Chereads / Reincarnated as Tony Stark's daughter?!!!!! / Chapter 16 - Chapter Fifteen - My Snake, The Iceberg And I Screwed Up.

Chapter 16 - Chapter Fifteen - My Snake, The Iceberg And I Screwed Up.

Natalie was synonymous with torture, self-defense teacher, undercover agent for the one-eyed man, and constant annoyance.

Today's class has been torture since it started. Natalie arrived with a temper that not even she could stand. After warming up we have been fighting for 3 hours now and my body is already full of colors from purple to green.

— "Now... I can't anymore." — I told her, breathing hard.

— "We won't take any breaks, you haven't made any progress since the last time." — She told me seriously.

— "My body hurts too much Natalie, I can barely breathe." — I leaned on my knees.

— "I said no, let's continue." — She turned her back on me. 

— "And I said I can't take it anymore. I'm going to rest whether you like it or not." — I started to get upset.

— "If you rest I will add an hour to the class." — She smiled cynically at me. 

— "You can't do that." — I crossed my arms.

— "Try me little one." — I raised an eyebrow. — "Can't you talk anymore?" — She told me haughty. 

— "Do you know something? You and your class can go to hell because I'm leaving." — I straightened up and walked towards the door.

— "If you leave I will tell your mother that you did not obey me." — I turned to see her. 

— "Go ahead and tell him. Explain to the person paying you that you let her 8-year-old daughter leave your class after she asked you for a break because of so many bruises on her body." — She looked at me angrily. — "Or also tell your boss that you couldn't get information because you're so stupid that instead of liking me you made me hate you."

— "I don't know what you're talking about." — She looked at me surprised for a moment and then returned to her frown. 

— "Whatever you say, you're fired Natasha." — I walked out the door. 

I left the gym where I was taking classes with the angry spider. Who does that metamorph-murderer think she is to treat me like that? At no time did I disrespect her except when she did... 

Wait... DAMN! 

I just revealed part of what I know! If I'm being an idiot, I was so upset that I opened my mouth too wide. 

Ugh, I can't do anything to change what I said, she is most likely calling Fury right now.

I walked aimlessly for a few minutes until I reached a very nice park, people were running due to the time, and some children playing with their parents in the recreational area. I feel like I know the park but I don't remember ever coming, I walked to a bench in the playground and sat down burying my head in my legs. 

"Miss, be calm." 

— "I can't Emi, I was so upset that I talked too much."

"You didn't say anything that was completely relevant, plus you had every right to leave. If I physically existed I would have already taught Miss Natasha a lesson."

I laughed softly. — "You are very vengeful Emi."

"I'm fun, it's completely different, although if they suffer a little that doesn't bother me either." 

Suddenly a person sat on the other side of the bench, so I moved a little to get away. 

— "Or I'm sorry, I didn't see you sitting here." — He apologized, breathing heavily. 

— "Don't worry. Tired?"

— "A little, I've been running for an hour." — He said more calmly. 

— "It seems as if you had run a marathon instead of an hour." — I straightened up even without seeing him. 

— "For me, that is a marathon." — He laughed softly.

— "Okay."

We stayed in silence enjoying the noise of the children playing and the cars passing by. 

A few minutes passed before he spoke again. — "Excuse me for asking but where is your mother?" — I felt his gaze on me. 

— "Working." — I turned my head in his direction. 

— "Are you alone then?" — He smiled warmly at me. 

— "You... You are the Capsicle... I mean the Iceberg... America's ass." — He looked at me curious. — "No! I say, I mean, you're Captain America!" — I screamed in surprise.

— "I'm Steve Rogers. Your nicknames remind me of a friend of mine." — He became thoughtful. 

'Maybe it's because I'm his daughter.' I thought mockingly. 

I laughed awkwardly. — "Your friend has a good sense of humor then."

— "Not really, he jokes in the worst situations."

— "He must do it to calm his nerves. Situations under pressure should not be easy." — I looked at him from top to bottom, I'm a girl so there's no problem. 

'Whatever it is, it has a body carved by angels themselves.'

