'Literary Device Or Idiom in the Ears Of The Wise'.
The beginning Of Wisdom Starts with the Declaration Of Four 'Simple' Words... I(One) Am(Two) A(Three) Fool(Four). The 'Day' you can say this 'Proudly'...there is 'nothing on this Earth' beyond your 'Capacity to Comprehend'. The 'Prayer Of Wisdom goes like this' have given me way too much Power...Rulership Of This Great Nation...but I am Far Too Inexperienced To Handle it give me Wisdom To Rule and Guide This Great People...and save yourself the Embarassment of me being The Last King Of This Nation. At that very moment...the Pleasure Of The Gods in hearing this Prayer...shall not only hand you 'EXP Points but also immense Resources...not only Gald and Gil...but also 'Arsenals Of Godly Warfare'.