Karalee noticed the room light going on, and they appeared to be arguing. She notices Mrs. Miller back against the window; they are fighting. A gunshot went off. Karalee ran inside and shoved close the door. It was dark, and everyone was asleep.
She could hear the door next door opening as she stood with her back against her front door, she heard the car starting, and the lights shone through her window.
She opened the curtain slightly and saw the car going down the road; it was Mr. Harold's car; Karalee then heard a growl, and right in front of her was a wolf in the dark growing and exposing its razor-sharp teeth, its eyes though we're not of an ordinary wolf, it was yes Hazel, and it was more significant than an average wolf, she backed tightly against the door as the wolf moved closer.
The wolf fur was thin, and he was clinging to his frame like a windbreaker in a gale. Even from close by, Karalee could count his ribs. His movements were faltering as if each step pained him, and his head was sun low to the ground.
Those hazel eyes that should be scanning for danger or opportunities to eat never rose from the darkness. It then away to the ground as if he meant to lie down but couldn't coordinate his limbs.
Then with his great grey head on his paws, he closed his eyes. This fine animal with no concept of death was ready for his long sleep; Karalee's fear turned into sympathy; she walked up to the wolf and ran her hands over its fur; noticing how thin the wolf was, she grabbed the last food in the refrigerator feeding it. The wolf's eyes weigh more emotion than fear. She ran her thin hands over its fur.
Clocked strike 3 am as a car came cruising past her house; she was sure it was Mr. Harold. She stared at the wolf in its eyes.
"I wish I m you." She said.
The wolf's eyes were dark as it bit her wrist. Surprised, she felt a burning sensation flowing through her veins before she saw Darkness.
"Karalee, why are you on the floor?" Said her dad; he was in his wheelchair; it was 7 am, and the sun was up; Karalee covered her eyes with her left arm; she felt different; she felt "alive" she had only gotten four hours of sleep; but it felt as if she had four days of sleep.
She looked up at her father and sat up straight, remembering what had happened a few hours ago; she recalled a wolf, and slowly, her memory returned, the thin wolf she recalled feeding. Dammit Lee, what is your brother going to eat for breakfast? You are the last food, and you left a mess, her dad scolded.
Mrs. Jefferson woke up to the sound of Him screaming and came down the stairs in her white garment with blue ducks on it, her hair was a mess, and her eyes were thick like she had been crying all night. The grey hairs were visible, and her mother was never grey, but financial stress has taken a toll on her; her husband required medication they could not afford, and she often loans money from her family, but they could only assist with so much to feed the kids, at this point her dad would be less of a burden to them if he was six feet under.
He thought of suicide many times but feared death; he had no idea what his daughter was going through.
She desperately wanted to tell him about Mr. Harold, who had touched her, but coming from the messed up family she is from, what good would that do?
Karalee stood up from the floor; she had this glow, I'm her skin, a glow she never had before, "what's all this goddamn screaming on a Sunday morning ?" Scold her mother, walking over to the sink; she glanced at Karalee and frowned, "you look different." Karalee smiled and went upstairs, "Is our daughter on drugs?" She looked at her husband, who was wearing a white vest and blue silk boxer shorts.
Every time she had looked at her husband, she was not sure if it was love or pity she felt for him; he had a broad chest with a white beard, and he was a big guy but lost quite abit of weight since his accident.
Mrs. Jefferson glanced out the window and saw Harold dressed up in his white shirt and brown pants, cleanly shaved, looking like a Thirty-year-old; she hardly ever saw his wife; she knew Harold's wife was sick but never knew how sick.
She had a crush on him since the day they had moved in next door; her thoughts of him made her feel like she had been cheating on her husband since the day she had met him.
She would fantasize about him and not dare tell her husband; she had always told her husband how lucky Mrs. Miller was to have such a hard-working and wonderful man; little did she know what happened behind the closed doors of their marriage was far worst than her Marriage.
She had read Harold's novels and felt connected to him through his novels, but she had not read his upcoming novel; Mrs. Jefferson would often go to his Facebook page and search for his upcoming releases; she had not read his novels because of how good it was or how bad it was, Mrs. Jefferson read his novels because she felt, this was her thoughts, she was staring at him by the sink. She wished he was right by her while her husband sat in the wheelchair, looking at her. If he could see what she was looking at, he would have seen right through her.
Harold had turned and looked towards Jefferson's house as she quickly closed the curtain; he saw the curtain closing and thought it was Karalee; he let out a smile, and Mrs. Jefferson blushed, thinking he had noticed her.
Her husband, who sat there looking at her, frowned and became curious to see who it was, but since he was stuck in a wheelchair, he could not see over the sink.
"Who is that?" He questioned, frowning at his wife.
She looked down at him, "oh shut up, you never allow me even to have friends; if I look out by the window, you have an issue; if I spoke to the Neighbors, you would question me."
I feel like I am a prisoner here; I must take care of everything and everyone; our son doesn't even have decent clothes, and all you can do is question me. Why don't you bloody get off your ass and start helping." Mrs. Jefferson never meant the last words to come out, but in the heat of the moment, she said it; he looked up at his wife, and turned his wheelchair, thats when Mrs. Jefferson saw her daughter at the bottom step if looks could kill she would be dead, Karalee walked up to her mother stared her mother in her eyes. Karalee,s eyes became cerulean blue eyes rimmed with long thick lashes. Those eyes suddenly became blue flames.
"How dare you?" She snapped; in seventeen years, Karalee never raised her voice to her mom, and her mother's eyes widened. " I Didn't mean to, honey; ii never meant what I said. Her mother stuttered.
Karalee turned and looked at her dad, who went to the living room, "I know what you were doing." Karalee's eyes changed darkened; you were lusting over Mr. Miller, you forgot mom, you are the reason dads im a wheelchair, and now you treating him like shit because you are miserable."
"Don't you dare speak to me like that young lady?" Her mother snapped. Get out of the kitchen." Karalee stared at her mother. She felt anger as she clenched her fist, an anger she had never felt before.
"I will leave the kitchen and this shitty house as well."
"You leave and go where?" You can't even finish school, and you dare stand here judging me. You will do us all a favor if you leave."
Karalee couldn't believe her ears; her mother chased her out of the house. Karalee ran upstairs and started to pack her bag when she heard her mom and dad start shouting at each other; she sat down with her knees pressed to her chest, covering her ears.
She felt a sudden change as her lips were tight and pulled forward. Her ears pointed slightly forward. Her forehead, neck hair, and feathers were raised. Ivory teeth appeared between the jaws, its tongue moved around its mouth, and saliva dripped from her lips; she growled as she ran down the stairs and attacked her Mom biting into her flesh and ripping pieces of flesh off her body as her mother screamed her dad's wheelchair has tilted to the side her was trying to safe his wife as blood spilled across the floor. He was helpless after her mother was dead Karalee turned, facing her dad, breathing heavily as blood dripped from her mouth; she walked forward, then she heard something on the stairs. It was her little brother; she looked up and jumped out the kitchen window taking off.