Monica Yen opened the door. Babara walked in on a very angry face to nearly knocking her mother while she entered. Ms Monica Yen saw secretary Jamila coming too.
She held on to close the door for her to approach and then asked what was wrong with her daughter but, secretary Jamila had nothing to answer.
Monica Yen allowed her inside too and then after closed the door behind. Wrathfully in silence, Babara went and sat uncomfortably on a beautiful white curved luxury chair.
Monica Yen stood and looked at her daughter wondering what had happened to her that early morning. Babara kept shaking anxiously boiling without mentioning a word.
Monica: "Talk to your mother princess."
Babara: "Stop!! mom stop!! Am tired of your sweet names!"
Monica: "Have I done anything wrong to you?"
Babara: "Yes mom!! you've done the worst to me!"
Monica: "You should calm down and talk to me... am your mother for heaven's sake!"
Babara: "Don't tell me to calm down, I hate you mom!"
In just a blink of an eye Babara Yen started crying infront of her mother. Secretary Jamila was standing in a distance watching on a worried face.
Monica Yen walked slowly closer to where her daughter was sitting and pampered her in terms of comfort. Just like a baby, Babara Yen leaned against her mother's shoulder with tears dripping out of her face.
"What happened to us mom?" In deep sorrow Babara Yen asked her mother.
It was a very challenging moment filled with emotions. Monica Yen started crying too while she rubbed her daughter's upper arm. Secretary Jamila was watching.
After shading painful tears for a while in a such a difficult situation where solutions to their natural problem were questionable, Monica positioned her crying daughter to sit properly and looked her straight in the eyes.
Monica: "I am so sorry to bring you into the world in this form. It is not what I wanted, but as a mother to her baby I had to keep you. I will always love and protect you Babara."
Babara: "I love you too mom."
They both shared an emotional hug. Babara understood that she had to accept fate and bear the consequences without blaming her mother.
Babara: "What kind of person was my father?"
Monica: "Sighs." "He's the most wonderful person I've ever met in my entire life."
Babara: "Is he still alive?"
Monica: "He's alive."
Babara: "Why isn't he with us?"
Monica: "He trusted me... and I lied to him."
Babara: "Can't he forgive you?"
Monica: "I know he can... only that am the one who never apologized."
Babara: "Don't you regret ever lying to him?"
Monica: "I do each and every single day. But, some times lying is necessary in life."
Babara: "Did he hate me too?Or he doesn't know about me?"
Monica: "Why?"
Babara: "I've never seen him in my entire life not even heard anything about him!"
Monica: "Don't think like that. Your father loves you so much, only that he is different from us."
Babara: "You mean my father is a human?"
Monica: "A perfect human being."
knowing this came as a surprise to Babara Yen. She froze for a few seconds. This was the first time in her entire life to ask her mother matters concerning her father.
Since she grew up in wealth, knowing no life challenges from when she was a child, just like many rich children, it had never crossed Babara Yen's mind to know about her father until now when she started experiencing problems.
"What's my father's name?" Babara Yen asked her mother after keeping quiet for some seconds.
"His name is Jonathan," Monica Yen answered.
In the middle of the night, the moon lit so bright in the skies. At the mortuary were several trolleys in a room on which a number of dead bodies covered under white sheets laid.
Suddenly one of the corpses sat up. The white cloth slipped off and uncovered its face. Felix had turned into a vampire after being bitten by Franklin Baron the previous night while he was driving his corpse in the car.
He jumped off the trolley energetically and stood steadly. Every white part of his eyes was dark which made his face to appear scary as he traced the exit door around.
Within the same night, Franklin Baron the vampire saw a lonely house near the path which led to the lakeshore. Energetically he walked straight to its door and pushed it open.
There were two coastguardmen grabbing comestibles on a small dinning table while they watched television. The sudden sound from the door startled them and, so fast they pulled out handguns from around their waists and pointed at the intruder.
Without fear of guns, Franklin Baron the vampire stood in the middle of the doorway. He took a good sniff of the house freely with eyes closed to sense the presence of fresh warm humans.
With his frightening dark eyes, Franklin Baron the vampire confidently walked towards both of the men. Fear was already marked on there faces.
"Stop right there!!" commanded one of the coastguards.
To a deadly vampire Franklin Baron had become, those commanding words were a joke. He kept coming forward. A bullet fired from the handgun to scare him but he wasn't startled.
As he closed the gap between him and the coastguards, Several bullet started hitting him from their guns but they couldn't cause any harm on his body which was already dead.
He flashed through the bullets, grabbed one of the coastguards in his hand and squeezed him onto the floor then, swung his other arm to smack the remaining guard, which threw him metres away.
