John returned home. There he showed his father his achievement, showed the photographs of his killings. It was a almost half a century, no one in Silverarrows' households had killed so many betas. His father threw a party again. He enjoyed the party. He gave a speech on how he killed the betas and almost killed the coward Kifen. He was hailed to be the wisest and bravest of Silverarrows - the true heir of Chasmion the valiant. He did not plough through women this time. He rejected all the advances from women and their relatives. This only increased his value. He asked his mother to arrange a suitable match for him for marriage. His mother was very happy that he bestowed such a great job on her shoulders - he considered his mother to be capable of such a thing. His mother took one year and chose Bodil of Denmark as her bride. She was lithe and beautiful. But John had a condition. He would not stay much with his wife. He would stay with her as long as he wanted to remain. But she would have to be loyal towards him life long. He would fly to Denmark if he wanted to meet her, otherwise he would live independently in his own mansion. Bodil agreed to his condition. He married her.