Uncomfortable throat clearing. — "Maybe you're right."

— "Children always tell the truth."

— "Speaking of which, how old are you?" — He wonders kindly. 

— "8 years." — Answer without adding more. 

— "You're too small to be alone. Come on, I'll take you to a police officer." — He stood up, extending his hand toward me. 

— "I can't move." — I made a face.

— "Are you OK?" — He crouched down at my height, worried. 

— "My body hurts. "

He saw a bruise on my arm and frowned in annoyance. — "Did your mother do that to you?"

— "That? No, of course not! It was my clumsy self-defense teacher who I escaped from and ended up here. 

— "I see that's why you were here." — He said without taking his eyes off me. — "I'll take you to the hospital."

— "It's not necessary. I'll just wait for the pain to subside and go home." — I smiled at him. 

"Martha you better leave, I'll call your mother to let her know." She said worried.

— "I can't leave you here, especially like this." — I take my hands. 

— "Don't exaggerate, I'm not that bad Capi." — I moved my hand downplaying it. 

— "I don't take no for an answer, come on." — He carries me in his arms princess style. 

— "Hey, put me down!"

— "I won't do it until you promise that we will go to the hospital."

— "I don't even know you, you might like children or something." — He stopped and put me on the ground.

He blushed. — "I'm not that kind of person!" — He screams.

Several people turned to look at us curious. 

— "Shh... Stop screaming. I know you're not like that, I just wanted you to put me down." — I sighed. — "Okay, let's go to the stupid hospital." — I extended my hand to him.

— "The hospital is not clumsy." — He takes my hand. 

— "Are you going to oppose everything I say?"

— "I don't."

 — "You just did it!"

— "That's not true."

— "You did it again!"

— "It's not on purpose!" — He turned red. 

— "Awww you look so cute blushing, I wonder how you don't melt from so much heat you generate."

— "A girl shouldn't say things like that." — He ruffled my hair, redder than before. 

— "Did I say something wrong?" — I asked him 'innocently.'

— "Forget it, let's go or the pain will increase." — He said, looking away.

During the ride to the hospital, we didn't let go of each other's hands and talked about each other. I asked him about the invasion which made him a little uncomfortable but he still talked to me about it, in addition to telling me about the Avengers and how each of them are friends. 

— "Capsicle Can I give you some advice?"

— "Yes." — He answered curiously.

— "Sometimes we lie and hide things from our friends so as not to hurt them and that is the worst thing you can do. The best will always be a bitter and painful truth rather than a sweet and tender lie." 

We arrived at the hospital where Dr. Palmer treated me. He said the pain would last a few days and the bruises would disappear in a week. Having Steve at my side I had to tell him how I had got them so they called Mom.

When she arrived and I told her what had happened, she began to curse Natalie in a low voice with words not suitable for minors until Steve showed up and told her that he had found me in the park, so things got worse.

¡Thanks Iceberg!

Mom called Natalie and fired her without letting her speak and asked Emi to give her her last payment, in the end, my mother was still a good person. 

Meanwhile, Steve stayed with me, keeping me company and telling me about his adventures during the war, while he moved his hands and made sounds and I laughed at how cute he was. 


We arrived home tired, we barely entered the house and Mom went to sleep for a while before eating, instead, I decided to stay and watch television in the living room. 

"Miss, I intercepted a call between Natasha Romanoff and Nicolás Fury."

— "Show it to me." — Emily appeared with her typical clothes and ponytail smiling amused. 

— "Romanoff What does it mean you were fired? Your mission was to get closer to the girl." — Fury said annoyed. 

— "..."

— "Now we will no longer be able to know who builds the robots. I hope at least you were able to get something."

— "I have a clue, Martha, said my name: Natasha, and she mentioned a boss of mine who was looking for information."

— "Romanoff that's nothing, of course it's suspicious but she's just a girl, and it's so difficult to get something from her?"

— "I want to continue investigating that little clue." — She asked serenely. 

— "The family doesn't even want you around, you have just been removed from the mission. Barton will take your place."

— "But sir..." — He interrupted her. 

