Vaarup disappeared without having sustained any injuries. To escape from the Chief Seer unscathed was a big deal. No doubt Vaarup had become quite powerful since leaving the palace.

What actually happened was the other secret he unearthed.

In seeking to be strong he discovered that Amarkale Kingdom housed a precious antique which possessed a tremendous power. This power enabled one to display extraordinary abilities such as being able to transform into certain creatures, mind control and great destructive abilities.

Coupled with his magic and sorcerery Vaarup knew that he would become unstoppable if he laid his hands on the antique. Through camouflage and superpowers he managed to get the antique easily from the king's fortress.

Then he had learnt about the segment in the prophecy that said a child shall be born to this current king who would become a powerful ruler. This child would be credited with establishing a new system of governance in which people would live eternally and peacefully with one another. To Vaarup he understood that the child would therefore become the eternal ruler, not facing death.

This he would not allow.

Yet, just now when the child was at his fingertips he is denied the chance to destroy it in its infancy.

"That damn old bastard!" he cursed the Old Seer.

He reappeared back in his shrine, angry and calculating his next move. He took his tools of divination and started consulting the spirits.

Suddenly he stood up, shocked!

"This can't be true!" he uttered.

He looked intently at the two stones lying one on top of the other.

"There are two of them? A male child also? Who is this? Where is he?" he pondered as he analysed the castings on the floor.

He felt exhausted, almost defeated. His eyes constricted, yet again, he sensed a great urge to strike another blow immediately.


"Noble Lords, My King! This has to be done immediately," the Chief Seer said. "We are not alone in this universe, there's today and there will be tomorrow, just as they was the past. I assure you, noble men of this day, all this is threatened if we do not act now!"

His booming voice arose a very loud silence in the king's chambers.

Nobody spoke for a while. The Chief Seer looked around and decided to let his words sink in before continuing.

"My Lord, the sorcerer's aim is well known. He was bound to act the way he did and right now his mind would be leading him to the other child. I have to depart the soonest possible to frustrate all his moves!" he concluded.

All the barons sitting in the presence of the king shook their heads. Some did in amazement while others were coupled with sympathy for the king.

Then, in low tones a discussion arose among them.

"Sending our own Children into the future! Is such thing even possible?"

"How do we even know such a place exists?"

"Will they really ever come back to us? Will they be safe?"

"I really don't think if we are in any danger! Besides, that mere single sorcerer alone! I doubt he has the capability to challenge even this kingdom, let alone the entire universe!"

"My king, I don't think you should agree to this..."

But the king was strong, resolute and menacing at the same time.

"Chief Seer! Do all it takes to destroy that bastard! Do not let him win at any costs! Depart if you must and take whatever resources you so require!" the king ordered.

"Very well my King! When the sun rises, both of the children will be in their new homes. I assure you of their safety."

And with that he left the palace. He knew perfectly well what his role would henceforth be in the lives of these two children in the time beyond.

A new life for both him and the children awaited.


In the North of the Kingdom, a young couple was preparing to go to bed.

"Is he tucked in safely?" Geosefas asked his wife.

"Yes, my Lord," she said.

"Folan is a very unique, sometimes I think I see flames of fire in his young eyes!" she added fondly.

"I like how he displays great energy all throughout the day. It is amazing how ambitious he is at such an age!" Geosefas responded.

Geosefas was the Lord Baron of Springfield. They had been loyal servants to the Kingdom and the king rewarded them with this prestigious position. They lived in a castle overlooking a vast valley below.

"My husband, recently I have been thinking more and more about what the Old Seer told us. I have been having this strange feeling..." she stopped mid sentence, trembling.

Lord Geosefas put his hands around her.

"What frightens you my love?" he gently asked.

You remember Folan is turning two in a few days time!" Margarita said as she sat still shaking besides her husband.

Geosefas held her closer.

"No need to worry my wife! Didn't we agree to it? Then remember the Old Seer himself will look after him in the land beyond!"

"I know! It is only that we will really miss him and we don't know when he would be returning."

"Have Faith, my Lady, have faith!" he embraced his wife in a tight hug as she silently began sobbing.

Her intuition was right because right at that moment, the seer appeared outside their court and requested their immediate audience.

"It is time!" the seer said.

It did not take long to explain to the family of what was taking place. They had been expecting this day for the last two years. It had finally come to the moment of parting with their son, their only child.

"Don't worry, you will be alive to see his return. Only remember, never mention to anybody that you had a son! Only by your silence will you ensure his safety!"

That was the price they had to pay for the future of the Kingdom and that of the entire universe.

The Old Seer induced a deep spiritual sleep to the boy and once again teleported him from his home.


That night, the little Princess Nila and the boy, Prince Folan were secretly taken out of Amarkale into a planet far removed from their home.

The two arrived on Earth mysteriously.

Years flew by fast.

Folan grew up knowing his grandfather as his only relative. He was given an earthly name, Frank. He grew up as a normal boy in a normal earth society. He went to school just like other kids.

However, there were instances when he did some extraordinary things or felt some unusual forces which only his grandfather could explain.

Nila was taken under the care of a young childless couple, Ben and Rose. She was given the name Noel. Noel was raised and schooled under the best care in the world. She became the most beautiful lady in her school and many tripped over as they stared after her dazzling beauty.

Everything seemed usual in her life until one night when a stranger suddenly came inside her room at night.

He had not broken into the house, neither had she invited him.

The stranger came from a box inside her wardrobe!