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Unexpected Worrior

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Adpoted as a baby to a normal family but struggled with her emotions the whole time. Creating her own pack to become a strong leader for those who really need a family and to be apart of something more. Having been raise in a normal family and learned about running a business. From their love, she has raised above her issues to help others and heal herself. Join her on this journey of bring together more to the supernatural and her family that had adopted her.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

My family consists of my dad, six uncles and me. I have no mother and as far as I am concern I do not need one. My dad and uncles never found a female that would put up with them. As a result they chose the single male life running a business and raising me.

I am proud to call them family. The idea of running a business came before they even found me. As a group they talked about what the future would hold outside the military and that is where the idea of starting a security. Through many hours of talking and a lot of saving up between all seven of them. When they had successfully had enough to start the business and to buy the proper equipment. With many thoughts of what could be the name of the business and in agreement they finally agreed on one. Their decision was finalized to be called the Safe House Security.

Each of them came with a set of skills that they had developed from the military. By training and keeping up their skills they all had time to by knowing how each other react. Also build confidence in each other's ability instead of being unsure and a hindrance to one another. Familiarize themselves with each other. In being familiar with each they all are able to work together

To be honest I was adopted. What can I say? Absolutely nothing especially if I was a baby. Surprised? Well doesn't be because of what my birth parents decided to do give me a new family. My father was the one that found me and ever since then we have all been happy.

My father and uncles love to tell me the story all the time. During this time they always remind me even though I am not of blood I am always loved.

Another day but today we take care of a new client. Some of my buddies and I started a new business but we wanted to us our skills so security it is. With our combat skills and military training just gives us more than enough to build what we need.

"Hey guys," I said. "What are our plans for our new job?"

"Well," Phil started, "we are going to go in and deal with the entire problem. Than assess everything to see how protection this client needs."

"Then I will go and check the area out," I said. "Oh do we have or mics up and running?"

"Yep they are all ready to go," Phil responds.

"Well everyone can get them on while we start doing individual checks and securing the place up," I told Phil. "This way we are set and ready."

Then I turned around and walked out the door to do a perimeter check. As I walk along the border I notice a few things. First off I noticed the entire trees okay. Not that I mind but it gives a place to hide in so we will have to do a set up that will involve the trees to keep a good protection up. Second I noticed all of these bushes in the trees. Any one and anything could be hidden behind the bushes. So theses bushes will have to go and the owner will have to have it happen.


"Guys I have something here," I said into the mic.

"WAAAAAAAA" Whimper "WAAAAAAA" Whimper

"You found something Brain?" Phil responded over the mic. "What is it that you found?"

"Well by the sound of it may be a baby but I am not sure," I informed him. "Reason I said this is because it switches between a baby crying and a baby animal. So until I find the source of the sound I can tell you."

"Okay," Phil said. "I am sending Mark out to you to aid in finding the sound."

"Alright I am behind the house in the woods," I responded. ...

While I waited for Mark to come I looked for the source of the sound. IN all honesty I was having a hard time finding it. Not long into my search Mark appears at my side.

"So I hear that there is a sound out here and you need help finding it," Mark said as he approaches me. "Of course I will help you out. That is what we do so I will look over here and you on the other side."

Mark points to the right of where I stood and walks in that direction as he listens to the sound.

"Brain from what I am hearing it is a baby," Mark confirmed. "Also the baby is somewhere in your direction."

"I noticed that the sound would get louder as I walk in to this area," I informed him. "I would head into this bush area near this pine and the crying and whimpering gets louder."

"So we better search that area thoroughly," he told me.

As we look and move the bushes around to find the source. When I moved on bush I see a blanket that looks like it's made for a baby. As I clear the bushes aside I see a body that seems to be going from human to a wolf pup.

"What the fuck?" I said.

"What is it?" Mark asked.

"I have no clue," I responded. "I think this is a werewolf pup but I am not sure. I know they are not real but with what I am seeing. "

"Well than we know they are," Mark said. "Proof is in seeing this adorable young one here going between the two forms. I do know we need to get this little one in one of the forms."

"Well than let's try," I said. "I do know one thing and that is I am going to adopt this little one. What do you think about adding an addition to our group?"

"That would be great," Mark said. "This little one will be part of our family. We will love her and give her what she needs. If we find more of her kind we can welcome them with open arms."

"Alright little one," I said to the baby, "it is time you choose a form so we can take care of you. We will love you no matter what happens. From this point on you are ours. My little one, my child and my brothers in arms little niece or nephew."

We watched as this little baby finally took to the form of a baby child. As we both checked the baby out making sure there was no harm done.

