Kyler checked the window, looking down on the streets below. Whoever rented this place out must not have a taste in beauty because it had a perfect view of the entire city, even the sun setting over the buildings. He checked his phone and sighed, realizing that time had been far spent.
"Are you done, Ives."
"I finished hours ago."
"Really." Kyler said, walking to Ives, looking down at the man tied up in the chair. The man was bleeding from his shoulder and knee, a long sniper rifle beside the window on the other side.
"You know this guy?"
"Kyler, I'm not friends with every single mercenary. I stopped a long time ago, remember?"
Kyler raised a brow. Jacques grunted, sitting down on another dusty chair. "Larry Hawks." Ives said, "A rookie when I was arrested. That's all I know."
"Seems like they're standards have fallen."
Kyler removed the tape from the man's mouth.
"Yeah, I'm guessing you know who I am already so I'll cut to the chase. Who sent you."
"I signed a contract to remain silent to remain silent, but I'm guessing you guys forgot that since you stopped a while ago."
"Very funny." Ivez said.
"We aren't here to play games, Mr Hawks. You killed an inquisitor. We want to know why."
"Inquisitors are killed almost all the time. Just write it off as some daemon attack or something."
Jacquez fired straight through the man's other shoulder. The man cried out in pain, wincing and jumping about in his chair.
"Look here, mate." Kyler began, "An inquisitor died. And a dozen more are being attacked. I myself had a close brush with one of your guys myself. Either you tell us about the guy hiring you or we kill you right here, right now."
"I … I think you know the answer already."
"That's a wrong answer." Kyler said. Jacquez fired again, this time shooting the man's right knee.
"Tell me, now."
"Screw you."
Kyler sighed, giving the man sad smile. "Have it your way then,"
The man's body turned limp as soon as the shot went through his skull. Jacquez sighed, turning to leave, muttering under his breath about how the day had been wasted. Kyler watched the blood pour out from the body before walking out.
It had been a month since the IIIrd Daemon Incident, and daemon activity around the globe had gradually diminished. Though the ones that appeared were only in their evolved state, it had become much easier defeating them.
One would have expected a period of peace in the entire world but that wasn't the case. With the decline in daemon activity, the need for inquisitors had also began to be questioned. The protection and funding they received slowly began to face away as their importance diminished. Which meant that they began to become targets for everyone else, whether to be executed or to be kidnapped and used for some war effort elsewhere.
Out of all of them, the following where mostly targeted; Martha Dark, especially since the Alderwolf family had began to push for the Dark family to be reborn anew. Blake Alderwolf(Not a surprise.) Miles, who was an illegitimate child of the Blitzkonig family, Sharon Eagon and Heinrich.
Unfortunately, it was not restricted to them. Anyone with a close relation to them, that being other inquisitors were being targeted, and anyone with a close relation with inquisitors were also being targeted. The entire situation had become one big mess.
The only solution was to cut the head of the snake. Find the person who was targeting inquisitors. Easier said than done because the mercenaries being hired where experts, people who wouldn't back down even if their entire families were held at gun point. To begin with, most of them did not have families.
Kyler rubbed his head closing his eyes in frustration. Just when you think one problem is over, another one reared its ugly head.