Chapter 32 - BEAST RIDER

"You are mad my Prince! We could have negotiated!"

"We cannot win this battle!"

"We are doomed!"

"I better call for surrender! Let us all throw our weapons down and call for truce before it is too late!"

Still looking at the charging soldiers a few metres ahead of them Frank shouted at his lamenting entourage.

"Stay put all of you! Do not panic! Maintain your positions!"

Everyone was holding his weapon, ready to defend and attack. The commander looked at Frank.

"This guy is really nuts! Shouldn't we be charging right into the battle now that his tomfoolery has brought us to this? Why are we standing here and wait to be slaughtered like sheep?" he thought within as his face contorted into serious desperate and angry looks. He felt like he was going to boil over.

He looked at Frank, the Prince appeared to have closed his eyes. "This man!" The commander almost cried out.

'It is my responsibility to protect them, I am the commander! At least I will protect the ladies and let the fool die alone if he so wishes.' Coming to such a decision all within a few seconds he then issued an order to his soldiers.

"Quick! Arrow formation around the nobles! To arms all of you!"

But even before his soldiers made a move, a large roar was heard above them the very instant Frank opened his eyes.


A huge dragon swooped down from the forest and headed toward the enemies. Its mouth was wide open and it spewed out a stream of fire towards the front lines of the enemy soldiers. All of the over a hundred soldiers on that spot turned into burning corpses. This included Goshepa the Baron. Then the Dragon landed right In front of them! It roared loudly while facing the army in front. The enemy soldiers were terrified and held at bay just by the sound of the roar!

The ladies cried out in a mixture of surprise and happiness. They were sure the Dragon was defending them. But where had it come from! They had never seen one such creature alive all their days in Amarkale! Even the soldiers who were with them gaped in shock.

Frank got off the horse and walked towards the Dragon. It slightly turned its head to look at him but continued roaring at the enemies.

"What is the Prince doing?"

"Look! He is sitting on top of the Dragon!" Amila and Ana were shocked.

Frank was indeed seated on the back of his Dragon! He turned around and looked at his team.

"Get to the palace as soon as possible! I will handle these rats and join you there!" he shouted at them.

"Rise!" He commanded the beast and soared into the sky. The enemy army saw him controlling that fire beast and great turmoil fell upon them. When he soared in the sky he flew above the soldiers. The dragon with one flap had covered half of their breadth. It flew above them while growling and roaring. The soldiers scattered here and there as they ran for their lives. In that confusion Frank ordered his beast to spray down fire on them.

The beast and its rider caused great devastation on the enemy's camp. Their magic and large number did not withstand the wrath of the beast rider.

"Give them hell!" Frank shouted as he continued pursuing the enemy soldiers far into their retreat.

"Good work my boy!" He patted his dragon after finishing the massacre. Countless notifications rang through his mind. Frank smiled. Earlier when they were ambushed Zu Shi had spoken to him.

[Kill ten enemy soldiers to unlock beast mode]

[Beast mode Activated: You can now summon your assigned war beast]

[New Ability unlocked]

[Deep Sight Ability: this is a perceptive ability; you will be able to see and interpret what the naked eye and mind can't!]

When they emerged out of the forest his entire sensing ability rose to its peak. He could tell there laid an ambush before them. He saw through their camouflage and waited for them to reveal themselves to the rest of his team. While he waited he checked his SpiritCube. A miniature live dragon was inside!

"So this is my assigned war beast! Fantastic!" He said. He now had dragon fireballs as his weapons while at the same time he had the Dragon himself! And he just closed his eyes, summoned him and just waited for the right moment to unleash the beast!

All thousands of enemy soldiers lay on the ground dead from the Dragon fire. Frank rode back as he surveyed the ground below.

"To the palace Now!" He directed his beast.

[Ten thousand credit points earned]

[Total attributes increased to 500]

[CONGRATULATIONS! You are now Primary 3 Evolver. Your new rank is Ordinary Subject Advance]

[CONGRATULATIONS! More Authority unlocked]

He scanned these and numerous other notifications he had received as he fought the soldiers. The levelling up was much unexpected and he was very much pleased.


"Your highness my Lady Princess, Noble Lords of our kingdom and distinguished members here present! I am honoured to announce to you all that the hour we have all been waiting for has finally come!" The Old Seer said. Anxious faces looked up at him from the nobles In front of him.

"Last night, Lord Geosefas, baron of Springhill received a message of the arrival of Prince Folan to our land. I personally checked out his message and through divine means I have ascertained this to be true!" He boomed with happiness. There was a sudden eruption of applause and celebration upon this good news!

"At last!"


"Oh what a beautiful moment to be alive to witness this!"

The seer waited for the celebrations to cool down then continued.

"As I speak to you, the Prince is making his way here!" more shouts of praise and cheer followed.

"However," he suddenly raised his voice. Everyone noticed the change in his temperament. "It is sad that one of us got his mind swayed by he-who-wants to reign forever! He sold his loyalty to the Dark Lord!"


"Who is that?" the elders questioned. The seer gave them a solemn look and suddenly there was pin drop silence in the chambers.

"This man got wind of these developments last night and he ran off to the enemy's camp! Upon submission of his report he was given an army and instructed to annihilate our Prince before he gets to us!"

Everyone gasped and cursed under their breaths.

"But we gather here today, not to moan but to celebrate a historic and resounding victory brought to us by The Prince. He has defeated both the traitor and his army! My ladies and gentlemen, let us bow to welcome the bearers of this good news!"

The chamber doors opened at this instant. Amila and her sister together with the commander of the guard entered. The nobles rose and bowed to them. The commander stood midway through the hall as the two young ladies approached the princess. They bowed before her. The princess nodded to them and they rose.

"My lady Princess, it is an honour for us to have indeed found Prince Folan!" she said and bowed again. The princess maintained a calm composure but was boiling inside with ecstatic joy! The Chief Seer stood up again to address them.

"And now I implore you my Lady and all of you noble men that we go out and welcome the Prince with the honour he deserves!"

Nobody wanted to miss this auspicious event! With great excitement they all gathered at the front courtyard of the King's palace and waited. The King's knights and guards mounted a spectacular parade. The gates were wide open with soldiers standing right across it ready to pave way for the Prince.

"Behold Prince Folan arrives!" The seer cried out and pointed to the sky. In utter amazement and exclamations the people raised their heads to behold. A terrifying roar was heard as a huge dragon descended majestically upon the palace. Everyone's eyes focussed on the beast rider!

The man attired in a full combat gear, from head to toes energetically dismounted from the dragon.