— "I don't want complaints, Romanoff! Go back and continue with your other missions." — He hung up. 

— "Honestly, at this moment I prefer Barton to Romanoff and he seems friendlier to me." — I smiled happily, maybe and just maybe I'll say something to him. 

"I am also happy about what I have read about his file and the virtual diary. He is a kind but also demanding man." She looked at me smiling.

— "I know! You just have to wait for him to send his request." — I lay down on the couch. — "Although you look happier because of how Romanoff was scolded than for anything else." — I looked at her. 

"I like to see the world burn." She laughed I guess, imagining Natasha's face. 

— "But don't burn in it." — I complete also laughing. — "What if we watch a movie?" — I ask, jumping for joy. 

— "Sure and then we order something to eat, mom is too tired to cook." — I got up and put on a scary movie Scream. 

Everything was fine, no one was screaming, but halfway through the movie I was already covering myself with a pillow and Emi was lying on the floor laughing every time I screamed from fright. 

I don't remember this movie being so scary before... 

Age I guess.


The afternoon passed between screams, laughter, and delicious food with my beautiful mother who joined us after her beauty nap. 

— "It's time to sleep, Martha."

— "But it's not too late yet." 

— "It's 9:00 pm and if you don't go to sleep early you won't grow." — She ruffled my hair. 

— "Short without soy." 

— "Emily is taller than you."

I acted offended. — "You hurt me, you burned me, you broke me. I will go to sleep alone because I want to, not because I want to grow up."

I ran to my room leaving Emi and Mom together listening to their laughter. 

I entered my room and threw myself on the bed through green smoke. 

— "Little horns?" — I asked the smoke that formed a being. 

— "Midget Midgardian?" — He said mockingly. 

— "Sorry I was wrong." — Loki materialized in front of me. — "Hello Tortilla! It's been a long time since I've seen your Pantene brand hair around here."

He looked at me angrily. — "How dare you confuse me with my idiotic brother, Midgardian?! — He shouts. 

I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. — "Didn't you say that you and Tortilla weren't brothers? Lord god of lies."

He turned red with anger. — "Shut up Midgardian, I never said that!" 

— "Whatever you say, Mr. Bipolar." — I calmed down little by little. 

— "You're so annoying." — I blurt out.

— "And you are so cute, unfortunately, you are an old man." — I shrugged, amused. 

— "I'm not an old man!"

— "Let's see, tell me, how old are you?"

— "1052 years old." — He answered proudly. 

— "Elder." — I laughed harder because of the face he made.

— "I'm leaving." — He answered annoyed. 

— "Come on, don't get angry, it was just a joke." — I stood next to him. 

— "Your jokes are disgusting." — He smiled at me slyly but still annoyed. 

— "I know, I already told you, blame my father for my disgusting mood." — I smiled sincerely. 

— "What happened to you?" — He told me with a frown. 

— "About what?" — I asked confused. He pointed to my bandaged arm. — "This?" — He nodded. — "They hit me which caused a sprain in my wrist."

— "Who dared to touch you?" — He told me seriously, looking into my eyes. 

— "It's not important, it just hurt me more this time." — I laughed without grace. 

— "Who was it?" — He raised his voice a little. 

— "Malevolent Cockroach, calm down, I'm fine." — I smiled at him trying to reassure him. 

— "Who was it?!" — He yelled at me making me shrink in place. 

— "Loki, don't yell at me!"

He was surprised. — "I just want to know the name." — He said still angry but without shouting. 

'Why your eagerness to know?' I asked mentally. 

'Because you're my clumsy Midgardian friend.' He mentally answers me, looking into my eyes. 

— "It's time to go, my mother visites me more often after I applied your advice." — He said expressionless. 

— "I'm glad you talk to her more, she's a nice person and she loves you." — I sat on my bed. 

— "I know, one day maybe you will meet her." — The illusion disappeared. 

— "Maybe it's sooner than you think." — I whispered with a meaningless smile and then slept wrapped up in my bed.



Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Proofread and correct the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

Experience is not mandatory.

In case you are interested, we are also training for the positions of editors (Typper), translators, and Manhwa cleaners.

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