My fear and nausea was palpable, no one in sight and strangely I am the only one on board who had survived. This was a ship for the rich of my country and they are all dead or so I thought until I stood on the shore and found two bodies and a soul surviving man , or boy as I turned him around I could see I knew who he was.
Just my luck the one person to survive and he had to be Jason Masters the only person I hated almost as much as I hated my own father. I was tempted to throw him back into the sea but I had to wait a bit and make sure he is not dead and sure enough his sorry ass was alive. I was a bit puzzled as to what higher power had him survive seeing as he was my nemesis. Right from day one I had embarked on this ship he presented so much stress to me it was quite a feat I did not smack him especially since I really wanted to do so.
He was first a passenger and then he became a employee. He was a great nuisance to me as he was relentless in his pursuit of me. He claimed to be head over heels in love with me but that was the purest lies ever told because he became angry and abusive when he realized I wanted nothing to do with him and to top it off he was a slave as well as I was. That it was of his own doing he never wanted to know the truth just his version of this farse that became his life of labour ,just like me the owners of the ship refused to pay us and would beat us if we did not obey. We were not the only victims there were others but you had to get to know them before anyone told you the truth about themselves.
He blamed me for all of his stupid problems as if it was my fault... Now here he was , but my human nature was not in play today but my stupid compassion for a fellow human being like me he was in my need and stupid me I helped him as I pulled his heavy self up the staircase into the lobby and from there to a downstairs room and heaved him onto a bed.
He was of cause a dead weight but a strong determination to save him had given me super strength and I did not want to be all alone on this desert island even if it was to be with him being here. It's not that he was ugly no the opposite was true it's just me I never felt comfortable as if he had a mad script he was reading from ,his eyes and hands were everywhere and far too much for me to cope with anyway.
He was asleep for two days before he woke up it could have been a concussion or something like that...When he opened his eyes I was still looking at him and I did have a stupid fleeting thought that he's not that ugly infact he's quite handsome just a pure pest of a man and now he's moving at last and the next instance his pure blue eyes open and he's looking at me and want to know where he is and who I am. He's lost his memory and I thanked the heavens for that as I had no choice but to be civil towards him. This did make things a bit easier between us...