Gulp*, is this the end for me? NO! Noo!! I'm to young to die yet~~!!!
Despite that, he looked around my age. Nevertheless I shouldn't lower my guard down. Based on the pressure around the vampire, it seems to be one of those high-level vampires. Still why...high-level vampires usually reside in the deeper parts of the Windsor Forest. Unless there was a commotion within the forest and they were forced to leave. But there wasn't, right? And normally, high-level vampires have way more intellect compared to the common beast and yet it's acting in such a frenzied manner.
If you're wondering why a commoner like me knows such things about vampires it was because the village provided basic knowledge about monsters. Since we do live near a forest inhabited by mythical creatures. They also teach the boys how to fight them off which is why they have a weapon on them like a sword for example, though they never bothered to teach us girls. My dad is an exception though, he believes that girls should also know how to defend themselves. He'd teach me in secret without my mom knowing and I appreciate his efforts, but he sometimes take things to the extreme.
As the vampire sensed my presence, he edged towards me, bearing his fangs as he did so. Instinctively, I backed away from him, afraid that he might pounce on me. Despite that I stopped in my tracks, realizing that if I continue, I will lead him to the village. And the villagers will never forgive me. I can't let that happen, my family is already having a hard time ever since we've gained the disapproval of the villagers. No way am I gonna add any more burden to my parents.
I looked around haphazardly to see if there's anything that I can use to defend myself. All I found were some rocks and twigs though. Sigh*, if only I brought the dagger my dad gifted to me. Well I gotta make the most of it. I threw the rocks and twigs towards the vampire, leaving it some scratches, nothing critical. I then ran towards the cliff, near enough to be within the village's territory but far enough to ensure the village's safety. Not many people go here apparently.
I stood there on the cliffside, with nothing to defend myself. I looked at the vampire in the eye as if I was taunting it to come closer. His eyes were filled with bloodlust that it scared me even more. I didn't have any plan in mind but I knew I needed to divert his attention to me rather than to the village. Noticing that I was now cornered, he leaped on me, his fangs agape. However, as if in a blink of an eye, I heard a voice shouting at the top of his lungs.
"Who do you think you are! Do you think you have the right to touch my daughter?! You beast!" my dad roared as he came crashing into the vampire, slashing his sword as he did so.
"Dad!" I gasped aloud. What's he doing here? How did he arrive in the nick of time?
When I focused my eyes again from the shock, I saw my dad strangling a whimpering vampire mercilessly. Huh, now his whimpering? Pathetic. And just earlier I was terrified of him. But WOW. Now that I think about it, this is my first time seeing dad this angry. I mean yeah my dad has always been overprotective of me and Chiyo but usually he'd be smiling all bright and cheery. Not the intimidating demeanor that's exuding from him right now. It's like they're surroundings around them became somewhat heavier that it's suffocating.
After hearing me, my dad turned his head facing me, "Hestia! Thank goodness your safe." dad said, letting his guard down completely. Taking his chance, the vampire took out a bottle from his pocket, containing of what looked like a purple mist. He then struggled a bit and dad sensing this, returned his gaze upon the vampire. But he was too late because the vampire already threw the glass potion causing a smokescreen. I then felt a firm grip on my wrist, pulling me in a tight, familiar embrace.
"Are you okay Hestia?" my dad asked in a frantic tone. We were currently laying on the grass, so I was on top of my dad.
"Y-yeah, thanks dad." I replied in a meek voice against my dad's wide chest.
"Sigh*, once again thank goodness you're safe." My dad then said as he let me go, laying lazily on the grass.
I then sat up, looking over the cliff nearby, watching the sun set in the horizon. The thoughts I had earlier this morning resurfaced in my mind anew. You see during the few moments before my dad grabbed my hand, the vampire uttered a couple of words that chilled me to the bone. He said this in a well-spoken manner as if he wasn't acting like a crazy vampire earlier.
"We'll meet again dragon. I will come back. I'll make sure to reunite you with my master." the vampire drawled in my ear in an eerie way.
Dragon? What did he mean by that? I mean I'm a human in the flesh. Both my parents are, right? And what did he mean by him reuniting me with his master? Scoff*, like I've ever met a power-hungry guy recruiting deranged people for his own selfish schemes. And if I did, I wouldn't wanna reunite with him EVER.
Aaarrgh...rather than getting any answers I just got even more questions. Gosh this is starting to become more troublesome.
"Seems like the sun's setting. Let's go Hestia, your mom might get worried if you don't come home by now." my dad suddenly said, breaking the silence.
"Okay then dad!" I replied, feigning a smile as I did. Like my mom, I didn't want to worry my dad. I held my dad's hand tightly as we headed towards the place we call home.
Laughing as we went, talking casually without a care of the rocky path ahead or the gusty winds blowing upon our faces. As if we haven't even encountered a vampire in the first place. Walking side by side, enjoying each other's company. Just me and dad and dad and me in our own little world.