Chereads / Prophesied To Be A Villain But Became A Magic God / Chapter 30 - Festival of Pruning

Chapter 30 - Festival of Pruning

Somewhere within the Labronkath, a wooden table shoke continuously in a corner.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Chesca moaned loudly as Kaadin's private member met hers with much enthusiasm from the pair of them. They'd found a hidden corner within the Labronkath. Kaadin was certainly a charmer and she had falling deeply for his charm. At least for that moment. Enough to have sex with him.

"We should go back," Kaadin suggested.

"N-Not...yet," Chesca moaned through her words, rubbing her hands over his shoulder that bore a flaming sword tattoo. Kaadin moved his face close to lock his lips with hers but Chesca turned her face away without hesitation.

"Saving the kiss for your one true love, huh," Kaadin joked about the rejection.

They laughed over it and soon, they were done and hurriedly dressed up and returned to the party.


Gaia's eyes were filled with tears and her heart torn in pieces from grief. "He would have loved to be buried in his homeland."

Vorgard, Nyne and Makr understood that and made no effort to falter her decisions. She knew Trys more than any of them would. But the situation they found themselves did not allow the liberty of burying Trys' body in the ideal location.

"But as it is, I can't grant him that wish. I regret that. I really do," she sobbed.

Trys was buried on the battlefield upon which he breathed his last. With the help of the three, Gaia dug a grave in which he was laid and she got to pay her last respect.

Nyne pat her shoulder and asked, "What's your plan now?"

"I'll travel back to Nortvard," she said, "It's not like I have much of a choice."

"Come with us," Nyne suggested, shooting glances at Makr and  Vorgard. "Come with us to the Labronkath," he repeated.

Gaia rubbed his cheek softly with her palm and shook in disagreement. "You're a sweet child, but I can't do that, " she replied the young man.

She glanced at Vorgard. "He already did so much for me by taking out the poison in my body. I'm grateful for that but I have to go back. You take care of yourself, child. I'm certain you would grow up to be a fine young man in the near future."

Vorgard nodded to recognise her gratitude.

They parted ways in their journey. Gaia travelled back to the continent of Nortvard, and the Aepari of the Labronkath returned home.

Vorgard carried Maelo's unconscious body as they travelled. Their battles were cut short by the sudden retreat of the members of the Order of the Night. They did not understand the motive behind their enemies' sudden retreat and did not probe any further.

"What was that magic?" Makr asked while walking behind Vorgard, "Healing magic, huh, Vorgard?"

Nyne was surprised by what Vorgard did to Gaia's body with his magic.

"Yes. What was that, Vorgard?"

"It's old magic," Vorgard answered reluctantly, "you shouldn't bother yourself with it but it's only temporary. She still needs the attention of a healer."

Vorgard stopped and turned to the two behind him, "Whatever it is that made our enemies flee must have been more important than us."

"I really do not care," Makr responded in a nonchalant manner.

Vorgard glared at him. His eyes still transformed as it slowly returned to its human form.

"You should, Makr. I saw fear in the Murder's face. As though someone spoke to them. Even if it was a glimpse of it but I did see him afraid."

"Hmm?" Makr wondered.

"What are you trying to say, Vorgard?" Nyne asked, his attention fixed on Vorgard.

"If I'm to say, I believe the Order of the Night have started moving. Even as we speak."


At the Black Cross Guild in the continent of Syoutharn, some men swept dry leaves off the grounds of the guild. Droplets of water dropped off the tips of the many leaves that surrounded the territory of the Black Cross. Its air was very cold. So cold it seemed to burn the nose if one inhaled sharply. The mist covered the atmosphere this morning, given the season.

"Hyah! Hyah!" the loud choruses of the Black Cross' Aepari echoed through their grounds.

They rendered the same movements and at the same time. Their bodies ached from the vigorous movements yet these valiant men and women did not break a sweat. It could be owed to the weather, or to the fact that they had become used to it.

"Stop!" ordered a sorcerer of the guild.

The higher-ups soon made their entrance and were greeted by their Aepari who bowed in respect. In their ranks was another they could not recognize. A grandmaster from the Capital like Viztef. Just as Viztef was sent to the continent of Esterya; so was this grandmaster sent to Syoutharn as well. Every continent received a grandmaster to itself.

"I'd like to introduce you to our guest. It's our honour and privilege to have him; all the way from the Capital..." one of the higher-ups announced proudly.

The mention of the Capital stirred up murmurs within the command of the Aepari. It was the first time, for most, to be in the presence of a sorcerer from the Capital. A place many could only dream of reaching. Truly a privilege.

They all bowed in respect to the grandmaster.

"...Grand Master Yudel."

The master returned to his standing spot and the grandmaster, Yudel stepped forward. The stage was all his.

Yudel cleared his throat. "A good day to you, the Aepari of the Syoutharn continent". He greeted. "I am Yudel; and I stand here under the authority of our great Emperor to invite you to the festival of pruning. All sorcerers are permitted to attend. Neither your age nor experience or family matters. Nothing matters. However, it is not a festival of merriment. The weak shall be separated from the strong. The strong shall receive the call and grace of the Emperor. The call to become a sorcerer of the Capital."

As Yudel expected, they were excited. Everything he had uttered was summarised into one thing in their heads - a one-time opportunity to reach the Capital. The festival of pruning was not a chance to become a sorcerer for the royal family. That was merely a chunk of it.


Dust and leaves were pushed away in many directions. A rift tore in space with Vorgard and rest stepping out from it. The travelling portal was a common magic technique amongst the Aepari but Vorgard was exhausted from casting one. His could only travel a limited distance given his exhaustion.

"That's the tower," Vorgard said.

The three Aepari of the Labronkath were almost home. They were some hours walk away from their destination. They could finally get some rest and recover the Aer they had exhausted in battle.

"Not a word about what happened to anyone except the masters," Vorgard whispered. Makr and Nyne nodded.

Vorgard understood that such news would only cause an uproar in the Labronkath.

Makr asked, "But what about him?"

Vorgard turned his gaze to Maelo's body on his shoulder, and Nyne did the same.

"He's a criminal and nothing else," Vorgard said.

Makr rose his brow. He couldn't believe the answer Vorgard gave. "Are you serious, my man?" he asked.

"He does have a point," Nyne said, "They aren't gullible enough to believe that. I wouldn't buy that if it was me."

"You both say nothing then. I will handle it."

Makr wasn't satisfied. He did not quite appreciate his opinion being swept under the carpet.

"Any other problem?" Vorgard asked, staying his gaze on Makr  and awaiting his reaction but Makr did not oblige Vorgard, he walked past and went ahead of them.

While they walked, Nyne continued to look back. Though they parted ways, he couldn't help but think of Gaia.