Grany: "No, that's not your fault Pinky! Anyone to die is fate. That is why your father has always put you ahead of everything. You're a treasure to him."
Pinky: "I would like to visit my mother's tomb."
Grany: "That's not possible Pinky." "Your father said he ordered the hospital to burn the body to avoid painful memories." "We even had to abandon our home in Buena city and find a new home in Capricon city."
It was so sad to a grown girl like pinky but, on the other hand she had to understand her father's pain as explained. She felt sorry for her beloved father as she watched him through the window.
Private plane:
"I am a sinner... am ready to pay for my sins... am sorry for the sins I don't understand," In the mind of a fifty years old billionaire Monica Yen ran these words.
She was all drowned in a heap of sad thoughts which never allowed her to sip on a glass of champagne which was placed infront of the table she was sitting on.
Recalling the first time she attacked and killed a human being, a young lady who was a prostitute on a quiet road at night, and the day she woke up when one of her twin babies was missing from the house.
"I have to do something about this!" she emotionally spoke within thoughts, "am their mother.... it's my duty to protect them at all costs because they are innocent children."
Monica Yen immediately ascertained the need to protect her daughters.
Her natural gift, just like Jelly Spatters, could allow her to visualise and trace the exact location of any humam vampire bat. It was easy to know where Babara Yen was at all times.
However, it wasn't the case with her daughter Pinky who she needed to meet for the first time in her lifetime since she wasn't a vampire.
During the night at hotel OCEAN where Babara Yen and her team checked in, the two hunter vampires showed up. In black costumes they walked through the entrance direct infront of the receptionist with their pale complexion.
Successfully they had managed to allocated Babara Yen at this hotel and were ready to hunt her down. This was supposed to be done secretly without causing any harm to the humans.
However at the reception, meeting hotel charges became a very complex challenge to these vampires. The hotel was unfavourably expensive since it was a VIP hotel with only VIP suites. They never had enough money.
After failing to meet the dues, both of them walked out to improvise other cheap means. From a distance with in the same area was a very tall apartment building almost the same height as hotel OCEAN. The female hunter vampire noticed. She then notified the male with a sign.
Quickly they headed towards the apartment to check it out. Not for long, they managed to recieve the keys to one of the apartment rooms. They entered an elevator which took them up to the room.
They got inside. The male hunter vampire slided a curtain off the window to see through. Favorably, the view was clear to hotel OCEAN face, where they could easily see whoever entered and moved out.
Morning came. Grown up super classy billionaire Monica Yen was already a guest at hotel OCEAN in a luxury black sedan. The driver hurried up to open the rear door for her to come out.
"Bingo!" hungrily the male hunter vampire exclaimed. The female came closer to see the reason for an exclaim. Through the window, Monica Yen was a guest at hotel OCEAN.
Both hunters looked at each other and said, "What you have wished an axe, the storm has made it fall."
Within the same time interval, there came a green colour Lamborghini. It parked right outside the well known hotel OCEAN at the entrance.
Butterfly door went up in the sky on the driver's side. Here stepped out a very handsome muscular dude in casual blue reaped jeans, yellow skintight t-shirt and pure white sneaker shoes. His eyes were covered with light blue eyepiece.
This guy was just another explanation of heaven given physical beauty. He looked so attractive to the eyes of everyone that, even the female vampire monitoring up in the apartment window said, "Darn...!" when she saw him.
His name was Kevin Moore aka the son of the sea. A Merman.
He entered the hotel but never talked to anyone. He walked past the reception and went direct to the private elevator. No one else had access to this elevator except Kevin Moore and and his late father's friend Gang Du.
He entered the secret code and it opened. Smartly he stepped inside. The elevator had only one button inside. He pressed the button and it took him direct to the top most floor of hotel OCEAN.
Kevin Moore was the Chief Executive of the hotel OCEAN and all the top most floor was his home. Only modern technology systems were in his giant hotel suite. He tuned on the ultra high definition wide screen television. The top most thing he loved in life was a television.
On the screen was an advertisement of a fashion show for a popular designer's company which was due tonight. Here is where he saw one of the top new models in fashion business, who was going to showcase the latest female design by this company. She was none other than Pinky.
He sat down on a seat and paid attention to the advert very well. All his mind got dissolved in it. This was not about the advert. It was about the young lady who held unique beauty throughout.
At the end of the advert, Pinky smiled to kill. Kevin Moore was never the same again after watching the advert.
"I have found myself a wife." He announced to himself.
He picked up his mobile phone and made a call to reserve himself a VIP treatment on the fashion show. His aim was to meet the prettiest model, Pinky.
Time wasn't far from the event to kick at one of the top most fashion clubs in town on the roof top. Luxury sedans, SUVs and posh cars parked one after the other at the club respectively.
On the red carpet, high class guests reported. Paparazzi scattered all over the place to take pictures and interview affluent people.
