"That's my home," Cheerfully, kevin double tapped Suxes' shoulder.

With an undermining gaze, Suxes looked back over his shoulder at Kevin. He depicted him a reclined attitude and continued to view photos of fish on a computer screen.

Suxes, relaxedly, removed food particles stuck in between his teeth with a toothpick. From the photos folder he went further to open a video folder. Species like a swimming octopus, sharks and different types of fish playing under water caught his eyes.

As Suxes enjoyed the fish lifestyle on video, behind him excitedly watched Kevin, who seemed too happy to looked at his world. He wore an amazed expression on his face by the kind of art humans had.

"How is it possible?! Humans are very talented artists!" He couldn't believe how his vast world could turn out to be inside a small object like a computer.

"It's Magical _ call it technology hahaha.." taking Kevin's expressions for a joke, Suxes gave an bossy laughter.

"Technology!" The word was beyond Kevin's understanding.

After satisfying his eyes with fish videos for a little while, Suxes took deep breath and said, "wow! Indeed water world is amazingly beautiful... how I wish I was a diver."

It was high time for him to eject the hard disk. One folder after the other, he closed them. Unwittingly, as he'd just done closing the folders, a picture which was not in any folder displayed on the screen. In the picture was a huge deep water rock.

NBWhenever the water levels raised, the rock kept under the water and whenever the levels lowered the rock protruded out and made a huge rocky island.

When Suxes took a clear observation, near the huge rock in a distance was a human face which appeared to have been snapped accidentally.


Intrigued, Suxes zoomed through to see clearly the human face in the picture. "Oh, no...! This is impossible!" In big shock, Suxes exclaimed. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The human in the picture was a young lady with a fish tail which didn't leave Suxes the same way. It disturbed his mind.

With widely open frightened eyes towards the camera, the young mermaid looks as if she was trying to run back, away from something strange. Obviously she had accidentally landed into a stranger, the diver, with in her territory and she was trying to escape and hide from an invasion.

"A mermaid! I can't believe these mystery creatures truly exist!" Suxes said to himself, looking so shocked at the picture on the computer screen.

"Oh, yes!" Kevin intervened proudly, "that's my mother right there in her young age."

As Suxes still puzzled about Kevin's statement of calling the mermaid displayed at the computer screen his mother, it didn't stop Kevin from cherishing her even more, talking of how beautiful she was when she was still Pinky's age.

"There are only two beautiful ladies alive that I know; Meg and Pinky," blissfully he said.

"Unbelievable!" Suxes said with goosebumps on his skin.

On a racing heart, slowly he turned a curious eye at Kevin from down his barefoot to the head on his beard, wondering as to who he really was. Flashed backs on how Kevin had been phrasing his statements from the moment they met hit Suxes' head.

After adding every plot in his memory, "it's true you're not a human being," in denial Suxes accepted.

In a confused state, Suxes slowly turned his face from Kevin back to the computer. All the excitement and the laughter including singing joyful song for a terabyte hard disk jackpot were unbelievably out of the window.

Finally, Kevin's innocence was proved. He who laughs best laughs last; it was now Kevin Moore's turn to laugh and sing joyful songs his mother taught him in the water world, happily and excitedly. The bet coin had flipped differently from what Suxes thought.

At least, the one human Kevin found a friend in was not going to treat him like he's mad.

Driven by the new information he had known about Kevin, Suxes opened a folder named 'heros' which he didn't open at first. Inside this folder were pictures of two happy men sharing blissful moments on a big yatch and in different hangouts with a drink in hand each.

As soon as the pictures displayed on the computer screen, Kevin moved fast, closest and touched the screen.

"Father!" He exclaimed.

He felt a strong bond with one of the men in the pictures. Suxes couldn't control Kevin's emotions. Instead he was moved by Kevin's passionate yearn for a man who appeared mostly in a diver's suit.

Are you sure he's the one?

"Yes! This must be my father Sean Moore...." I feel it deep inside me," passionately, Kevin pointed his finger at the man, touching the screen.

Suxes stood up from the chair, moved around inside the squeezed motor home and told Kevin; "then we will need an internet connection if we're to find Sean Moore's address."

"Internet connection! Address!" Barbarically, Kevin had no idea whatsoever.

"Never mind," Suxes could now understand that there is a lot about humans and the human world Kevin needed to learn.

Capricon City Airport:

A private jet landed safely. Right next to the plane stairs, two executive black cars, a sedan and SUV parked and waited. The bodyguard, secretary Jamila and Babara Yen stepped out respectively. As soon as they comfortably sat in the cars, smoothly the SUV followed behind a sedan and accelerated away.

On the smooth tarmac roads of Capricon city that night, both cars ran upto the lake harbor which was flocked by mediocre boats. From a distance was a young gentleman who watched the cars coming and prepared himself to recieve the visitors. Not so long, the two black cars arrived and parked right opposite where he was standing.

Immediately, the young man walked quickly and pulled the sedan rear door open. Babara Yen honourably stepped out. However, this wasn't the same treatment for secretary Jamila together with the bodyguard in the SUV. They opened for themselves and hurried to meet their boss.

"My name is Felix.... am overwhelmed by your visit Madam Babara," delightfully he said with a warm smile, "my senses are clearly dominated."

Gently, Felix led the way to a speed boat which left wakes at the shoreline as it shot off. As beautiful as it looked, It's engine was really loud _ made for swagg.

