Dr. Vott sat behind the monitor, his hand on his chin, a serious expression on his face. The data was scrolling down the screen slowly, relaying a short and uncomplete list of names. He sighed deeply, setting down his glasses on the table and rubbing his eyes.
The light flickered for a while, catching Dr Vott's attention, and bringing back to reality. He took a deep breath, putting on his glasses and waited. He did not need to wait for long.
Spen stumbled into the small room, almost tripping, must have been expecting the door to have been locked. He grunted, muttering under his breath. He was followed by Sarah Stone, who had an irritated expression on her face. He couldn't blame her. They barely knew each other and yet he was demanding her presence. But then again, this was her concern. It was a pity he was going to be the one to break it to her.
"Ah...Ms. Sarah." Dr. Vott said, standing up with a smile. Sarah hesitated before shaking his hand.
"You wanted to see me? It must be really important." Sarah said, still irritated.
"Indeed it is. It is actually two matters in fact. Please, sit down." Dr. Vott said, pointing at the chair behind her.
"I'm good. Thanks." Sarah said.
"Okay." Dr. Vott replied, sitting back on his chair. "Now, the reason why i called you was actually because of two reasons. One concerns me. The other concerns you."
"Concerns me how?" Sarah asked, confused. Spen closed the door, leaning on it with an annoyed expression on his face, like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
"Well, I'll start with my concern first..."
"Ughhh!" Spen groaned. Sarah looked at him briefly.
"Is he ok?" Sarah asked
"Spen is what you'd call a battle maniac. He loves to fight rather than standing around idly doing nothing."
"Ah... so he's one of those."
"Yeah. But he's just a shy guy underneath."
"Could we get over with this already? Or do I have to this. Geez!" Spen snapped. Dr. Vott grinned, before clearing his throat.
"Well, Ms. Stone, I need your help concerning a certain individual."
"Yes. You. I understand that you're one of the oldest recruits in the Inquisition, am i right."
"Ouch. But yeah."
"Ah. I apologize. I didn't mean..."
"She mean it as a joke." Spen said.
"Anyway," Dr. Vott continued, "I am looking for someone in the inquisition, and I require your aid in this."
"Why me?"
"Well, since you've been around for a long time, you might have met with a lot of inquisitors as compared to the others, considering that you always stayed in the base."
"Why not ask Ms. Martha or any other older inquisitor. They would gladly help."
"Yes, but at the moment, they are quite busy, especially with this dilemma with the Foundation, the half-breeds and your friend Blake Alderwolf."
"Yeah. So was I."
"They wouldn't have let you partake in it."
"I'm an inquisitor."
"Yet none of them questioned the fact that Spen took you away." Dr. Vott said bluntly. Sarah clenched her fist.
"You aren't as strong as they are."
"I'm well skilled. Its just my licht energy that's under the wraps, that's all. Besides, I have a licht weapon.
"Which is exactly the problem, Ms. Stone. If you notice, all inquisitors with licht weapons have licht techniques as well. Martha Dark, Ricardo Helms, Zhao Fan, all have licht techniques."
"Jake doesn't have one."
"Which is why he is never sent alone on missions." Dr. Vott pointed out. "Besides, it's not like you don't have a licht technique, you just don't know how to channel your licht energy in the first place, thoughtless of using it."
Sarah's eyes widened. She had a licht technique? Since when? Sarah scratched her head. It was obvious that no-one but Dr. Vott knew about it. Then maybe...
"What if you taught me how to use it? My licht technique?" Sarah asked him.
"I'm not quite confident in my skills..."
"I can get you the data." Sarah said, "The inquisitors have a record of every inquisitor who has joined, dead or alive, active or inactive. It's on the Prime's laptop, but then, he wouldn't mind me using and accessing it."
"Good. I guess that settles it." Dr. Vott said.
"Okay, now I'll be going now." Sarah said, turning to leave.
"Um... we haven't discussed the second matter."
"The second concern?" Sarah stopped, confused, "I thought my licht technique was the second concern?"
"No, no, no. This matter is far too... delicate to be used as leverage."
"So... what is it?"
Dr. Vott took a deep breath, looking at Spen. Spen had looked away, intentionally. Trust Spen to always do that.
"Well, Ms. Stone...its about your sister..."
Sara's face paled.