Wickedness and Evil are never the same though they share some relation. An evil Person can afford to smile when inflicting severe injury upon another. A Wicked Person never smiles as he inflicts his evil. He knows he is going to cause severe is never funny to him the sort of injury he is about to inflict...on that both he and the Victim agree perfectly...but he still inflicts the severe injury nonetheless.
You think Wickedness is all about making another Person's life miserable...that is just one part of Wickedness. Let me put it this the Universal Set Of Wickedness...the Set where People have miserable just one Subset in the entire Equation/Universal Set...the point is not all Wicked People are Poor and not all Righteous People are rich. This is the essence of Wickedness;
1. Anything that does not Build Your Muscles.
2. Anything that makes no Logical Sense.
3. Anything that has no Sentimental Value.
As long as one of the Above is False...there is still some Good in your heart and you may have hope regardless of how rotten you may be.
-Sickness, Idiocy and Heartlessness...these three together form the Universal Set Of Wickedness.
The Reverse Of This is the Essence of Righteousness.
1. You may think Evil is a Delicacy...but if eating a Godly Scroll tastes Sweet in your Mouth but bitter in your does not need to take the Full Amount Of Time for Evil to reach your order for it to kill you.
2. You may think there is Logic in the Debate Of A Wicked or Unjust Person...then answer this Question...why when the Evidence suggests that a Man is Innocent Of Crime does he end up in Jail. What is the point when you run the Factors Of An know full well what the expected result should be...but you alter the Results.
3. In a 'Human Being's Heartbroken as they may be...the Zigzagging Slit never completely severs the Left and Right...there is always some connection at the Bottom...the Devil is not necessarily without a Heart...he does have one...but the shape is never pleasant to the Eyes. Not only does that Zigzag completely sever the Left and Right Of His Heart...but there is also no connection between the Auricles and Ventricles Of His Heart.
Humanity is never the 'Subject Of The Devil's Attacks'...focusing only on your Problems blind you to what the Devil is are just a Tool he can use to enforce the Depression Of The Gods. If you know the Two Greatest Commandments...making another man's life miserable is just Commandment Number 2...if you think that is all wickedness is about...what happened to the First Commandment? In every story the Devil tells...he is always the Hero and the Gods are always the Villains. In the First Place the Gods are far above the Concepts Of Heroism and Villainy...for they Bring Life and Death...Salvation and Destruction...which they bring is dependent on how you relate to you are the Arbiter Of Your Own Fate...Simeon makes it clear to Mary...that Jesus will not cause the 'Rise Of Everyone'...but to some he will 'bring about their Downfall'...'their Antagonistic Attitudes towards him will expose their own Malicious Intent'. The Gods are both a 'Cornerstone Of Salvation' and a 'Stumbling Block for Wickedness'. The 'Israelites Of Old may have seen Yahweh as a Heroic Deity' you think the 'Egyptians would have considered him in the same way?'...yet both the Israelites and Egyptians were guilty of Human Trafficking...the Israelites sold their own brother into the Egyptians dealt with them...was the payment for that Treachery...compared to their brother who endured 13 years of Slavery...they endured 490 years of Slavery. If you weigh the Crimes Of Israel and Egypt on a Scale...which act of treachery is worse? Betraying a Foreigner or betraying your own Brother? But the Gods Punish the Egyptians more severely than the the Israelites he was a Heroic Deity...if circumstances were slightly reversed...the Israelites may have viewed him as a 'God Of Destruction' and the Egyptians as a 'God Of Salvation'. The Gods are far beyond the Concept Of Heroism and Villainy but which they are to you is dependent on where you stand in relation to them. Your Shadows can be long or short depending on the position of the Sun at any point of the relation to how you face the Sun.