The son of the sea Kevin Moore himself arrived in a newest model Bentley Continental GT first edition, black in colour. He was a good fashion designer when it came to male choreography.
Kevin Moore looked very smart in a combination of skinny pink leather trousers and pink leather coat with pure white vest inside and white sneaker shoes. He never forgot to shade his eyes with light pink eyepiece.
Every female around the place, including the aged couldn't take their eyes off him from the time he came out of the car and walked on the red carpet upto when he entering inside. He looked super handsome.
Kevin Moore usually moved alone and rarely spoke to anyone. He was so confidential in his ways. Paparazzi never bothered to ask him questions because they knew him as a person who never spoke a single word.
They knew he was a young rich guy behind hotel OCEAN, the most luxurious and expensive hotel in Capricon city, who designed in the latest male fashions and drove in the most expensive posh cars.
Journalist: "His name is Kevin Moore famously known as 'son of the sea'. He owns the most luxurious hotel in the city called 'OCEAN'. If you all remember six months back, a big ransom totaling to one million dollars was put across for anyone who presented a picture of him with a woman...! Hahaha.... Even the most skilled spies failed. He is the most confidential and respected young guy on planet earth."
The Journalist reported live at the fashion show.
The party commenced lit inside the club. A dozen of bikini girls spun on the catwalk at once for the guests. Rich men threw cash on them. Champagne splashed on stage. Music was super loud and dope. Everywhere was lit and people were very lively at the show.
Diffrent models both male and female showcased different attires on the catwalk. Others in masks, others in hats, some others showed types of shoes and others seasonal gowns as time flew.
It was yet the awaited session of the top model in town Pinky to deliver on the catwalk with the latest garment to be introduced on market. The master of ceremony announced.
MC: "Ladies and gentlemen," he shouted, "I thank you for joining us here tonight... the time long awaited is now... I present to you the biggest fashion cloth brand in the country 'GLUE' ladies and gentlemen. I here by introduce to you the latest female cloth on market curtesy of GLUE."
"Let's all join hands together and offer the kind of applause every successful creative deserves, as we welcome the most high top model in town, Pinky.....!"
The master of ceremony screamed so loud and high.
Everyone joined him including the deejay with a corresponding song. Pinky came out stunning on the catwalk. She was barefooted, didn't have any ear rings on, no necklace or even a bungle on either of her arms.
The dress she was putting on could turn into different designs of different colours. It was an eight in one dressed, so silk, soft and at the same time light on the body.
A variety of guests gazed stupidly in an open-mouthed wonder as she changed the designs of a unique cloth on the catwalk at every point she reached. It was unbelievably epic.
The day he entered in the city of humans, his first time to see a television and this was the third time for Kevin Moore to smile.
Hand claps increased from the audience. Pinky's natural smile was also another ingredient which spiced her beauty that attracted men like sunflowers attract bees.
"Her body skin looks as if it is edited," Kevin Moore complimented.
Pinky walked back off the stage. Kevin Moore placed the champagne glass down and walked carefully through the audience.
In the corridors he passed past different sexy models. Every female model who set her eyes on Kevin Moore lost control including the stubborn bikini dancers.
"He's so cute...! wow...! No guy handsome except him...! am about to faint...!" female models commented when he passed them.
He pushed the door open where he expected Pinky to be. Pinky was inside, busy chatting and laughing with her father Jonathan who was her manager at the same time.
They both stopped the conversation and looked at the handsome guy who just entered and closed the door behind him.
"My name is Kevin Moore," he introduced himself and requested in particular if he can talk to Pinky.
Jonathan winked at her daughter as a sign that it wasn't any of a problem, he could talk to the dude.
"Excuse me dad," Pinky asked and walked towards Kevin.
Kevin Moore heard her calling the man dad and noted.
Kevin: ["I have a good deal for you." "Can you contact me anytime so we can discuss, please!"]
Pinky: ["No problem, you can take my manager's contacts."]
Jonathan: ["You can call me Jonathan if you dont mind.
picked a business card from his coat and gave it to Kevin.
"Is your number on this business card as well," Kevin asked Pinky.
Pinky: "No!"
"Can I have it as well, if you don't mind!" Kevin politely requested.
Pinky looked at her dad in the eyes. Jonathan looked away instead. Pinky knew that her father was selling her away to the man at this time. He wasn't showing any kind of protection as he always did to men back in the slums.
She stretched her hand to collect Kevin's phone. He didn't hesitate giving it to her.
Grany: "That's not possible Pinky." "Your father said he ordered the hospital to burn the corpse to avoid painful memories." "We even had to abandon our home in Buena city and find a new home in Capricon city."
It was so sad to a grown girl like pinky not to see even a single picture of her mother but, on the other hand she had to understand her father's pain as explained. She felt sorry for her beloved father as she watched him through the window.
