The first thing that Princess felt was the blood that splattered on her pretty face, soaking into her blond hair. It was then she noticed the soldier that had been standing in front of her was on the ground, his head partially cleared. By the time she could get a grasp of the entire situation, militants were everywhere.
"TAKE COVER!" Princess commanded, ducking behind one of the vans. Three others joined her while five others ducked into an alley. Most of the others were downed by gunfire. Princess nodded at one of her men. He slowly scanned the area, and sighed.
"Three mercs. Two are armed with machine guns. The thirds seems to be a licht user."
"Great," Princess sighed, drawing out her saber. "There's most likely a sniper out there. Dennis, Jenna, you two take out the machine gunners. Lyle, with me."
The soldiers nodded reluctantly. Princess looked at the other five, signaling to them to cover them. One of them nodded, readying his gun and informing the others.
Princess paused for a while, wiping the blood and sweat off her face. She counted up to three and then rushed out. The militants immediately began to fire at her, but she began to weave her way around them. The machine gunners were taking out, prompting Lyle to follow after her. The gifted militant took out two blades and rushed at her. She immediately thrust her saber at him, only for the militant to leap high in the air. The militant came down with a powerful force, forcing Princess to her knees.
Princess grunted, stepping back. Lyle immediately rushed in with his dagger. He slashed at the militant, who dodged with ease. Lyle whipped out his gun and fired twice at him, but he dodged both of them, being mildly grazed by the second bullet. He grunted, charged at Lyle. Lyle charged as well.
"Lyle, WAIT!!"
Lyle stopped dead in his tracks as the bullet embedded itself in his thigh. He screamed out in pain but was interrupted by the militant who slammed him onto the ground. Princess tried to go in only to be stopped by the sniper, forcing her to retreat. Her men fired at where they thought the sniper was but it was pointless.
The militant stabbed Lyle in the other thigh, snickering as the young man screamed in pain.
"Our boss said to make sure that you guys felt the pain." He said as he placed his leg of his chest. "Nice and slow pain,"
He immediately stepped on Lyle's chest, making the lad scream out in agony as he could feel the way crushing his ribs. The militant's 'fun' was stopped however, when a saber tore through his right shoulder, causing him to lose balance. Lyle then took the gun and shot him in the head. Princess rushed to his side, helping him up.
"COVERING FIRE!" Dennis ordered as he and the other Shield agents got into position to fend off the incoming militants.
The gifted individuals were no threat to him, nor were the militants or mercs combined. But the half-breed was a problem.
Timothy ducked, avoiding its tentacles that flung itself round haphazardly, destroying every and anything in its path. The sound of screams could be heard from both the Shield and the Foundations' men as the Half-breed mowed down on them all, not even sparing a single one of them.
"NO SIR!" the agent beside him replied, his head in his hands. The half-breed jumped over the car which they had been hiding behind, turning to face them, its bloody mouth in the form of a grin. It roared, bits of flesh, blood and saliva splashing all over. Timothy and the shield agent rolled out of the way, avoiding the tentacle that came down with full force. Timothy took out his gun and fired three shots at it, gaining its attention. He rolled to safety avoiding its tentacles. The other shield agent shot at it as well, causing the half-breed to turning. The Shield agent ducked under a car as the half-breed thrust its tentacle right at him, embedding itself in the car. The tentacle retracted as the half-breed removed the car door from it. It growled turning its attention to Timothy.
The shockwave from an explosion under the half-breed's feet threw Timothy off. Timothy grunted as he got up on his feet, clutching his side. One of the militants was busily firing at the half-breed while screaming at the top of his voice. He ducked as the half-breed span round, hiding behind some debris. The half-breed turned to the running Timothy and thrust two of his tentacles at him. Timothy avoided them all only to be hit by a third, throwing him into a building. Timothy groaned as the half-breed approached him.
Just then, a shield agent rammed into the half-breed with his shield. The half-breed fell backwards, somewhat stunned. It turned to the attacker only to see one of the militants charged at him with a spiked gloves. The militant drove his licht weapon into its side, pinning it to the ground. Shawn, the shield agent with the shield, jumped into the air and slammed into the half-breed's chest with the edge of his shield. Timothy and the other shield agent drew out their licht weapons and began to attack the half-breed, slashing off its tentacles one by one. The half-breed cried out in agony, struggling to break free. The final blow was dealt to its head by the shield agent, with Shawn crushing the core. The half-breed shook violently for a while before dying.
"Whoa!" The shield agent exclaimed, collapsing on the floor. Timothy joined him, a smile on his face. Shawn slid down the half-breed, too tired to even think. As for the militant, he walked away in silence, obviously to find a new job before his current one killed him