You have no idea how fast time flies when you don't want to do something, Yeah because right now I'm turning and tossing on my bed, it was 5:00Am in the freaking morning and I have to start preparing for the the hell of a day ahead.
Turning out of the bed, the lights was blinding, it was too bright who uses white light anyways, well technically it was was normal but then it I hated it, and I can't turn it off because I can't risk waking my roommates up, I stopped at my wardrobe picking out my make up kit, it was a good thing I came prepared, I grumpily walked into the bathroom.
Stripping out of my outfit, my gown was very long but had a full thigh spilt, and it was sleeveless so I had to work on my hands too, they aren't a lot but the irons burn were ugly, it would be hard to hide my scars but I had to, I can't explain them, but if I was attending a party I made sure I dress all in, smiling to myself I decided to put that behind me and actually enjoy today.
Stepping in the shower I washed the tears building up under a cold shower. The chill run down my spine as the water embraced my skin, a slight gasped escaped my lips, my toes curled after a really long sigh.
My body embraced the comfort the cold shower brought, finally having my bath I went on with my skin care routine, finally the part of the day I'm not looking forward to, covering years of trauma that no amount of adequate skin care can clear up the scars completely using a tattoo concealer, I have on my arms and a few on my exposed thigh, soon I was done.
By soon it meant I took 40 minutes of my time, picking my dress in was to early to dress up, I decided to apply my facial make up, I was a pro at it, it was one of my extracurricular activity in high school.

It took a while to get the makeup I was going with but decided to use something different, I finally went with a bitchy look, to give boys a warning, picking out my contact lenses, I decided to go with a blue shade.
it was 6am, the alarm clock made that clear, I heard the girls groan "Shit", with bolting speeding I pulled on my dress up my knees pulling up the zipper with ease, looking at my self in the mirror, I didn't recognize the girl I was staring at, she was flawless, she was bold, and daring, she is fake., her pains were hidden.
I heard a soft gasp, pulled out of my thoughts, looking back at Teslima she was staring at me wide eye, "Guys someone snatched Ariyike and dropped a decoy fake spy" Her speech was met with an eye roll and a small chuckle.
"Oh my fucking God, damn girl we should dress up more often" Ajoke dropped her towel to her feet, "This looks amazing you are going to stare up things..."Niniola nudged Teslima she sent her a glare , "You look amazing, you are helping everyone with our make ups, you are smoking damn!"
I wonder how she was able to say all that though a squeal with on breath, "Sure girls, that's why I'm up early anyways, and thank you for the compliments good to know my effort was not in vain, its good to know a little make can save my dying girlyness, if that's even a word well whatever"
"Yeah you look alive" I glared at Niniola, she sent me a kiss in the hair, I gave her the middle finger
I took a pause after my speech a smile plastered on my face, "Sick! "They all decided to shower together, I wish I could that honestly, but they would ask questions.
It's enough we already know you are insecure just drop it.
"Awwn my subconsciousness is back "I whispered to my self, walking into our kitchen to make some toast as break fast, whisking some eggs and adding some spices, i started to make breakfast.
After a few slices, I made 3 slices for each of us, grabbing a roll of Nescafe and a roll of dano milk, I rinsed out some cups to make coffee, placing each girls breakfast on the bed, I pulled out my heels, setting it aside along side my purse and accessories, lip balm and some other essential items.
"I can't get how you look out of my head honey" Ajoke soft voice made me turn towards her, sending her a small smile, she nodded towards me with a smile too, "Honestly if I was boy i'll hit that, but then I don't do girls no matter how hot the look"
Teslima had a weird way of complimenting you, "Well you can never know how amazing it will be if you don't try it "I sent her a smirk, "Ouuu girl I see you" We all burst into a fit of laughter, it eventually died down
We had breakfast as we all paired accessories, turns out each girl went with a signature colour, and the matriculation ceremony around here was a really big deal, they pick out best dressed and all that boring stuff, "Kill me already"
"Lets start with Aj's makeup" I announced as we all started preparing, I went with something simple for all the girls.




Each girl styled their up in their respective styles, Niniola on "Okay honey this should be a side hustle honestly, do we need to pay you" Niniola said through her squeals as she admired her self in pink outfit, Teslima went with the brown outfit, Ajoke went with the blue outfit.
"You look amazing honestly, all of you, I'm drooling, and nope I'll let this one slide because I love you girls"
It was 10: 03 already we were 3 minutes late, "Guys can we go now?" I cannot stand on my heels and based on the gist the hall gets full to the brim with students" Ajoke shut the window as we all picked up our purses.
"Gils its not a matriculation without our gowns" Niniola reminded us that we left out the most essential part of our outfit behind. Picking our gowns it was sent to us a few days ago. "Ain't no way in hell I'm covering my beautiful dress with this horrible looking gown"
Teslima neatly placed her gown on her hands and put on her cap, it was smart so we did the same, now we are doing this in style. Satisficed with our looks and throwing some complements in.