Grandaunt came stubbornly into the room and confused everything. When she saw it was Jonathan they were watching down the window;
"Jonathan!!" she yelled.
When Jonathan looked back over his shoulder, the whole family was in the window watching him having a smooth
moment with his new friend.
Jonathan and the woman both stood up from comfort. He gave a shy smile to his family members and accompanied his new friend to the car. As a gentleman, Jonathan opened the car door for her to get in.
"Thanks for the a memorable evening," the woman returned thanks before she instructing the driver to take her home.
She felt butterflies in the stomach and was all ready to start a serious relationship with him. However Jonathan had no problem with entering into a relationship with her but Monica Yen had a ring on her finger from Jonathan.
Perhaps Jonathan might have forgotten this since it was twenty years ago.
On a beautiful bed Pinky was deep in sleep. She sweated, following continual body movements on bed. Flashes kept appearing to her as a dream, involving being raped ruthlessly, then kills many with rage on a big ship and then afterwards drown their corpse at the bottom of the lake.
She suddenly opened her eyes.
Slowly she raised out of the bed on a frowned face, went downstairs to the kitchen and picked a water bottle from the fridge. She poured herself a glass and guzzled to cool down the body system.
On the large kitchen pantry she place the galss and then touched her forehead. Pinky seemed to have contacted a simple headache. She couldn't figure out how she ended having such a heavy dream.
However, as we all know, these where her twin sister's deeds a few days back. It turns out that every terrific act Babara Yen involves herself in, Pinky experiences it in form of a dream. This was just the beginning for her to receive spontaneous dreams and face the worst on her twin sister's behalf.
Pinky dialed her number in Kevin's mobile phone.
"Thank you!" he appreciated, turned like a robot, opened the door and walked out smartly.
"I think it's high time you get married," Jonathan said to his daughter Pinky immediately the guy left the room.
Pinky looked at her dad like "What!" she couldn't believe the words that came out of her over protective dad.
That very night at hotel OCEAN, Monica Yen drew closer to Babara Yen's executive suite. She knocked on the door. The bodyguard heard. He checked on the camera and saw the Chief Executive Director Monica Yen.
Before opening the door, quickly he rushed to inform secretary Jamila. This developed tension between the two that they started thinking here and there. Another knock on the door was heard while they were still anxious.
"Let's open," worriedly said Jamila to the bodyguard.
The door opened. Secretary Jamila and the bodyguard were standing attention, wearing plastic smiles on their faces. Monica looked straight into their guilty faces.
Secretary Jamila: "You're most welcome Ms Monica.
Bodyguard: "Welcome Ms Monica!"
Monica Yen: "Thank you... can I see my daughter!!"
She walked inside past both of them while she looked calmly at the beautiful furnishings everywhere around the suite. Secretary Jamila came walking worriedly from behind her. Monica Yen turned to face her,
"Where is Babara?" She questioned with a serious voice.
Inside the bedroom, Secretary Jamila raised her hand and pointed at the balcony where curtains were waving. Monica Yen gazed as she slowly walked closer, and stood at it on a thoughtful face.
"Did you see her jump?" Monica Yen asked after a long moment of silence.
"Madam Babara was neither in her bedroom nor at the bedroom balcony by the time I walked in with her meals," explained secretary Jamila.
When a vampire demon in Babara awakened, Monica knew the bodyguard's duties were no longer necessary.
"Call the bodyguard," she ordered secretary Jamila.
So fast Jamila went and brought in the bodyguard. Monica Yen picked a check book from her handbag and signed a sum of fifty thousand US dollars on a check.
Monica Yen: "You duties towards us end here and, I would like to appreciate you with this. Hope it will give you a new beginning of life."
She handed over the check to him. In their faces were quite several question marks which needed adequate answers. But since Babara Yen was no where to be seen, it was enough to explain the bodyguard had failed his duties.
The bodyguard tried to speak but Monica Yen never allowed him to. She instead thanked him for the well performed duties all the time he stood as her daughter's guard and, its the reason he's given such a big amount.
Secretary Jamila escorted the bodyguard outside and before he fully walked out of the suite door, she gave him a warm friendly hug. They had become close servants.
Monica Yen had to sit secretary Jamila and disclose a very sensitive matter regardless. She went ahead to give a very detailed narrative of her life story from way back when she was at the age of five, which touched Jamila's heart deeply to the extent of shading tears.
Jamila: "Did you hear from uncle Philip since then?"
Monica: "Not at all."
Jamila: "I suggest you meet your twin daughter Pinky and find out what she knows about her mother then you start from there."
Monica: "How am I going to face her?" Okay, just incase I face her, where do I start to speak?" Am so embarrassed and scared at the same time."
Jamila: "Don't worry about that. I will do whatever it takes to help you Ms Monica."
Monica: "It's not that simple to find out your mother is a vampire demon which drinks people's blood?" "This is definitely going to hurt well being."