The beast that pursued Lord Kanon and Vorgard finally revealed itself in the light, where it was seen well enough.
"A dog?" Vorgard thought.
Vorgard thought it be a dog and Lord Kanon thought the same but worse. "A werewolf?" Kanon remarked.
The fierce beast of black walked round about them in a circle; its mouth drooled with saliva as it watched its prey.
The black beast charged towards them and for some reason, Lord Kanon froze. His eyes stared into the open and his body did not react in any protective way except to trip and fall backwards to the ground.
"Darn it!" Vorgard cursed, "Lord Kanon!"
The dwarf lacked something that Vorgard had: youthfulness. Lord Kanon was greyed and age did not allow him such agility as she did in his younger days. The beast of black may have known this too and made its decision to attack the old man first.
The predator was midair when Lord Kanon's life flashed before his eyes, lying on the ground and helpless.
Blood splattered on the ground.