"Why?" Grace laughed, "Why not. A kid like you who grew up with a silver spoon won't understand, would he? How some of us are treated like the lowest of the Earth, having to fend for ourselves. But I do find it admirable that you'd join the inquisition. In fact, I'm actually glad. I wouldn't have to put a bullet through your head."
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Hands said, stepping on Blake as the boy tried to crawl towards the house. "Sorry, but, can let you go."
"That half-breed will be used to foretell the true horrors of the crimes the Shield have committed."
"That half-breed is an inquisitor. You have to let me save her!" Blake cried.
"Yeah. We know."
"Or at least I do. Don't know about Graham, but I read all their personal info. So, I know. But I don't care. The Shield's crimes must be revealed!"
Blake looked at the house. Sarah was in front of the half-breed. Not as close as she was before but that was good. For now. He just needed to take care of Grace and Hands.
"One of the half-breeds...you knew them, didn't you?"
Grace flinched. Blake couldn't help but smile. It made sense now. Why someone like her who looked like she was living a luxurious life was here in the middle of a battlefield. The shield took someone she loved and turned him or her into a monster.
"I'm sorry. But I can save them. There are still two half-breeds alive, one of them could be..."
"So naïve." Grace said, "Makes me only have hope that I lost a long time ago. I could almost cry." She stood up and walked towards the car.
"Hands, do we have anymore men?"
"Just a handful on standby."
"Bring them here now. Tell them to hurry, we've already lost a lot today."
"Yes ma'am." Hands said, as he stepped away from Blake. Seizing the chance, Blake rolled on his back and jumped to his feet. He knocked out the gun from Hands and used his licht technique on him, knocking him out. He turned to Grace only to get shot in the stomach.
"Licht Energy restraining bullets. If I recall, Shasha shot you with three of these, right?"
Blake clutched his stomach as blood oozed out. He staggered backwards but stood his ground. Grace sighed.
"Just stay out of the way and you'll be fine. That is all I'm asking. Why, why won't you just listen, Why?!"
A swift movement behind Grace caused her to turn. Spen landed a sharp blow to her stomach before she could react, the gun sliding on the floor.
"Go on." Spen said to Blake, "I won't stop you."
Blake looked at him and nodded, limping towards the house.
Sarah had been close to death once. That was when she was a child as she was escaping from a daemon. She never expected another one though. She had barely managed to avoid the attack, a deep cut on her cheek. The half-breed began to approach, stepping out of the shadows. It was on all fours, with its tails a bundle of tentacles. Its two glowing eyes stood vertically on the left side of its face, the right side was a large mouth with sharp incisors.
She stepped back, her sai in her hand albeit shaking.
"Its me, Becca, your little sister, Sarah. I know you're still in there. Please...recognise me."
The half-breed continued to approach.
"You remember the times we used to play in the base? When you'd force everyone to tag along...you remember right? Or the times I used to cry myself to sleep until you arrived back from killing daemon, right...please tell me you remember. You can't forget me...you can't leave me alone, you PROMISED!"
White circles suddenly formed around the half-breed, stopping it from moving forward. Sarah stared, confused, slowly turning around.
"I....I made it." Blake managed to say. His left arm was outstretched with a circle formed over it, as he approached it. He slowly limped towards the half-breed, some a few feet in front of Sarah as he dropped to his knees.
"I can save...her. I can." Blake said, lifting up his other hand with much difficulty. "I ... I can save her."
The circle on Blake split in to as he placed his palms on them, as if trying to pry them apart. The half-breed began to let out an ear-piercing scream as it writhed in pain.
Sarah watched Blake in silence and relief. Hold on sister, she said to herself, We can save you. Just hold on for a while.
The cicles around the half-breed suddenly shattered. Blake closed his fist, causing the cicle to reappear. This time with an extra circle. But the circle was weak and partially broken.
"What...what's happening?" Sarah asked, helping Blake up.
"Guys' at his limit. Probably."
Sarah turned. The voice belonged to Spen.
"He's been fighting non stop. Guess it is also kinda my fault. Hahaha! To think he'd still try to save a monster"
Sarah walked up to him and tried to slap him, but he caught her hand.
"That isn't very ladylike."
"Don't call her a monster!"
"Ah...my bad. What do I call her? A half-breed? Because you do know that if you do save her that's what she is going to live as for the rest of her life."
"Shut up!!"
"I don't need to." Spen said, drawing closer to Sarah, "Deep down, you're not even concerned about the number of bullets in the guy's body, only your own sister."
Spen smiled, turning to Blake. Blake was now on his knees again, trying to seperate the circles. But it kept on shattering. He did it multiple times but the result was the same each time.
"It ain't working, is it?" Spen asked, "Why?"
Blake remained silent, watching the half-breed. And for a moment, there was silence in the building as tears streamed down Blake's face. He struggled to stand up, walking towards the half-breed slowly.
"B...Blake?" Sarah called. But Blake did not reply. He did not turn back, just stopping in front of the half-breed, which was now on its feet. Reaching out, he touched the half-breed's face. Then he turned to Sarah and it was then that she knew what was going to happen.
"I'm sorry, Sarah."
Sarah rushed to Blake in order to stop him. She slammed into an invisible wall, falling to the ground. She stood up immediately and continued to bang on the wall, screaming and wailing for Blake to stop.
"There's just no other way." Blake said softly. Drawing out his dagger, he pointed the blade at the half-breed's head. The half-breed stood still, as if accepting its fate.
At the tip of the blade, a black ball of energy began to form, spiralling until it became the size of a large fist.
Blake bit his lip as his hands continued to shake. Holding the blade with blade with both hands, he fired.
The ray of energy zipped through the half-breeds body, leaving a gapping hole that run straight through the half-breed. It shuddered and fell to its side, dissipating into black smoke. Blake bent his head as he walked away. He stopped right in front of Sarah.
Sarah could no longer stand, as her world came crashing down. She crumbled to the ground as tears flowed down her face. Her sister, gone. Dead. Without even a chance to say goodbye.
Blake said nothing, only, making a deep bow in front of her, unable to look her in the eye.
"I'm ...I'm ...sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry?" Sarah said, her eyes clouded with grief and rage. "MY SISTER IS DEAD AND YOU KILLED HER!! HOW IS SORRY GOING TO FIX THIS!! TAKE YOUR APOLOGY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
Blake raised his head. He walked away, in silence, not looking at Spen.
"I hate you."
Blake stopped briefly. He turned to look at her from the corner of his eye. Without a word, he walked away, letting her words sink in.