"Well there is one thing for sure," Mark said as he looks at the baby. "This little one is a girl. I do know she will have each one of us wrapped around her fingers."

"For starters she is going to be mostly homeschooled. At least till we learn her temperament," I said.

"That is a great but first you got to adopt her," Mark said.

"Hey Phil," I said in the mic. "We found a baby girl. Also I need you to get a hold of a few of our contacts to see that we can get for adopting her. I would be her father and everyone else would be uncles."

"WHAT!!!" Phil Shouted into the mic. "Are you crazy? What can we do with a child with us?"

"Raise, love and also train her," I said. "Also no more shouting in the ear damn that hurt. As far as I can see she has no one. They left her to die."

"So you just plan on adopting her?" Phil reply.

"Yes," I said. "There is one other reason and it is easier to see instead of explain."

"Alright," Phil responded, "and I do believe the other guys heard as well."

"Oh yes," came in chorus over the mic.

"Including when you yelled," James stated. "It was in all our ears. Damn that got all of our attention."

"If Brain wants the child let him," Rick spoke up.

"What are you planning on naming her?" Sam asked.

"Her name is going to be Phoenix Zeva," I responded. "When she is mine through this adoption than she will carry Winters name. But you guys will also be a part of the family."

"Well what are you going to name the pup?" Mark asked me off the mic.

"Angel," I said. "This little pup is an angel so her name will be Angel."

The next day after we had square everything away with our client with the security. The boys and I went to the court to start the adoption. At the court we had problems about keeping Phoenix. What prevented them from taking was the fact that Phoenix would start crying.

The social worker had a hard time calming the baby done. She just kept crying and refused to eat when they tried to feed her.

I had got tired of watching and hearing Phoenix so unhappy. The social work was about to stop me but saw with her own eyes as well as the judge how Phoenix stopped crying. Once I got phoenix settled down I fed her the bottle that everyone else tried to get her to eat.

"How were you able to get her to calm down? And to eat?" the judge asked.

"Well it took me away to get her like this," I responded. "Honestly I have been up all night because she just would not settle down. I could not put her in a different bed. In the end so I could sleep, I put her on my chest while I was propped up against the headboard."

"That is not right," the Social worker complains. "A man sleeping with a girl and being a minor. That is against the law."

"Hold that thought," the judge said. "Are you telling me that after you found her she would not settle down?"

"Yes that is what I am saying," I responded. "I did the only thing I could think of doing to get her to calm down. Otherwise my brothers in arms and business partners would never forgive me. They would probably shoot me on site. It took me a good three hours or longer to get her calmed down and quiet. To get her to eat after that was a little less."

"So you did what you could before coming in with her? Correct," the judge said. "In that process the little girl was cleaned feed and comfort by you and the rest of these gentlemen?"

"Yes," I said. "At first she did not want to be held by them but once she felt safe in their arms she just settled in without a fuss. On top of that James here is the only one who can set her down in the same room as him. As long as he is in the room she is fine but if he left that is a different story."

"So you set of guys took this girl in and even want to give her a family," the judge responded as he observed our interaction with the little girl.

"Sir with all due respect," I said," I know we had no right in doing this but I named her so that we could refer to her other than little girl, the girl and her. I gave her the name Phoenix Zeva. Plus if she is in our care, we are willing to put together a plan for you guys on what type of education and living she would have."

"So her name is Phoenix," the judge said. "I have no problem with you naming the girl. It just makes it easier on use when we refer to young Phoenix. Now as for the plan just give us a general idea out lining what you have in mind. This is if you were allowed to adopt her."

"Well," Phil finally spoke up," I had already did up a rough draft of what would happen if she was adopted by Brain Winter here. I will do a light verbal outline. To start off with since we travel a lot her shots and health will be the first taken care of. Second we all will take part taking care of her and raising little Phoenix. Since we are always together we can each support each other and take turns so that no one person is severely tired. Onto her education, since we do not know how traumatized she will be or how she would respond to other children homeschooling would be the best option. This way we can teach her control over her emotions and keep her from self-destruction. As phoenix grows and becomes older as a family we will decide if it is best to let her to go to a public school. At this point we will settle down and have base operation going with our business."

"It looks like you touch all the main concerns," the judge said. "From what I see right in front of me, I believe that Phoenix will be in the best care possible. Also the simple fact that everyone one of you are willing to step up to the plate to take turns speaks volumes in my book. So in my power I am giving Brain Winters sole custody and all rights to a full adoption with no hassle from the state. If there is a problem they can approach me and I will make a clear statement to them about my reasons. Good look and best of wishes."

From that day on I became the father to an emerald eyed baby girl.