Quiet and reserved, Babara Yen felt the ocean breeze while the speedboat ran on ocean blue waters. After sailing for a while, they arrived at an ultraexpensive gigantic ship which was lebeled FRANKLIN BARON in bold laters, stationed on water.

Accompanied by Felix, a young brother to the multimillionare Franklin Baron, Babara and her team of two, secretary Jamila and the bodyguard, stepped onto the gigantic ship. Security on the ship was at its maximum which included gunmen stationed in each and every angle, alert, ready to destroy any intruders.

Well grown-up, with grey hair on his head and the whole beard, Franklin Baron showed up with two bouncers walking beside him, one on his left and another one on his right hand side. Felix's assignment to bring the visitors to the ship was accomplished as soon as he saw his elder brother. He stepped aside to create space for him to recieve them.

A white-bearded healthy looking aged gentleman, dressed in a three piece cream suit, holding a glass of whisky in his left hand and puffing on big cigar in his mouth, walked gently towards Babara Yen.

"look who I'm hosting tonight!" He displayed a very welcoming smile on his cheeks.

Smiling back so pretty, Babara Yen responded.

Hand in hand, Franklin Baron politely asked Babara Yen to hold on his upper arm so he can walk her along, which Babara, as a guest, willingly did, maintaining her pretty smile.

"When your mother told me you're the new CEO, I knew how blessed I was to start doing business with a young blood," a smooth conversion kicked off along the way.

"Thanks for the compliment."

As Babara Yen walked along with Franklin Baron, secretary Jamila and their bodyguard followed from behind on lazy steps to create space for the bosses to discuss.

However, as a good personal secretary, Jamila never miss any part of the business meeting. She kept listening to the conversation between her boss Babara Yen and Franklin Baron, thus fulfilling Monica Yen's orders, to watch over her daughter.

As they walked on the ship, they passed near the swimming pool area. Around here gothered nineteen bikini ladies in their twenties enjoying life as it should be, swimming and sunbathing.

Franklin Baron: "No doubt your mother has raised you into a very beautiful princess you're, just like she claims!"

Babara Yen: "Thanks for another compliment, this time to my mother."

Franklin Baron: "Alright, just to celebrate all your birthday parties I never attended, I'm popping a bottle of champagne for you! How do you like that?"

Babara Yen: "I don't think it's necessary, but if you insist, who am I to say no."

Franklin Baron: "wonderful, then come with me to the VIP, for the VIP treatment, hope you'll like it."

It being her first time to meet Franklin Baron face to face, more so in his own place (ultraexpensive gigantic ship), Babara had to behave as a reputable visitor and a business woman. Besides, according to Franklin Baron's age and the honorable history he shared with Babara's mother, he deserved total respect from a twenty year old.

In bold letters, 'PRIVATE LOUNGE' were the readings up on a steel door which was guarded by two huge bouncers besides the two who walked on Franklin Baron's guard.

As a gentleman, immediately the bouncers pulled the private lounge door open, Franklin Baron paved way for Babara Yen to enter and he followed after.

Suddenly secretary Jamila and Babara Yen's bodyguard were stopped for Franklin Baron's bouncers to enter first. Patiently as they waited, the door was closed immediately infront of them.

Confoundedly, "what the hell do you think you're doing?" On top of her voice, secretary Jamila asked.

As she was still confused about the sudden unfair treatment, desperately demanding to follow her boss who was already inside, questioning the mindless bouncers why closed them outside, from behind approached two gunmen who put both of them on a gun point.

"Move!" They were commanded and pushed rudely with an apex of a gun.

Felix, as he busily enjoyed a cigarette, standing in a distance with bikini young ladies, unexpectedly he saw secretary Jamila and Babara's bodyguard walked on a gun point. Anxiously, he rushed to find out why.

"Stay out of this Felix, It's non of your damn business!" Before even saying a word, the ruthless gunmen stopped him when he approached them, and they continued with their unwavering actions.

"Shut up!" A gunman barked rudely at secretary Jamila when she tried opening her mouth to talk to Felix.

Curiously puzzled, Felix hurried to meet his brother Franklin Baron and perhaps find out from him the reason for their high profile visitors to face a gun.

"Now choose between saving your foolish lives and dying for your useless boss," arrogantly, a mindless gunman ordered.

Hesitantly, secretary Jamila and the bodyguard were forced to jump on the speedboat. On very worried faces, they chose to stay alive in the trying time though. Anxiously, Babara's bodyguard ignited the engine and cruised away, off the ship premise, leaving the gunmen watching them so closely.

The sumptuous elegance of furnishings, exquisitely prepared cuisine on the table and stellar entertainment described the private lounge. However, Babara Yen became anxious when she sat down and didn't see her team inside with her.

"Is my team coming in?"

Franklin Baron glanced guiltily, "perharps they chose to stay outside to continue touring the elegance of my ship, but nothing to worry about, they will be well taken care of."

Something Babara Yen never bought. On her doubtful face, she wasn't contented at all. "Secretary Jamila can't stay behind without my word," on a serious note, Babara told Franklin Baron, with eyes on him and his two heavy bouncers.

"Okay, give me time to know why they chose to keep outside, but for now, please calm down okay! Feel at home, rather, make yourself comfortable, " Politely in gentleman's voice, Franklin Baron requested.