Chereads / Choose me - the second novel / Chapter 73 - Grown up

Chapter 73 - Grown up

On route to Matty's mums the next day I glance over at Matty. He's wearing a light blue shirt. He looks wonderful and I can't help but to stare at him.

I've opted for a navy blue jumper dress, tights and boots. I've dried my hair and it looks smooth. I've gone for a more natural look, with my makeup. Call me crazy but my skin is already glowing.

"Maybe when we catch a minute we should go into the clinic and check up on everything" I suggest to him.

"That's a plan, I was thinking that too. Maybe after uni one day next week" he looks over smiling at me.

"We also need to go Christmas shopping" I say smiling at him.

"Ah yeah, next weekend" he suggests.

"We can also get all the Christmas decorations you wanted. Where do you want to spend Christmas by the way ?" He asks.

"Christmas Eve at ours? Christmas Day maybe at your mums and Boxing Day my mums?" I say.

"You've planned this, I like it" he smiles.

"You know by Christmas we will be 4 to 5 weeks" he says.

"still to early to tell anyone?" He asks.

"Maybe, shall we see what the clinic suggests" I say to him.

He smiles and we head into the gated parking of Steve's place. Matty reverses into a bay and I grab my bag.

"Noticed you haven't been smoking" I say.

"Around you ? Are you kidding me. I would not do that whilst you're pregnant babe" he says kissing my lips.

"I love you, thought so" I smile at him and we head up to their place.

"Excuses to not drink wine tonight ?" I ask him.

"You had a heavy night last night babe. No wine you're hanging" he says.

"Sorted" he laughs.

I kiss him lightly on the lips and he winks at me.

Matty's mum greets us both by hugging us as we get to the door. She's waiting for us, she pulls Matty in and I can see how much she loves him and misses him.

"Ah you both look so perfect together" she says looking us over.

"Right Taylor, what would you like to drink?" She enquires.

I say hello to Steve. The food smells incredible.

"Please could I have some coke" I chuckle

"Of course you can my dear, anything you like." She laughs.

Matty joins me. We sit down around the table, and I can tell Matty's mum has put a lot of effort into this evening. The table has candles on it and I smile up at him.

"Matthew, you must tell me, when is this exhibition. And also Taylor your dance show? We would love to come and see you if that's okay with you" she says.

"Exhibition is in a couple weeks I think it's a Friday night" he says and she sighs.

"My dance show is on the 14th December, it's at 7pm" I say smiling.

"See this is what I expect. Details. Thank you Taylor" she smiles broadly at me.

Steve carves the lamb and i can't help but to watch, it looks delicious and it smells divine. Matty's mum arranges the serving plates of roast potatoes, vegetables and roasted parsnips and mash on the table. And a gravy boat.

"Please eat as much as you can" she laughs.

"As you can see we bought a lot" she chuckles and I can see where Matty gets his laugh from. I smile at her.

"Thank you, this looks delicious. It's very nice of you to cook all of this for us" I say meaning it.

"No problem Taylor we love seeing you both" she says smiling at me.

I let Matty begin loading his plate up, he passes me the roast potatoes and I take a few and then pass them over to his mum.

"Taylor you look lovely, dear and your hair has grown out" Matty's mum says.

"Thank you" I smile.

"You've both really grown up" she says sipping her wine. She stands and takes the lamb from Steve and puts some on Matty's plate and then on mine.

"Thanks mum" Matty sighs and she laughs at him.

"Matthew I'm allowed to fuss over you. And over Taylor. Im so happy you're with somebody so grown up and... beautiful" she says sipping her wine again.

"How long I have waited for this day" she laughs.

He sighs and then laughs along with her. He has her wrapped around his little finger, just like I remember.

The food is delicious and of course I find I'm extra hungry at the moment. I'm glad I didn't wear jeans. My dress is non constrictive. And I feel fine having consumed a whole lamb roast.

After dinner I insist on cleaning up and Matty helps. I pour Linda another glass, and hand it to her as she watches us laughing and clearing away the dishes.

Matty takes my hand as we sit down with them on the sofas. Matty's mum smiles at the gesture. We're watching a silly show on the tv, I get most of the questions right and Matty laughs at his mum getting them wrong. She's a good loser though.

"How's uni going" she asks him openly.

"I like both of my courses, work load is okay too" he says. Scraping his hair back.

She smiles. Content with his answer.

"I never went to uni, Taylor. I kind of landed on my feet anyways. That's life for you" she smiles. She gets me and I can feel that. Singing in front of everybody yesterday made me realise how much I want to pursue live music. I cannot wait for the gig with Stiffy. I'm going to plod along and see what happens, I smile at her knowingly. She looks away from me smiling.

We stay for a few more hours chatting and Steve shows me his guitars. I'm in awe of his collection. He even lets me play his les Paul.

When we leave Linda makes us promise we will be back soon. I hug her and then we head down to the car hand in hand.

"So you and my mum had a moment" he chuckles once were on route.

I laugh.

"Yes your mum didn't want to give me advice but she managed to in a nice, sincere way. She was just saying that things always work out because they have too. And I was thinking about music, and how that is something I want to do and see if it's meant to be" I say.

He squeezes my thigh.

"You're good at everything. I love you" he says simply. I smile back at him.

We stop off to get me a strawberry milkshake on the way home because I feel like one and he indulges my every desire, no matter what.