Chereads / The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness / Chapter 83 - Sixteen days of betrayal

Chapter 83 - Sixteen days of betrayal

The first day, shortly after the door had closed behind Dawn, was spend banging on said door. Screaming for help as he felt sets of dead eyes stare at him, blaming him as if it was his fault they died.

And it was.

It was his fault they got takenlost their chance to enjoy and live life.

It tortured his very essence, his very reason for existense, more and more with the passing of time.

Once more he had proven to be the reason, proven to be a failure and with an aching heart he realised that was all he would ever amount to be.

Desperate to be let go, for freedom he screamed.

But not even the begging or admittance to his flaws made the door open for him.

Kocking, banging andcreaming lasted for hours until his hands showed red.

Cheeks were blood stained as tears came and went, just as the footsteps outside, they went by as if he wasn't screaming, screaming for help.

Had he just behaved, had he not slapped Henry, had he not left sixteen years ago this wouldn't have happenned.

He had went ahead of himself, acted stupidly, he should have known beter.

Should have followed the rules, as if someone like him would ever even have a chance to a normal life!

He was born a monster, everything turning gold upon his touch.

The second day Dawn spent blaming himself even more.

Why didn't he follow the rules, Henry could be kind if he did.

Even after the passing of years, he still knew the rules,the things he should say to please, to soften Henry's attidute.

It was something that never left.

This would have never happenend of he did just that, all those people didn't have to die, beaten and broken as he had been accustomed to.

It was him who was wrong, had he just stayed, followed the rules Henry could have been softer, mercifuller.

He had only himself to blame and those lives would forever be his to shoulder.

Lives that as seconds passed seemed to have more and more similarities with him,a horrifying thought.

Same words, same thoughts swirled in his head over and over, the only thing he could think of.

As the second day went, the third came.

Dawn hollered against the door, body curled in itself, he could barely look at the still decaying bodies.

While on the first day he could still see their identifying traits, now their preservation was fading.

It was as if done on purpose for him to see.

His hands clutched at his grumbling stomach but Dawn wouldn't be able to eat even if he had something laying in front of him, he didn't notice his voice sounded full of emotions as he whimpered out for help.

Unsure if the passing servants could even hear it.

Would they even know of his frantic screams and begging for help?

Would they even help him if he did?

He heard them pass by day after day so why didn't they help?!!

Did he even deserve it?

On the fourth day he was left pacing, trying to calm himself, put his hunger away from his immediate attention.

Talk filled the room, his own words reassuring him or atleast trying to tell him that everything would be alright.

Maybe this was all just a dream, a very bad nightmare.

And when he wakes up he would be safe in hiw own bed, Aethelstan and Adrian just rooms away. A calming potion no doubt ready for him.

Dawn pointedly ignored the way the bodies swayed as he passed by, long twisted and messy golden hair following behind him

Fingers anxiously grazing over one another, bottom lip continuesly getting torn .

His whispery, rough voice echoed in the room as his eyes glazed over with his illusion he desperately wanted to believe.

No voice answered his, no spiteful words leaving the other's mouth.

And while spiteful words would hurt his already fragile mindeset and feelings he wished for nothing else.

The continues silence was breaking his heart and mind more than his bloodstarved body was.


Dawn wasn't sure what day it was anymore or even if the voices he was hearing were real.

After some time he had fainted, crashing down to the ground only to wake up with an irregular schedule. His lack of blood made it an even painfuller experience a soothing awaited him when he awokened, hunger still dwelling.

There was still the same ,worse, smell from corpses around him so he always quickly realised he was still in the room.

Locked away from the world behind it.

He had curled up for who knows how long, it was only when a voice sounded, he awakened atleast somewhat out of his dazed state.

Simultaneously he felt the warmth of the sun shine upon him, relief settling atleast slightly in his body.

Before he could do anything else he felt himself getting lifted.

''Bathe him, within ten minutes I expect you to deliver him to the quest formal room.''

Even with his muddled mind he recognised Henry's voice, he always would as it was one that followed him in dreams and nightmares alike.

Not even cold water let him snap out of his thoughts, countless days of torture still fresh as he trembled at the servant's touches.

They didn't stop, just went on with their task of bathing him, Dawn could swear he heard accusing words but couldn't discern wether they where the truth or not or what exactly they said.

Soon he found himself pulled out, dried and put in pants and an open shirt.

Before with the nesecarry support leaving through the door, a slight chill upon his skin as they moved somewhere.

His momentarily peaceful moment disturbed by his voice.

''Place him there.''

Softer than expected he was placed on a rug, the coldness of the ground rapidly coming through but it was a foot moving atop him that alarmed him.

''So this is him, I see why you were so hell bent on capturing him.''

''You can play with him.''

Words ,as desinterested as could be, that as soon as they entered his ears left him shaking.

''I've never had a vampire.

They hide themselves away in their kingdom.

So how did you even meet this one?''


That backstabbing liar, he clearly..''Uaah!"

Before he could even do something an unfamilair gloved hand traced his open chest, twisting his nipple hardened by cold. The only touches he had those past decades where family like and friendly. For the past days, weeks,..he didn't know the only emotion he seemed to feel was fear and angst.

''Did you give him something?''

''Not at all.''

It was with a snap he felt himself getting lifted, the hand upon his neck bruised him without much care. Until he was seated right on the other's lap, a male but Dawn couldn't open his eyes to see who or what. Days in darkness left his eyes aching to adept once more.

He whined as lips swiftly touched upon his skin, grazing before harshly leaving one bite after the other. The force used made him cry out, blood dripping ever so slowly down, revealing Henry used his power to stop him from healing.

''You don't want him to heal?"

Gritting his teeth, he could barely stop himself moaning, trying and failing to open his eyes as the glove felt rubbish on his skin.


Henry didn't bother to say anything, from the rustling he heard, the other was working on papers.

Rapid knocks sounded farther away, his senses tingling even more than ever before, a warning and he could do nothing...

Some rushed conversations, fading in and out and a bang later doors hit the wall.

"Phantom we hav...what are you doing?!''

Another male and as soon as the words sounded, Dawn felt himself falling. Crashing back to the ground and scrambling away.

''Nothing, I was just curious.''

''A fithy vampire?

Let's get back, we don't have time to waste.''

If he focused he could hear them leaving, arguing about him, about touching filth and Dawn couldn't help but sob.

Nothing seemed to go his way as he got dragged up and led somewhere.


It was hot, numbing as water surrounded him.

Nothing like the cold shower the servants forced him in.

Dazed, still in his rapidly put on clothes, he could only wait.

And wait he did until footsteps, the dropping of clothes falling sounded.

Leaving him terrified, he had never....Henry had never....

It must be a ruse, like before with the male....phantom....

Just to scare..he had never...he wouldn' why, why couldn't his lips stop shaking?


The water level shifted as the other went in, startling Dawn as his breath hitched.

He had slightly adapted, he could somewhat see again, however he wished he couldn't as Henry stared down at him with a stretched out grin. The blurring making it even creepier as his heart sped faster than ever.

The darkness around them so alike his dreams made up his entire existence as he whimpered.

He was afraid and Henry knew it, enjoyed it even as his hand felt across his chest and shirt. Swiftly he found himself choking, grasp so thight as he once more got lifted on a lap.

He was naked.....the intention clear as Henry's free hand lowered and he was left gasping.

Dawn's mouth opened but nothing left him, shaking as Henry's hand held his chin thight.

His other hand moved, slowly, tortuously on purpose before with a painful grasp shifted the vampire's leg and grunted as he entered, pants already undone.

Reddish eyes left wide open, terrified as he cried out in pain as the world faded around him.