Franklin Baron the vampire struck to bite the coastguard but before the sharp canines landed on his neck, the hunter vampires bumped into the house.
Remember, the reason why they were chosen and tittled 'hunter vampires' among others was the fact that they had the ability to sense and trace perfectly well where other vampires could be, especially those who had committed crime against the realm rules.
When Franklin Baron the vampire saw the hunter vampires, it threw the coastguard it was about to bite at them and tried to escape threw the house roof.
The hunter vampires caught the coastguard before he impacted his face at the edge of an object to save his life. They placed him down safely and resorted on the hunt.
The female hunter vampire went through the door whereas the male followed up through the roof hole which Franklin Baron had created on his run.
In the number of parked big boats at the lakeshore hunter vampires began searching for FranklinBaron. According to their movements, it was a sure deal that the hunted was within the area.
Gently the female hunter walked between two boats searching with too much suspicion. While she was climbing on of the boats, abruptly the hunted vampire jumped out and fell on a different boat.
The male hunter vampire saw the hunted jumping in a distance were he was. Carefully jumped in silence and landed on the same boat. Softly stepping the floor, he entered the boat.
The boat had no anyother outlet way. The entrance was at the same time the exit, so the male hunter vampire closed the door and locked himself inside.
It was high time for a hot fight between two males, the hunter and the hunted. Franklin Baron the vampire knew he had no anyother option besides coming out into a combat fight.
He jumped with a lot of force and knocked the hunter down. The hunter vampire stood up. Franklin Baron exercised his super natural vampire skills as he threw punches and fists vigorously at a high speed.
But, neither a punch nor a fist hit the hunter vampire because he was more skilled and energetic than him. Combating the hunter vampire was a big mistake Franklin Baron did.
As he continued to threw fists, the hunter vampire slided intentionally, at a terrible speed and got behind him with a dagger which contained Red Venom Potion on its edges and stabbed his back damaged his spinal canal.
It was a perfect move which never deserved another. Franklin Baron the vampire started melting into dark oily substance, he fell on the ground and his body continued to melt until it was no more.
The male hunter vampire opened up the door to exit the boat. The female was already waiting calmly from outside since the door was locked from inside.
She never had to ask about anything because she trusted her partner's skills. For that matter, they got off the boat, metamorphosised into flying vampire bat and flew out of the area.
From the mortuary after becoming a vampire, Felix entered a night Club where people were enjoying their lives. Music was beautiful and almost eighty percent of the crowd was dancing. Beautiful young ladies were all over dancing more than young men.
Felix stood and looked around putting on a no joking face. There came Tsunami, the bikini young lady who knew him very well from the ship. She was so happy to see Felix again.
The two had a crush on each other even though things never went well after the tragedy on the ship. Tsunami excitedly took Felix to the counter and ordered a bartender to make a special drink for him.
It was quite and Felix got his drink in the hands. Tsunami never even minded Felix's new looks on the face which included the black eyes, pale skin and the toughness all over his face because she crushed on him.
She tried to dance freely with him. Felix danced in response but it looked like he was forcing the dance. His moods was inhuman.
For all the time the girl was dancing, sipping on her drink as she buzzed, Felix never took a single sip on the drink he was holding. Tsunami never noticed this.
Not so long, Tsunami wanted to go to the lavatory for a short call. She excused herself and went. Felix staying behind near the bartender's counter.
Another young lady who wished herself to have such a vibrant young man came through to meet Felix. She asked for a dance with him. Felix placed down his drink and continued on the dance floor with her.
After a little while, Tsunami walked back from the lavatory to meet her darling Felix. Looking were she left him, only his plastic cup with a drink in it was here.
She wondered where he had gone too and left the drink behind just like that which wasn't safe on the other hand. Tsunami tried to look within the dancing audience for him.
Later on Felix came back but this time everything about him had changed including his mood. He wasn't holding a tough face like before. His skin was now normal as that of a perfect human being and the whole dark eyes had become normal human eyes with white parts.
Tsunami: "Oh, you had gone to remove your halloween like makeup!"
Felix: "Yes!"
Tsunami: "It's been awesome though."
Felix: "You mean you liked it?"
Tsunami: "Yes. It made you look like a savage."
All along Tsunami looked at Felix's pale skin together with his abnormally dark eyes which barely had any white in them and mistook it to be a casual makeup he did to attend the night club. This made it obvious that all other people at the club thought the same way about him.
However, as always ladies like extra ordinary things. Tsunami wasn't different from other ladies. She enjoyed Felix's company as they both shook their bodies on the dance floor. By this moment Felix was smiling and dancing normally.
Humans who were bitten by a vampire and transformed after dying, whenever they came back to life as vampires, drinking human blood was the only thing that gave them a perfect human appearance.
