The next school day, Ella walked into class laughing and chatting away with Sani...Ethan blocked her path and took her to the corridor..."you what!??" he asked exclaiming "tell me its a joke. "what do you mean?"Ella asked unmoved..."I mean you, turning down your scholarship proposal..your mum told me about it, what the fuck are you doing?" he was furious now."come off it jerk.."Ella was yelling now, "it's my fvcking life alright? let me do what I wanna do...stay tf out of my life!!" she walked away...."woahhh" Ethan gasped and walked to his sit.
"hey mahn" joey tapped Ethan on his shoulder.."what's going on with you and Ella huh?..I've noticed you too have been keeping distance lately..any prob?"... Ethan looked away.."fr mahn she's just mad at me for no just reason"he said..."tell me about it,..joey said almost immediately and Ethan narrated all what had happened....
He was a cool, fine, and dark tall guy...a close friend to Ethan and an adviser too.. Ethan told him literally everything and he did same too..Ella was his friend too, they both were anime and hip-hop fans..reason why it was easy for joey and Ella to vibe as friends.
There was awkward silence..then joey spoke again"probably she was expecting you to tell her you love her..."Ethan looked at him shocked.."come on..I know you do" joey added "is it that evident?"..Ethan asked shivering..."it's all over you😂"joey said laughing.."I just think you should tell her how you truly feel"joey said..Ethan looked up at him and said "I'm worried..she's not giving me a chance to explain my self, I don't think she will"..."just try" joey added " want David to .." he wasn't done when Ethan covered his mouth and said .."I don't wanna get that name from your mouth dude.."...joey giggled "someone is over possessive huh...let's go for lunch..I am farmished" they both left for the lounge.