Chapter 6 - The Test

They descended towards the basement downstairs. It was pitch black. Karma lit the torches by snapping his fingers.

"Let's begin if you're ready."

"I think I am."

"Barrier! Breaker, absolute protection, counter damage."

From the words he spoke, it was clear that Ernest would be harmed by the barrier if he hit it. He had to do it in a single move. This was not like Arvina's cat. He had to use his own abilities; the game wouldn't help. "Reflex, finishing blow."

Skill Active: Reflex, Level: Finishing Blow

Warning: Mana level critical!

"Amazing, truly amazing! How can you break it in a single move? And you didn't even take damage! From now on, you're my apprentice, and you can call me Karma."

"Master Karma, I need to rest for a bit."

"Or else... you couldn't have done it!"


"Did you use mana to absorb the damage?"

"I don't know."

Karma started talking to himself and moving back and forth excitedly like a child who had just received a new toy.

"This kid is a diamond in the rough! I'm going to make him the most famous adventurer in the city. My masterpiece will be this kid!"

He took a vial of potion from his pocket and gave it to Ernest.

"At least this will restore your mana levels to full."

Ernest drank the potion.

They went upstairs.

"What's your name?"


"Your guild?"


"Your level?"


Karma chimed in.

"Write down twelve."

"But sir-"

"Do as I say; he's a special case."

"Then I'll write down 12~. What's your mana group?"


Silence fell over the tables.


"Is this a pertil?"

"This can't be possible!"

Everyone stood up and approached Ernest. They scrutinized him like an expensive new dish. Someone called him a pertil; what was that?


"Yes, Master Karma?"

"You can't say that so loudly! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Why should I have?"

"In the inter-guild tournaments, they'll all be targeting you."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"For me, yes! We'll have to make individual arrangements as masters. And now, not just you, our guild will be a target board."

"What does the guild have to do with this?"

"It's a special case. When they find out that we've admitted a spirit group member, they'll break down our door."

Since he started playing, it was the first time he had heard the word pertil.

"Dictionary, pertil."


For the last three centuries, the Sertayaz pertil race has been in danger of extinction. During the Arinor Rebellion, this race that was by the king's side began to be remembered with hatred by the people. During the Second Monster Attack, as the Sertayaz population decreased, humans had to resort to the unique powers of the pertil race. Although they are now a race that is hated less than before, some sectors get angry with the fact that they can roam freely in Sertayaz.

"Dictionary, Arinor Rebellion."

Arinor Rebellion

When Sertayaz was the capital of the kingdom, the people organized a coup to dethrone Arinor, who refused to leave his palace during a great famine. However, the king was donating all the food from his palace to the people and was even limiting his own food. At that time, the pertil race was being protected by the entirety of Sertayaz.

"That doesn't matter to me. I just learned that I am a pertil. You may not accept me into your guild if you wish."

"That's not the issue. Do you understand the rarity of a pertil in our spiritual group? Other guilds will try to recruit you from us."

Ernest misunderstood everything. The guilds did not care about race; they cared about power. Karma was afraid of Ernest leaving her.

He filled out the form completely. His experiences on his first day in Yarya showed that he was the main character.

He was now a very powerful, reborn, rare race, approved by the lord, unshareable by the strongest guilds, and had many enemies. He was also making good money.

It was a tiring day, and he had not eaten anything yet. At the Adventurer's Union and the Witch's Cauldron, they only offered him drinks.

He would meet with Karma at KGGB (Karayıldız Guild's Great Building) the next day. He began to search for an inn to spend the night. He asked random people for suggestions. Eventually, he met Ariael.

"Hey Ariael!"

"Isn't this Great Pertil Adventurer Ernest from the spiritual group?"

"What does that mean?"

"Everyone is talking about you. The entire city is abuzz. As a pertil and a spiritual group member, it's challenging to find an adventurer like you. Do you have a place to stay?"

"That's why I was looking for you. Is there a reliable inn around here?"

"Have you not been to the Inn Street? It's filled with inns and taverns from end to end."

"Yes, but I don't know who the fraudsters are."

"Let me tell you something. Do you want to earn money while you sleep?"

"How's that possible?"

"Later on, there's a place called the Double Arch Inn. They pay for celebrities like you to stay there and get publicity."

"Did you not realize that I'm a pertil?"

"Son, that's outdated. The people now have a soft spot for pertils. I can arrange for you to stay one night for 20 silver. Of course, I'll take 5 silver as a commission."

"Okay, let's go."

The Double Arch Inn got its name from the massive double-arched gate at its entrance. The owner wore a double-arched hat just like his inn. It was a well-known place, and Ariael was childhood friends with the owner. While on patrol, Ariael advertised the place and earned a commission. In short, he earned extra money.

Although Ariael said it would cost 20 silver, Ernest said he would stay for 30 silver. The owner must have been expecting a larger bargain, so he accepted it immediately. This way, Ernest earned 110 silver.

It was evening, and after dinner, the bards arrived, and everyone raised their glasses in celebration. It seemed that the Double Arch Inn was famous for its celebrations.

God had created him cool-headed, but he was laughing and having fun, perhaps due to the influence of alcohol, and more than he had ever enjoyed in his life.