With the defeat of the Devil Princes and the restoration of peace in the realm, many years passed without any major threats or disturbances. The gods continued to watch over the realm and the mortals who inhabited it, but there were no major conflicts to be found.
During this time of peace, Zu Tian continued to rule as the god of all gods. His power and wisdom had grown even stronger, and he was able to maintain the balance of the realm effortlessly.
The mortals of the realm prospered under this extended period of peace, and their cities and civilizations flourished. Great works of art, science, and literature were created, and the realm enjoyed a golden age of prosperity and enlightenment.
As for the gods themselves, they continued to interact with the mortals in various ways. Some chose to walk among them in disguise, while others communicated through dreams or visions. But all of them remained committed to protecting and nurturing the realm they loved.
And so, the years turned into decades, and the decades turned into centuries. The realm enjoyed a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity, free from the threats of demons and chaos.
But as always, change was inevitable. A new threat was beginning to emerge, one that would challenge the gods and mortals alike in ways they never thought possible. It would be a test of their strength, their courage, and their will to survive.
But for now, the realm enjoyed a peaceful existence, and the gods watched over it with love and devotion