Therefore, such a vampire was able to stay within humans without being discriminated. However, moving during day time for such a vampire was difficult especially in summer times when sun is shining.
Such vampire had to kill one human being every midnight to feed and maintain a doubtless human appearance to fit in, and more importantly quench its thirst to survive.
On a beautiful Sunday morning, after the night at the club, Felix and Tsunami woke up in the same bed enjoying eachother's skin. Both cuddled eyes open as they carried on a conversation in a rich bedroom according to its appearance.
"I want you to do me a favor," politely asked, Felix.
"Anything you ask, I am willing," replied, Tsunami.
Felix raised up from the bed and walked towards an art piece which was hanged on the wall. He curried it down to expose a metallic safe which was built in the wall.
Tsunami was busy watching him from the bed where she was laying.
Carefully, Felix entered the codes and the safe opened. Inside were bundles of cash money in dollars. He collected them all out as he placed them on a mini glass table next to the black chair.
After emptying the safe, Felix went ahead to pile the bundles on the table into groups of five and made eight stacks. The other remaining bundles, he rearranged them back into the safe and looked it up.
"Each stack you see contains fifty thousand dollars," Felix told Tsunami.
Tsunami raised up and sat on the bed to pay attention to what Felix was informing her. He picked one stack of fifty thousand US dollars and brought it to Tsunami.
"This is yours you can have it," Felix talked as he handed over the bundles into Tsunami's hands.
"Why are you doing this?!" She wondered in question why he was giving her all that amount.
"You deserve it," he sighed and went further to say, "looked here, for all the time you were my brother's girlfriend, I had feelings for you and deep in my heart I loved you."
"I would suggest you find a better life for yourself with this money," Felix cautioned. "Right now Franklin Baron is no more and I am no longer that good person you can count on."
Tsunami was listening carefully. She placed the bundles of cash on the bed side and stood up. Slowly she walked around the room while speaking to Felix emotionally.
"Your brother never loved me," Tsunami stated, "he just enjoyed controlling me like you always saw. I noticed the way you,always stared at me with compassion."
"I knew deep in your heart you loved me but you couldn't make a move because of your brother Franklin Baron. I want to be with you Felix because I love you," Tsunami said.
"Am different from the kind of person you used to know Tsunami," Felix told her.
"I don't care Felix, It's you that I need," she confronted him with an insist.
"That money can give you a better life and maybe with time you find yourself a better man," he went ahead to urge her.
"What is money if I can't be happy with the man that I love?" She asked passionately.
Felix knew that nomatter what he says, Tsunami will not understand. So he decided to grab her by the hand, pull her into his chest and squeezed her in an intimate hug.
He truly loved Tsunami a heartedly and never wanted anything wrong to happen to her. Besides, before he became a vampire, Felix had a compassionate heart towards everyone.
Felix: "I feel it deep inside that I'm going to live a short life."
Tsunami: "Am ready to spend the remaining moments with you."
The above emotional dialogue went on when both of them were in eachother's chest standing near the bed. Felix held both Tsunami's upper arms and brought her in a position where he was able to look straight into her eyes.
"Do you know that you're stubborn?" Felix asked Tsunami.
The compliment made Tsunami smile so bright. He also shined a bright smile on his handsome face. They both ended up kissing affectionately.
"About the favor I requested for earlier," said Felix to Tsunami, "I want you to distribute those seven stacks on the table among the seven colleagues you left with from the ship."
"You mean you've given each of them fifty thousand dollars?" Tsunami got surprised.
"They deserve it for the well-being of themselves and their families," he responded. "Besides, they were dedicated employees who would have lost their lives in the tragedy."
"Nothing warms me like listening from your kind heart," Tsunami complimented Felix with a beautiful smile, "You're such a kind and caring handsome dude."
Felix: "Will it be possible to trace all of them?"
Tsunami: "I know their addresses. When we left the ship and got to the lakeshore, me and the head chef had to make sure all the members arrive safely to their homes."
Felix: "Am so much relieved right now. Hope this money washes away emotional stress they went through."
Tsunami recalled moments when she hugged the cleaner, the servant who lost his brother during the ship massacre and the five chefs as the got to their homes, then after the cab had to take her away because she had no anyother home apart from the ship.
She remembered when the cab dropped her at her elder sister's apartment and she was not welcome inside because her sister's drug addict husband was violent.
"You can't stay here, he will kill you," Tsunami's sister told her from outside the apartment when she opened that door with bruises all over her face to see who was knocking.
"Am so sorry Tsunami," her sister cried after giving her a hug.
Quickly her sister went back inside and closed the door infront of Tsunami. Sorrowfully with her head down, Tsunami walked slowly down the stairs upto outside.