Chereads / The Way You Left / Chapter 1 - Tazanna

The Way You Left

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Chapter 1 - Tazanna

"Felix Klaus, son of Gregory Klaus and the CEO of K&R, has been found dead in France at 7:34 in the morning. Doctors say that the cause of his death remains a mystery, as there are no wounds in the body. They are to perform an autopsy but would need his family's approval...."

What is this? My hand grabs my phone. Three rings and I have been sent to the voice mailbox. It has been a week since I had lost all my contact with Felix, and a month since he had gone away for a business trip. It was supposed to be a five-day business trip, but he never returned. Nobody from his family knows why and they are not responding to me either. But today... this news.. why is it saying my fiancé is dead?

"Have you seen the news? Why does it say Felix is dead? Have you not heard from him yet? I've tried calling him but he is still unreachable." The silence from the other end, I hate it so much. This is his sister I am talking with, I can hear the same news from her side, but she remains quiet.

"Where are you going?" My mother blocked my way. "Please, do not act impulsively. I understand how you feel but there must be something that we don't know.. why don't we just wait, hm?"

My hands slap to my face. "Mom.. I've been waiting for a month now! I need to confirm whether it is true or not, okay? They could be wrong about it, maybe this person just looks a lot like Felix!"

"I know.. but it is not your job to do that, Taz. Leave it to the experts, to the police..."

"They've done nothing, mom! I begged them.. they didn't listen. You know that! How could I stay still when it is all over the media that my fiancé is dead!?"

I started my car's engine and stepped on the gas. Mother knew that she cannot stop me this time. I am not going to wait any more longer than this. If I need to fly all the way to France, I would, just to see Felix again. The car came to a stop and I quickly ran inside his family's home, nobody was surprised to see me, but I guess they expected me to come after seeing what was on the headlines today.

"Please.. I need all of you to tell me that none of it was true.."

"Tazanna.." His mother comforted me with a hug, his sister follows as I cry louder than ever before. My knees are wobbly, my entire body is shaking.. I can barely stand, without their support, I would surely be on the ground. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.. "

"My Felix.."


"Tell Xera to come to my office, I need to confirm something with her regarding the plan she's submitted."

"Yes, ma'am."

Two fingers went up to massage my forehead, all this work seem so endless. I wonder, when was the last time I had the time to relax and get full eight hours of sleep? I take it back when I said becoming a senior at work and getting a position will be great, the work just keeps piling up. I turn my head to the side, there stands the picture frame I've always had on my office desk. Why'd I put it here, seriously? I should have left it at home.

But... how I miss him. Four years had passed, yet I still haven't moved on. His family did not grant the doctors to perform an autopsy so up to this day, the cause of his death remains unknown. His sister, Piper, is now the President of their company. He would be the one in her position if he was still alive.. but oh, what I would do to see him again, to feel and hear his voice. Felix was all I had; he was my first in everything. Four years and my heart still belongs to him.

"You called for me, ma'am?" Xera's voice echoed in the room.

"Yeah, I have something to ask you regarding the plan for the event happening on Saturday.."

This has been my everyday routine — work, check on each team's performance, sleep and repeat. I devoted myself to my job, if not, I'll end up thinking about Felix. Work ends by 9 PM but there are still some paperworks waiting for me at home; there is really no end to it. But I would rather do this all day and night than sit in the corner of my room all depressed. I got home by 10, grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and turned on my laptop. Over a hundred of emails greeted me, which no longer surprises me. I was in the middle of reading an email when my phone vibrated, it is a call from Felix's mother. I appreciate them for always checking up on me, Felix and I never got to be married but I am glad they treat me as a member of their family.


"Honey, have you eaten?" My head turns to the wrap of the sandwich I just had. "Are you eating properly, Taz? I can bring some food over if you need."

"I'm fine with the food from the stores, mom." She wanted me to call her that even though I am not officially her daughter-in-law. "Besides, I don't wanna cause you any trouble, it's quite a long drive to my home."

"This girl... You are my daughter, of course I would want to take care of you." My eyes teared up as I bite on my lip and cleared my throat. "Piper and I need to go out tomorrow anyway, we'll deliver you food and go. Take outs aren't good for your body."

"Okay.. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Of course, sweetheart. Get some sleep and have a good rest." She ended the call. This big house.. Felix should be here living with me. This was not meant for just one person. It still feels so unfair. We don't know what happened with him and how he had died... The plane did not crash, for he called me by the time he had landed. I wanna know the cause of his death, and I'm pretty sure it is not just me, but also his whole family. Felix was their only son and supposed to become the next President of their company. Why must he leave that way? It's not fair...

The box of my memories with him are in my hands then again, I only realized that it was here when I opened it. I must have grabbed it unconsciously, my body has acted on its own today too, huh? Our pictures, the gifts, the handwritten letters, and most of all.. my ring. It was the end of the winter and the start of spring, Felix went down on one knee and asked for my hand in marriage. We have been together for so long, that I think moving on and forgetting him is not possible.

I pick it up; it is the most beautiful thing I ever got from him. Something caught my eye though, inside were engraved words which I never noticed before: "Tazanna Klaus". My heart pounded and my tears streamed down my cheeks. How long were those words there... Why did I have to see it now... Why did you have to leave me...


The morning sun touches my skin as I open up one eye. That white curtain dancing to the wind, my hand stretches out to grab my phone, only to feel an arm beside me. I spring up. Who is this!? I don't remember inviting someone over to my house!

"You're awake?" It speaks. That voice is of a man. What is a man doing in my house!? He sits up, his back on me as he run his fingers through his black hair. "Good morning, lovely."

What.. the...

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Babe, are you alright?"

Is this true.. is this really happening...

"Taz?" He waves his hand on my face. I poke on his cheek, it is soft and warm as I can remember. My fingers dig into his hair, it smells like mint. I look into his dark brown eyes and they are reflecting me. "Baby, are you sure you're okay? What's wrong?"


"I'm here, baby.."

"You're.. my Felix, aren't you?"

He cracks a smile. "Of course. I am your Felix." He wipes away a tear on my face, and I wasted no second to throw myself at him. My hands lock at his back and pulled him closer, I hear his heartbeat. I feel him breathing. "What's gotten into you, Taz?"

"I missed you.. oh, I missed you so much...!" His big arms wrap around my body. Just like the way he's always held me... if this is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up.