"Can we go make some boys gasp for breath and some girls wish their parents made the right choices" Teslima cheered, she is bitchy alright. Picking up my car key, I was the first to step out of the door.
All three girls followed behind, we all waited as AJ locked the door, I felt a pair of eyes lock on me, lookin up it was our bitchy neighbor, they were also dressed for the event, Plastering a smirk on my face, i did a over over look on their outfit, I ended with a scoff and a chuckle.
if I sound harsh right now I meant to, what the fuck are they wearing?, talk about poor sense of fashion.
Taking my eyes off them with a scoff, she was sending glares at me and I was getting pissed, and if I don't leave now I'll be harsh, "Let's go girls I have a really bad temper" I heard the girls chuckle, locking arms with Niniola we walked as out of the building.
"Guys, do you think we should look for the guys at the party?" Niniola asked as I got into the car, "I call shotgun" She hopped into the car, My smiled widened, "Uhm probably" Ajoke got in with Teslima.
"If we want to, we probably should, we all got drunk together, pretty reckless!" I pointed it out, "we are in university lets live a lot make bad choices" Teslima grumbled, I let it die down I wasn't in the right senses to argue.
The car ride was filled with music and silence, but it wasn't an awkward it was needed. The car park wasn't filled up, it was half way filled so i found a spot to park pretty easy, "Alright girls, let's go"
Locking hands with my ne friends, I know its too new but it feels like it already, 'Let's go in and face the stares" Teslima brought me back to reality ," fuck I don't have my face masks" My insecurities kicked in, and I felt my self confidence waver.
"Honey, you are beautiful and dressed to slay okay, you can't hide behind you mask always" Niniola's voice was calming, "She is right babe, you can o this okay, now lets go break some girls ego'' Teslima yanked me towards her, Taking a really long breath, we walked into the hall and she was right, I felt eyes follow our every move as we sat down.
I didn't like it but it was expected, humans will always stare, not just because we are girls but if I was in their position I would definitely stare, I plastered a fake smile on my face, as we sat next to the 100 level students, there was about 500 students already in the hall. "This looks beautiful no cap, this school knows how to throw a party," Niniola was gaping at the decoration of the hall the room.
Thankfully none of us are overdressed, everyone was looking classy ball gowns and suits , some parents came around others had dates and we have each other, My step mum agreed to stay back only if I sent her a considerably large amount of pictures which I plan on doing
Few minutes into the ceremony i can feel my eyes closing, and I want to leave already. "Is this all they do because
I'm bored already" I huffed fixing my lip-gloss as they went on with the name calling, introduction, speeches.
'Not really, an hour of this and we can move the party outside, then the fun begins" Teslima looked up from her cellphone to reply me, "Oh okay, was starting to rethink my life choices" The girls replied me with chuckles as we all stayed glued on our phones.
'Where you girls at?"
I got a text from Damilare immediately the ceremony was concluded, I tucked in my hair and fixed my makeup, "We should probably go outside, Damilare texted" I kept my phone back into my purse.
"What did he say" Ajoke got up fixing her gown she looked up at me, "He just wanted to know where we were and I haven't replied yet though" I packed up my purse and all my stuff, "What did I do to deserve this" I heard an all too familiar voice through the crowd.
Damilare whined, We all snapped to the back as they both, walked through the crowd, "Hey girls, Oh my god" Damilare drawled back his eyes locked on Ajoke, before moving towards the rest of us.
"You girl took this very seriously I mean woah," He wasn't hiding the fact that he was checking us out, "You wore a gown for this? you look good I was expecting this" Shayo raised an eyebrow, "You both look good too and take this all in I am never ever doing this again"
"Can we move the party outside?" Teslima yanked Niniola outside, "You look really pretty" Shayo chuckled, I nodded "Thanks" Why did I feel warm, I hate this feeling, shrugging it off I locked hands with Shayo who's eyes was glued to his phone, "And my step mum said I have an addiction.
The party was not what I expected it was extremely boring and I and the girls diched me 30 minutes ago, I mean I told them it was okay , "Okay I can't do this anymore please enough of the suffering" I whispered to myself,
"You don't seem to be enjoying your matriculation party" I whipped my head to the back, tripping on my heels, "WTF" I grumbled looking up at the stranger talking about serial killer vibes.
His face was completely covered "Not good with heels? or you don't want to be here so bad?" His voice was oddly familiar?.
"Hi, yeah sorry about that i hate parties my best friends dragged me out here" He chuckled, yeah he was sounding way too familiar. "They dragged you out then they diched you wow"
I smiled, I miss my face mask, "Don't they love me?"
"Okay fuck it, your voice is like very familiar", and it driving me crazy" He chuckled taking off his glasses and a gasp escaped my lips.
"Oh my wow"...
Author's note
I'm soo sorry for the late update!
The next one is going to be faster I promise.
My writer's block was really nerve-racking
014; Awkward moment when you show a friend a funny video and he say 'I have seen it' with no reaction, the urge to commit a murder.