Chapter 8 - Cendrian

Karma thought that due to Ernest's level, he would not be able to go on a mission alone in the early days, so he believed that he should accompany him. He was no longer as enthusiastic as he was when he started to practice magic for the first time.

Nevertheless, he was determined to make Ernest a famous adventurer. Everyone would talk about Ernest's adventures as Karma's apprentice. That's why it was essential for Ernest to take on his first mission on the first day.

As soon as they entered KGGB, they joined the monster hunt. There were too few people, and the mission was given directly by the Lord. Ferovorax monsters had made their nest in the Sertayaz Mountains. They could attack Sertayaz due to the decrease in the number of animals in the area.

"What is Ferovorax?"

"They are carnivorous predators, so they are a dangerous species. They can bite your head off and eat your organs in one bite. They used to feed on our people, but it's difficult for them to get inside because of the walls. Now some of them have evolved, and they can fly."

Aurion took on the role of the group leader.

"Rookie, you'll stay at the back. Don't risk yourself unless necessary. We're already under attack from them because of our recent losses; we don't need to suffer from you as well!"

"Be careful with your words, Aurion. He is my apprentice. I know what he needs to do."

"Okay, you'll take responsibility when he dies."

The Ferovorax nest was in a cave on a hill behind the Sertayaz walls. They would go to the Ferovorax Cave together. Although their journey would be short, it was not easy.

Karayildiz was struggling to stand due to the competition within themselves. Masters participated in the adventure to become grandmasters, and apprentices participated to take their masters' place.

Aurion would highlight his apprentice rather than Ernest and keep all the glory to himself. After all, Ernest was a rare adventurer of the spirit group. Karma was angry with Ernest for this reason.

"If you hadn't revealed your spirit group, Aurion would have put you in the front line just to die quickly. Do you understand now?"

"Then I'm glad I revealed it. Would you prefer me to die?"

"You're foolish! He would have put you in the front line because you are at the second level. He gave up on that because he knows you're talented."

Their two-hour journey had ended. Karma and Aurion entered the cave first, and they would signal to their apprentices later.

"When this stone turns blue, you can enter. If it turns red, leave this place."

The cave was full of rocks. The stones provided the interior with soft light.

"Look at the Zarathitels."

"Do you want me to make a ring and propose to you then? We didn't come here to enjoy the scenery, Karma. Focus on your job."

"You should focus on your job instead. How are you a guild master? Zarathitels can't shine in places where there is no flow of mana."

"What do you mean?"

"The sudden evolution of Ferovorax, isn't it suspicious to you?"

"Do you know any wizard who can do this?"

"Maybe it's the work of Eonists."

"That sect disappeared five years ago!"

"Did you see it with your own eyes? They may be hiding."

Thanks to Karma, Aurion began to adopt the idea that ferovoraxes may have undergone artificial evolution. The fact that Zarathitels were so brilliant meant that a spell requiring a large amount of mana flow had been performed here before.

"We need to signal to the kids, it's better if they leave."

"No, absolutely not!"


"I know Ernest can do it. You can go back, we'll handle this place."

"Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? He's still a novice!"

"If we came here last night, I would definitely agree with you. The novice you call him is a gemstone like ektarite. I'm sure if we push him hard enough, he can even surpass the royal wizard."

"A warrior child surpassing a royal wizard?"

"He enchanted his weapon in just a few minutes today. How long did your first enchantment take?"

"Excluding training, it took me about two hours."

"When magic is being cast, it flows out of the mana barrier gates like water. It comes out uncontrollably with all its force in an unbalanced manner. That's why you need to teach them to release it slowly. I was going to teach him enchanting after explaining this logic, so that he can do it as slowly as possible. But he did it as fast as he could, without any side effects."

"So, is your child a Cendrian?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no. I heard some pertils can do magic while still in the womb."

"If he's a Cendrian, we're in trouble."

Ernest was known first as a king and now as a Cendrian. Apparently, there were many epics in Sertayaz's history that could explain his powers. However, all of the epics were outdated, and there was no one else today with the same potential as Ernest.

Apparently, when God recreated him, he went a little overboard. Could he live without getting into trouble?

"I told you this based on our old friendship. Can you keep it a secret?"

"Are you kidding? I would kill my apprentice before I talk. We took a big risk when we took him into our guild, and if we reveal he's a Cendrian, you know what will happen, right?"

"The Eonism and Eshlism sects, some magic associations, and guilds will be ready to fight to pull him to their side. The kingdoms will go to war with us before he gets any stronger. The hidden races will try to join him and take back their rights. We may even have a second Kael'thas incident."

"You're exaggerating a bit, but they all have the potential."

"I'm not exaggerating. After he enchanted his sword, I looked into his eyes. Something had changed. If we think of his thirst for knowledge, we have a weapon at the country level."

"And are you the one awakening that weapon?"

"Can you imagine? If we manage to train him properly, none of the prophecies we fear will come true. We will have a powerful life like before Kael'thas. We might even be able to destroy all the monsters in one night."

"Can you imagine? If we manage to train him properly, none of the prophecies we fear will come true. We will have a strong life like we did before Elvandor. We might even be able to eliminate all the monsters in one night."

"Karma, if someone else had said these things, I wouldn't care. I would even take that child's head with my own hands. But I will just warn you, don't let that child become too powerful. You seem to have trouble remembering the Kael'thas incident. You also haven't forgotten the damage caused by just one cendrian. If he lost control a little more, he could have caused as much damage as the Devastation. Some say we only won the Devastation because the king became a cendrian." "Nonsense! We won the war because the king tricked the devil."

"If you understand what I mean, there is no problem. Don't detonate the bomb."

Aurion and Karma were waiting for the children who had lit the fire. It was strange that they hadn't seen any ferovorax during this long conversation. The inside was probably only filled with eggs.