Chereads / Reincarnated as Tony Stark's daughter?!!!!! / Chapter 19 - Chapter Eighteen - The Birth of a New Pony and Robin Hood Has Arrived!

Chapter 19 - Chapter Eighteen - The Birth of a New Pony and Robin Hood Has Arrived!

The days had passed and Capsicle continued to be my babysitter, Little Horns' visits became more frequent because he taught me magic. Illusions became my specialty which helped me play a few pranks on the bipolar princess. 

I also continued with my magic classes from Beyonce and sometimes with Ancestral, the glove could already resist 40% of my magic so I could handle carrying 1 Infinity Gem or so I think. It's not like I had the time to find out.

— "Martha!" — My mother shouted excitedly. 

— "What's happening?"

— "I already got your teacher for personal defense!" — She said excitedly. — "Emi, can you show us her photo please?"

Emi materialized in front of us with a screen next to her. "Clint Barton, a self-defense teacher for 5 years, speaks 5 languages ​​including Japanese. He has references from distinguished clients and has worked in a private security company." Emi finished with a smile.

— "It's perfect! What do you think Martha? — She wondered.

— "Better than Natalie for sure." — I smiled at her.

— "I'm glad you like him because we will leave in about two hours to start your first class. And this time I will stay until you finish, I will not allow the same thing to happen with the dyed. — She said the last thing angrily.

"Actually I think her hair is natural," Emi said with a grimace.

— "Whether natural or not, I will continue calling it dyed." — She said firmly.

I laughed. — "Better call her spider, I think that's more her style."

— "We'll think about her nickname later." — She sighed. — "Meanwhile finish your inventions, I'll call you when we have to leave." — She left the room.

— "Well Emi, let's continue with this."

"Miss, I am worried about your health," Emi said seriously.

— "You shouldn't be, I'm fine." — I moved my hand downplaying it.

"You haven't slept in several days and the use of your magic is weakening you."

— "I know. Classes with Little Horns don't leave me much time to sleep."

"Then abandon them. You have already achieved what you wanted, your illusions are impeccable, I prefer that the god come to visit you instead of training you."

— "Don't you like him?" — I asked jokingly.

"No. But that's not the point." She looks at me seriously. "The point is to rest."

— "Well if it makes you feel better, tonight I'll tell him no more magic classes."

"Thank you." She smiled at me happily.

— "By the way, how is the company going?"

"Wonderful! Profits have increased greatly, plus the shelters in Sokovia are almost finished and the citizens are very happy with the presence of the Centinels."

— "I'm glad to hear that. Now we just need to start with the artifact to save Pietro's life, we can't trust ourselves due to the plan we have but things are improving." — I said finishing building another Iron Centinel.

"Speaking of him, the copy of my interface on the network has already been updated." She smiled. "Miss, can I ask you a question?"

— "Whatever you want." — I encouraged her.

"When will you tell Mr. Stark that you are his daughter?"

— "..." 


— "Don't know. The plan was to tell him once I had the company and was successful but I'm not sure anymore. I mean it's not like I will go and say 'Hi, look my name is Martha, and I'm your daughter' In many fanfics, he would call me crazy, and then Fury would tell him it's true and then he would become an idiot and finally she would be kidnapped. Too much drama for me, I'll tell him when I am older."

"But you could disappear with the snap." She said worried.

— "I'm aware of that Emi."

Sigh. "You know something I don't."

— "I already know how to get the Soul Stone." — I told her seriously.

"A soul for a soul that is the law. That's why you came crying after visiting Ancestral and Mr. Wong."

I laughed — "Don't call sir to Beyonce, it sounds strange and secondly what I read worries me but I always have a plan Emi."


— "So is there anything more valuable than a soul?" — I asked Ancestral while we were both sitting across from each other.

— "No, sorry." — She smiled at me.

— "There is no possibility of saving Natasha." — I expressed sadness.

Ancestral stood up and took out a book from the bookshelf behind me.

— "Here, read it." — She smiled at me. Sad? 

— "What is it?" — I asked curiously. 

— "Last time I asked you if you knew what a soul was. There you have the answer." — She pointed to the book. 

Curious, I opened the book and little by little understood what Ancestral was referring to. 

Tears began to fall from my eyes. 

— "Is this true?" — I got up, throwing the book away from me. 

— "Yeah." — She said with a calm voice.

More tears fell from my eyes. — "I'm not willing to pay that price!"

— "You don't have to do it, no one forces you to." — She hugged me while I was sobbing harder. 

— "I don't want to be a hero!"

— "Shh. There's still a long way to go for that little one."

— "You see the future Ancestral, you already know the decision I will make." — I separated from her. 

— "I know."

— "Am I happy with that?" — I asked, smiling sadly. 

— "You are full of surprises and let's say that your decision brought with it many very good surprises." — She ruffled my hair. — "Let's also say that I also have many surprises for you."

At that moment Beyonce appeared looking at Ancestral confused. 

— "What's happening?" — He asked confused. 

— "I have to go. Goodbye Wong." — I opened a portal directly to my house and left. 

