"That's your car?"
Kade just looked at me as though I'd hiccuped. "Yes."
"How do you afford that but live in a cave?" I shuddered at how I'd just spent the night in there. I wondered how he had.
He stood in front of me and peered down. I got on my tiptoes to be at least chin level with him. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought a smile was tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I don't live here," he said coolly. "It belongs to a homeless guy I check in on from time to time."
"Makes more sense." I was dubious of such kindness from him, but let it go.
He looked satisfied with my response and started toward the driver's side of his Volvo that was parked by a lake.
"And you just happened to be here last night?" I asked.
"Yeah, I had something I needed to take care of. Are we done? Can I drive you home?"
I hated the way he made it seem like I was holding him hostage.
I climbed into the passenger seat. "Guess chivalry is dead," I muttered to myself.
"What was that?" he asked as he started the engine.
"Nothing. Just thinking out loud." I grinned.
He took no notice and revved the engine then sped off, obviously eager to get rid of me.
I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself. It smelled of him, that woodsy scent and ash. I breathed in deeply. It was oddly comforting. Pity the person it belonged to didn't have the same effect. Perhaps if he let his guard down, he would. Or maybe it was wistful thinking. Besides, any guy would be the worst sort of a lifeline for me right now.
I directed him to Grandma's. He parked outside. I waited for him to say something, but he just stared ahead.
"Well, thanks again for everything."
No answer.
"At least I know where to find you now."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He shot me a threatening look, his jaw tense.
I knew a comment like that would get his attention.
I didn't like his abrupt and distant behavior. He looked so detached from himself, not just from the rest of the world. He seemed afraid of what he might find if he allowed himself to feel anything other than anger. I related to that. I related to him. I knew that from the start.
Part of me wanted to help, wanted to connect, wanted to be open.
If he would open up, maybe I could too. I needed someone to talk to, like I needed space to think sometimes. I had a feeling that if anyone was going to understand my inner workings, it was him.
"If I ever need you, I can just come by to the cave you go to … visit. See if you're there."
"No." His snap response unnerved me. His eyes were warning me to stay away from him, just like they had in my dream of him last night as I had drifted off to sleep.
"Okay. I was just trying to be friendly." I slowly moved to unlock my door. My blanket became stuck on the seatbelt, and exposed my chemise. In this light it made me feel naked. It must have looked that way to him too, since I could audibly hear his teeth grind together as he inhaled.
He tried to unhook it. I tried to help, but it just made it worse. I was sitting in his car in sexy lingerie for all to see.
"It's fine, I'll do it," I insisted. Our hands brushed together and a static charge made me gasp. We peered up at one another, our faces inches apart. His gaze softened and his eyes searched mine, then my face.
I touched my cheek with a shaky hand, wanting to hide behind my hair.
"Why are you hiding your face?" He frowned.
"Because you're staring at me."
As if realizing his own mistake, he blinked—a lot—inhaled deeply, then stared ahead again. He was back to shutting me out. I managed to unhook the blanket and wrapped it around myself.
I hurried out of the car and ran to the door and rang the doorbell.
When Grandma Iris answered I hugged her.
"I'm so glad I have you." I told her. I was.
She was my only comfort.