"Still nothing?" Reynolds asked Bree and Timothy as they stepped out of the crate. Bree shook his head.
"I can't believe she has the gall to lawyer up when everything is against time."
"She's stalling. That's for sure." Hughes said, pissed. "At this rate, we'll never get anything."
"Well, we have everything we need from her already. Funds moving from her bank account to a name. Green Joel."
"I wouldn't even name my dog that."
"I know. Must be a name used by the mercs. But without solid proof, this is a dead end. She might even walk free."
"After injuring half of my men and burying the rest." Reynolds clenched his fist. "No way."
"Not to mention two inquisitors." Kyler said as he approached them. "Tough luck, huh?"
Reynolds nodded. "Still haven't found the kid, huh?"
Kyler shook his head. "Don't blame him though. Doubt he sighed up for something like this, all to just reveal something that was covered up as a daemon attack."
Bree and Timothy looked at each other in shock, but said nothing. Hughes took out a joint and lit it, letting out a puff of smoke.
"Thought you stopped smoking." Reynolds said.
"Yeah. Thought I did to. Didn't expect to deal with a whole level of tragedy today."
"Captain," Bree began, "What becomes of the traitors?"
"They'd be stripped of duty and tried. Imprisoned, most likely for life. Or servitude in the Inquisition, no offence."
"None taken." Kyler said.
Bree turned to the other container. Inside it was Shasha, Hudson and Shawn. All traitors. Their friends. For how long, he did not know, but it was enough to make him puke. He never wanted to see them again. The deaths of their friends could not be forgiven so easily.
"Um..., sir, what's up with her?" Timothy asked Reynolds. Reynolds, Hughes, Bree and Kyler turned to see Sarah standing right close to them. None of them could feel her presence.
"Sarah, don't." Reynolds said, knowing all too well what was going to happen next. Sarah did not answer. She slowly walked towards them until she was toe to toe with Kyler.
"Why?" She asked, softly but coldly. "Why Rebecca?"
"Sarah, I need you to calm down." Reynolds said as he approached her. Zhao Fan came into view, but stopped a few meters away, uncertain of what to do.
"What answer do you want to hear?" Kyler asked her.
"She deserved better."
"That is true." Kyler said, "But now she is dead."
"Kyler Tason, that's enough!" Zhao said as she approached them.
"She was kidnapped, turned into the one thing she despised, the one thing she hated in the world and only to be killed by the very people she called family, and the only person with the answers is a woman sitting down behind those doors."
Sarah walked past them all. Bree and Timothy tried to stop her, but she reacted quickly. She grabbed Bree's hand and flung him over shoulder, spinning round to kick Timothy in the chest. She made her way to the room. Grace looked up from where she sat and smiled.
"Another visitor. Changing up things won't do. Be it inquisitor or Shield agent, hell bring a Great family head over here, I won't say a word without a lawyer."
Sarah rushed to her, reaching for her throat, only for to stop dead in her tracks as an invisible blade slashed the ground between the two.
"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Sarah cried.
"And allow you to kill her?" Kyler said, "Just like Blake killed your sister?"
"SHUT UP!" Sarah cried, "She doesn't deserve to live! If only she had just left her alone, maybe...maybe...." Sarah fell to the ground as tears streamed from her eyes.
"Your anger is misplaced, Sarah." Kyler said. Zhao Fan rushed to her side and helped her to her feet taken her away. She glared at Kyler but said nothing.
"Oh, I see." Grace said, "That last half-breed was an inquisitor. And her sister for that matter. Haha. Yet you still side with the Shield after learning about this."
"Yeah, right. As if you were any better." Kyler said, "How's your brother."
Grace glared at Kyler.
"The Shield will fall. Eventually the truth will come to light." Grace said.
Kyler shook his head. "You're so blinded by your want for revenge that you can't even see the bigger picture."
"What's more to it?"
"What's more to it? For starters, how not only did you make kill shield agents, but inquisitors and civilians as well. You've caused destruction to the city and wasted good time and resources that could have used for better things. And to top it all off, you failed."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"The Shield has already treated this as a daemon attack which coincidentally happened at the same time as a terrorist attack. Everything you've done has all been scrapped. You failed, Grace."
"But no side won."
Kyler grabbed her the throat much to the shock of Reynolds as well as Grace.
"I could slice you in the pieces right here, right now but I won't. Instead, I'll let you live." Kyler let go of her throat and walked away, "Live with the fact that Barry, Aaron, as well as everyone who died today, that their blood will be on your head."
Kyler left the room, leaving Grace shaking with anger. Reynolds glanced at her before leaving.
"You edged Sarah on just to say that one line to her, didn't you?" He asked Kyler. Kyler smiled.
"I get it man. You just have to say the things on your mind. Helps to ease the pain."
"Yeah. But this time, it was pointless." Kyler said. "Barry, Aaron, Rebecca. Dead. We just gotta move on. No matter how long it takes."