— "Ancestral?" — He approached her. — "Why was she crying? I mean she doesn't cry often and even less calls me by my name."

— "Sometimes good actions are priced too high." — Ancestral said, retreating to the temple.


— "No matter what happens Emi, I won't become emo." — I laughed. 

"Is that your biggest concern?" She said sarcastically. 

— "My biggest worry would be that cheeseburgers cease to exist." — I joked. 

"She's avoiding the topic," Emi whispered.

"I don't think that will happen, you would do everything possible to avoid that apocalyptic event." We both started laughing. 

— "I'll tell you Emi." — I told her everything I knew so far while Emi's features changed from surprise to sadness and frustration. — "But don't worry, Annie has tricks up her sleeve, plus we're talking about me, Tony Stark's daughter." — I smiled sincerely. — "Then let's continue until the end because..."

"This is a world of heroes and we are going to take advantage of it." Emi applauded happily while we laughed.

— "It's time to go, daughter." — Mom came into my room. 

— "OK!" — I took my My Little Pony backpack, which by the way now has four ponies. 

Welcome Rarity!


Steve was taking care of me that day, we were playing a board game and listening to music until Emi spoke. 

"Miss, I intercepted a call from the pirate lord and Agent Romanoff. She plans to come talk to your mother to apologize." 

— "But mom is not here." — Whisper. 

"That's the point, they know you're alone." 

I laughed maliciously. — "So he plans to take advantage of that detail. Well, I think it deserves a warm welcome. Emi get ready a new pony will be born today."

— "Iceberg!" — He turned to see me. — "I want your help with something."

— "What do you want to do?" — He said curious. 

— "Promise me that you will help me do it and I will tell you." — I extended my little finger towards him. Smiling innocently. 

— "Your smile looks scary." — He shuddered mockingly. 

— "Hey! I am an angel, I am like MariaBelen, I came into the world to do good."

He began to laugh. — "I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe that."

I frowned. — "Okay! I don't believe it myself but the point is, are you going to help me or not?" — I yelled at him with a pout. 

— "Won't I regret it?" — Our little finger crossed between.

— "Oh believe me you will." — I smiled ecstatically. 

After that, Mr. Flying Monkeys helped me place a can of violet paint with glitter and ahem, super glue for consistency, on top of the stair railing with a pulley system because #MyPoorAngel. The moment someone walks through the door thepaint would shoot in their direction. 

"Miss Romanoff will be here in 5 minutes."

— "Steve, what do you think if we play hide and seek?" — Before he replied, I continued. — "I count and you hide, let'sgo quickly." — I moved my hand as a sign for him to hurry up.

— "OK....?" — Steve hid while I pretended to count. 

I sat on the couch waiting for the annoying redhead. 

I peeked out the window to run to the door before Natasha knocked and got Steve's attention. 

— "Hello." — Natasha said without expression. 

— "What are you doing here?" — I answered him in the same way. 

— "And your mother?"

— "Well, thank you. And yours?" — I know it was a low comment but I'm still upset about the beatings. 

— "Stop joking, I just want to talk to her."

— "I don't think she wants that. I mean she hates you." — I made fun of her.

— "I came to apologize." — She answered scathingly. 

— "Oh so that's why well it happens then everyone deserves a second chance." — I stepped aside, leaving Natasha in the correct position for my plan. 

She just turned to look at me with indifference, taking a step into the house. 

— "Thank you." — I smiled tenderly at him. 

— "Why?" —She asked confused. 

— "For adding another pony to my collection." — I pull a rope, thereby releasing the paint can. 

Before Natasha could react she was already covered in glitter paint and glue. 

— "WHAT THE HELL!" — She screamed annoyed. The impact caused her to stumble until she fell on her feet outside the house. 

— "That was because of the bruises and because I don't want you around. I think Mom made it clear that she didn't want you to come near us again so get out of here."

— "DAMN BRAT!" — She got up angry. 

— "I'll just say go and wash your hair because it wasn't just paint that was in that bottle." — And with that, I closed the door of the house. — 

"Now to clean."

— "Martha?" — Steve arrived upset. — "What happened? Who screamed?" — He asked, seeing the paint everywhere. 

I sighed. This was going to take a long time to explain.


I laughed internally remembering what happened now it is more than certain that Natasha hates me. 

— "Daughter, you have the smile of a soap opera villain." — Mom said looking at me strangely. 

— "It's my normal smile."

— "Your normal smile is like that of an imp, now you look like the devil."

— "No well, thank you for your honesty." — I said sarcastically. 

— "I'm just honest." — He shrugged his shoulders. 

After talking for a while longer and getting out of the car, we entered a gym, bumping into Arrow... I'm not saying sorry! Robin Hood... Not either! Alcohol eye if that... 

I said hawk, right? 

One way or the other! 

Prepare yourself ronin because not a word will come out of this mouth.



Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Proofread and correct the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

Experience is not mandatory.

In case you are interested, we are also training for the positions of editors (Typper), translators, and Manhwa cleaners.

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Patreon (+1): Azeneth2523