Feng Yuan's face scrunched up in disgust, "Go to hell!"
Chen Mumu laughed and then walked off like nothing mattered. What she did not see was that after she left, Feng Yuan winked at someone who quickly nodded and followed Chen Mumu!
Chen Mumu found the washrooms pretty quickly. She quickly walked in and relieved herself. She washed her hands and prepared to go out before she heard sobs coming from behind her. she turned back and saw that one of the rooms had been shut tightly and it was where the sobs were coming from!
She did not know whether to speak but she suddenly locked the main door before asking, "Are you alright?" she pushed her handkerchief in the space between the door and the floor, "Here, use this."
She expected the person in there not to take it but it was suddenly snatched from her hands and a nasally voice said, "Leave me alone, I am okay!"