As Philip gazed at the fish gliding above him, it dawned on him how small he'd become.
He wasn't alone in this; all the players had shrunk. Now, they found themselves in a deep sea where even the tiniest fishes and prawns were almost their size.
A sudden noise behind him jolted Philip into a battle-ready stance. Scanning the area, he caught sight of movement in the grains of sand, as if something sought to break free.
Tension gripped him as he quickly opened his system to purchase something to defend against whatever was stirring beneath the sand.
Large eyes blinked under the sand, seemingly examining the small Philip in front of them. In a heartbeat, the creature pushed itself out and hovered above the ground. After a brief look at Philip, it hurriedly swam away.
Watching the stingray glide off, its shadow casting a wide silhouette on his face, Philip's heart, which had momentarily stopped, resumed its beat.