Nu Yang always spoke loudly and he whined like a child without caring about his image or whoever was listening wherever he was with Lin Ye.
His voice rose in decibels and that showed what level of frustration he was in. If his voice was so loud then he was completely and utterly frustrated. His concerns made Lin Ye wonder just how bad of a person Yuan Mu was.
Nu Yang loathed her to the core!
Yuan Mu was at the door listening to his rants and Duan Bao saw how the color changed on Yuan Mu's face with every word Nu Yang said.
His words were incredibly hurtful and Yuan Mu took several steps back. She wanted to leave but Lin Ye spoke at that exact time.
Lin Ye listened to him and then said, "If you don't like her so much then why did you agree to film the movie? You could have avoided a lot of inconveniences then."